本研究旨在探討內外控人格特質及工作環境因素對訓練遷移成效的影響,並以師徒制教導為中介變項,分析其在內外控人格特質、工作環境因素與訓練遷移成效關係的中介效果。本研究採用問卷調查法,以抽樣調查120位晶圓廠助理技術員,總計發放200份問卷,回收126份,有效問卷120份,有效問卷回收率為60%。研究結果顯示:(1)內控型人格對訓練遷移成效有正向影響;(2)工作環境因素中的同儕支持對訓練遷移成效有正向影響;(3)師徒制教導的職涯發展功能與心理社會功能對訓練遷移成效亦具有正向影響;(4)心理社會功能在內外控人格特質、工作環境因素與訓練遷移成效之間有部份中介效果。基於以上研究結果,建議晶圓廠在選才時,能以內外控人格特質進行篩選;此外,在企業內推行師徒制教導,亦將有利於提升新進員工的訓練遷移成效。 The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of locus of control and work environment factors on the effectiveness of transfer training, and the mediating effect of mentoring are discussed. The study adopted questionnaire survey method. A total of 120 technical assistant were selected by proportional stratified sampling method. Out of 200 questionnaires, 126 were collected. Among these, 120 were effective. The return rate of effective questionnaire was 60%. The results indicated that (1) Internal locus of control had positive correlation with the effectiveness of transfer training. (2) Work environment factors had a positive impact on the effectiveness of transfer training. Among the factors, the perception of peers support is significant. (3) Career functions and psychosocial functions were both positively related to the effectiveness of transfer training. (4)Psychosocial functions had partial mediating effect between locus of control, work environment factors, and effectiveness of transfer training. Based on the research findings, we suggested that wafer industry can make good use of internal and external control personality traits to screen applicants. In addition, with the implementation of mentoring system within the enterprise, we could help to enhance the effectiveness of transfer training on new employees.