本研究針對個案公司2007年推動的獎勵薪酬制度進行探討,欲驗證公平性知覺(衡量變項為程序公平、分配公平)是否會影響獎勵薪酬制度(衡量變項為認同程度);獎勵薪酬制度是否會進一步影響員工在任務績效、脈絡績效的改善程度。此外,本研究將樣本分為績優群組(指肩負公司營運成敗的人才)、一般群組,以進一步瞭解獎勵薪酬制度本身是否能夠激勵菁英人才。 本研究使用量化之問卷調查法,以台灣某一大型高科技研究機構之研發人員為調查對象,有效問卷為132份(回收率為30.7%)。主要的研究結果為:(1)員工對變革後獎勵薪酬制度的公平性知覺會正向影響認同程度;(2)員工對變革後獎勵薪酬制度的評價,會正向且顯著的影響任務績效、脈絡績效改善程度;(3)公平性知覺對工作績效改善程度之迴歸分析未達顯著水準;(4)績優群組對獎勵薪酬制度的瞭解程度與認同程度高於一般群組;(5)績優群組在任務績效、脈絡績效的改善程度低於一般群組。 因此,本研究推論:對高科技研發機構的研發人員而言,獎金分配過程中的各項管理措施如公開、溝通、參與、申訴等因素,會影響員工對獎金分配結果是否公平的認知,更進一步會影響員工對獎勵薪酬制度的認同感;員工對獎勵薪酬制度愈能認同,愈願意在任務績效,或脈絡績效進行正向的改變。在制度本身,績優群組對多項措施的瞭解程度、認同程度高於一般群組,差異化的結果大致符合制度本身的設計。 The case institute made the incentive pay system changes in 2007. This study, therefore, was to verify the incentive effect of the system itself, discuss whether distributive and procedural justice will affect the incentive pay system, and analyze whether the system will further affect task performance and contextual performance improvement. In this study, quantitative questionnaires were used– the sample consists of 132 R&D staffs from the case high-tech research institution. The important findings are as follows: (1) Distributive and procedural justice are both positively correlated to the agreement of incentive pay system; (2) The agreement of incentive pay system is positively correlated to the improvement of task and contextual performance; (3) Distributive and procedural justice are both not correlated to the improvement of task and contextual performance; (4) High performance employees are more understanding and agreeing than general employees in incentive pay system; (5) High performance employees improve less than general employees in task and contextual performance.