由於電動車輛的售價過高和充電基礎設施的建置尚未完善,主要銷售的對象優先鎖定於組織單位,例如公家機關,將電動車作為公務車隊之用。唯有歐美地區,因電動車市場發展較為進步,銷售對象已逐漸擴大到大眾市場。而未來電動車銷售滲入大眾市場則為必然之趨勢,因此,本研究主要目的在於分析各國電動車商業模式之顧客價值主張、利潤公式、關鍵資源與關鍵流程後,歸納出各國電動車商業模式之導向。而後,將各國電動車商業模式作為借鏡,同時根據我國政府法規與相關補助措施,得出台灣未來可能的電動車商業模式,包括顧客價值主張、利潤公式、關鍵資源與關鍵流程,並提出未來台灣電動車產業發展商業模式之相關建議。 本研究採用質性研究方法,針對蒐集之次級資料與相關研究報告等進行分析,歸納國際電動車產業之商業模式,多採用多元化之模式進入大眾市場,以產品導向與使用導向為主,為本研究之貢獻一;而後以國際電動車產業之商業模式作為借鑒,發展出適用於台灣電動車產業之商業模式,初期以整車銷售為主、車輛租賃為輔之商業模式為發展方向,為本研究之貢獻二;待電動車價調降後,可引進Project Better Place於台灣電動車市場,提供全套電動車服務,以利加速大眾市場推廣電動車,為本研究之貢獻三;最後提供本研究進一步之相關建議,可從公共政策的制定或車輛共享計畫等,著手推廣電動車市場,為本研究之貢獻四。On account of high price and inperfection of charge infrastructure, the target customers are set to such organizations as bureau as cars for public affairs at initial stage. Only in Western world, target customers are shifted to commercial market gradually due to progress of electric vehicles, therefore the trend toward which is inevitable. The objective of this study is to analyze customer value proposition, profit formula, key resources and key process of each country and generalize BEV business model orientation. Next, based on official regulations and subsidy measures in Taiwan as well as international business model orientations, this study simulates probably user perspective on business model in Taiwan BEV industry in the future, customer value proposition, profit formula, key resources and key process included as well, and proposes relative recommendations to establish user perspective on business model in Taiwan BEV industry. This study adopts qualitative research to analyze secondary data and derives business models of international electric vehicle markets in which each business model of countries is inclined to be composite and dominated by product and service orientations. Next, compared to the outcomes, BEV business model in Taiwan is relied mainly on full-car sales while supplemented by renting car. Project Better Place fails to be applied in Taiwan electric vehicle market until lowering price of electric vehicles. Finally, this study indicates advanced suggestions of public policy making, car sharing project, etc to expand rapidly use of electric vehicle in Taiwan.