在日益競爭的環境之下,「教練」可從旁協助員工自我突破與發展潛能、提升員工競爭力。然而,現今許多企業皆以「責任制」要求員工,雖無限制固定的上下班時間,但企業間彼此競爭激烈,搶訂單、趕出貨、熬夜加班、為客戶解決問題,迫使許多企業無所不用其極來強化自身的競爭優勢與獲取最大利潤,這樣的情況下,也造成員工工作承載過重。在許多企業導入「教練」制度的同時,是否可透過正向引導,從旁協助的教練角色,幫助員工降低工作承載?同時,「教練式」的領導,是否可透過主管展現教練特質,提升員工的覺察和當責感,讓員工展現個人當責,進而使各部門之間及組織更有效率、提升工作表現,打造一個「當責」文化? 本研究探討部屬所認知之主管管理教練技能、員工工作承載與當責之關聯性,研究具有管理教練技能之主管,對於員工的工作承載、當責是否產生交互作用。本研究以現職中的員工進行調查,共蒐集266份問卷,研究結果顯示部屬認知之主管管理教練技能與部屬的工作承載有負向關聯性、部屬認知之主管管理教練技能與部屬的當責有正向關聯性。後續將提出理論及人力資源管理實務之參考與建議。 In an extremely competitive environment, more and more companies apply “Coaching” skills to assist and develop employees, also enhance employees’ competitiveness. However, rush orders & shipping, working overtime and solving customer’s problems, forcing many companies trying very hard to strengthen their competitiveness and advantages to get the biggest profits, which caused employees work overload. Meanwhile, “Coaching” has become ubiquitous in organizations. Could managers use the positive guidance and assistance to help employees reduce workload? Also, could managers maximize employee and team’s productivity through accountability by using “Coaching” skills and build a “Accountability” culture in an organization? This research examined the employees’ workload and accountability associated with their direct report managers’ managerial coaching skills. Results indicate a manager’s managerial coaching skills are negatively correlated with an employee’s workload, and a manager’s managerial coaching skills are positively correlated with an employee’s accountability behaviors. This study will indicate the theories and practices of human resource management for references and recommendations.