當人力資源部門的功能朝著策略方向發展的同時,身在變革之中的人力資源從業人員是如何看待這樣的轉換?人力資源從業人員的工作滿意度隨著策略角色涉入的深入而會有如何的變化?本研究不僅從理論嚴謹地推導,並自回收之278份問卷作階層回歸的分析之後發現了這樣的變革對人力資源從業人員而言是能夠顯著提高其工作滿意度的。本研究提供了實質證據支持企業更多地讓人力資源從業人員參與策略角色,能夠增強其人力資源管理之健全、進而提高組織之競爭優勢。This study aimed to realize how do HR professionals feel and react when they are in the change of HR department toward more strategic and to evaluate their job satisfaction changing when deeper their strategic role in the organization. Using questionnaire survey, this study analyzed 278 HR professionals using regression analysis to test hypotheses. Our findings indicate that a deeper involvement in the strategic role makes HR professionals a higher job satisfaction.