本研究的分析結果,可以作為台灣企業執行人力精簡政策時的參考依據。;While facing difficulties, companies often tend to take downsizing as a business strategy.But according to the findings of downsizing, the result is controversially.To explore the interaction between downsizing and firms’performance, this research studies all the Taiwan companies which can be found in the Market Observation Post System of Taiwan Stock Exchange and Taiwan Economic Journal.Also we take the industry characteristics as moderators to review the effect.And we focus on whether the moderating effect is more obvious or not after financial crisis.We use descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and hierarchical multiple regression to test five hypotheses.
And the analysis result of this research shows that downsizing in Taiwan have positive effect on firms’ performance.After financial crisis, industries with higher R&D intensity have weaker positive effect on firms’ performance after downsizing than those with lower R&D intensity.Industries with higher capital-intensive have stronger positive effect on firms’performance after downsizing than those with lower capital–intensive.And industries with higher growth rate have stronger positive effect on firms’ performance after downsizing than those with lower growth rate. Therefore, the five hypotheses of this study are verified.
The analysis result of this research can be a reference when companies want to take downsizing as their human resource policies.