根據政府及民間企業統計,台灣人民外食費用逐年增高,外食文化興盛使得越來越多獨具風格與特色的餐廳如雨後春筍般出現。為了能在競爭激烈的餐飲產業脫穎而出,業者必須對餐廳整體細節錙銖必較。”菜單”是餐廳與消費者進行溝通與訊息交流的重要管道之一,餐廳可藉由菜單展現自身風格與傳達理念,因此促成本研究之研究動機。 本研究利用網路隨機抽樣進行問卷填寫,以ANOVA單因子與多因子變異數分析探討餐廳菜單之菜式名稱類型與菜單其他元素對消費者認知趣味及產品態度之影響,並使用Pearson相關性分析(Pearson correlation analysis)檢定認知趣味與產品態度之關聯性。此外,為深入分析消費者生活型態對菜單名稱類型與認知趣味所可能產生的干擾作用。本研究使用因素分析(Factor Analysis)及集群分析(Cluster Analysis)將消費者生活型態分類,以檢測其與菜式名稱類型是否會在認知趣味上產生交互作用。而為進一步了解具誘發幻想情境之菜式名稱類型對於消費者來說是否有一定的菜式數量限制,本研究也利用雙因子變異數分析進行驗證,檢驗菜式名稱類型與菜式數量比例間是否會產生交互效果。以上各實驗若檢定出交互作用,則將進一步以多重事後檢定深入探討。本研究並在最後根據研究結果做出對餐廳業者與後續研究者之建議。 本研究結果主要如下: (1)不同菜式名稱類型使消費者所感受到之認知趣味具有顯著差異。 (2)消費者對菜單之認知趣味與其對菜式之產品態度間具有顯著的正相關。 (3)消費者生活型態與菜式名稱類型在認知趣味上會產生交互作用,造成干擾效果。 (4)菜式名稱類型與菜式數量比例在認知趣味上會產生交互作用。 (5)菜單中之菜式資訊對於認知趣味會產生主效果影響。 (6)菜單中之菜單字體對於認知趣味會產生主效果影響。 (7)菜單中之圖片內容對於認知趣味會產生主效果影響。 According to the Government statistic and the private sectors, people who live in Taiwan increase their costs of dining out year by year. With the increase of dining out arisng, more and more unique and stylish restaurants sprouted up. In order to stand out in so many restaurants, the owners of the restaurants have to care the details of their restaurants, as the menu is a good media for restaurants use to communicate with consumers and exhibits restaurants’ information, the above notations prompt this rsearch. This rsearch adopts internet questionnaire to survey, and chooses the Multivariate Analysis of Variance as a testing tool to examine the different types of the names of the restaurant dishes, the perceieve playfulness and the consumer product attitudes. This study also uses Pearson Correlation Analysis to analyze the relationahip between the perceieve playfulness and product attitudes. To understand how the consumers’ life-style influences the perceieve playfulness, this study uses Factor Analysisand Cluster Analysis to classificate of the consumer lifestyle, followed by choosing the Multivariate Analysis of Variance as testing tools to examine the different types of the names of the restaurant dishes and consumer lifestyle. The results of this research propose some advices for the owners of restaurants and following researchers.