本研究以1998年至2009年台灣上市公司之科技產業為研究對象,共有五十家樣本公司,樣本期間共計十二年,共計600個觀察值。本研究採用複迴歸統計方法,透過人力資本的投入,探討人力資本對組織財務績效的影響;透過研究發產的投入及產出,探討創新資本對組織財務績效的影響。 經分析後,實證結果分述如下: 一、人力資本對組織財務績效的影響 (一)科技產業之人均薪資對人均營業收入、人均稅後淨利及人均附加價值有顯著當期效果;人均營業收入具有一年之遞延效果。 (二)科技產業之人均訓練費用對人均營業收入有顯著當期效果。 (三)科技產業之人均就學年數對人均營業收入、人均稅後淨利及人均附加價值有顯著當期效果。 二、創新資本對組織財務績效的影響 (一)科技產業之研發密集度對人均營業收入、人均稅後淨利及人均附加價值有顯著當期效果;人均營業收入及人均附加價值具有一年之遞延效果。 (二)科技產業之專利權數對人均附加價值有顯著當期效果;人均附加價值具有一年之遞延效果。 三、結論 由研究結果可知,人力資本投入對組織財務績效有一定程度的效益,同時具有遞延效果,即人力資本投入越高,則組織財務績效越佳;創新資本投入與產出對組織財務績效有一定程度的效益,同時具有遞延效果,即創新資本投入越高,則組織財務績效越佳。 The research examined the relationship between human capital, innovation capital and organizational performance for fifty technology companies listed on TSE from 1998 to 2009, totally 600 observations. The research used the per capita salary, per capita training cost, per capita average education years for input to measure the impact of Human capital activities on business value. The research used the R&D intensity for input index and the number of patents for output index to measure the impact of innovation activities on business value. The main findings of the research are listed as follows. (1) Per capita salary, R&D intensity and the number of patents have significant effects upon organizational performance with current year and deferred effects for one year. (2) Per capita training cost and per capita average education years have significant effects upon organizational performance with current year.