根據本研究結果,建議可加強發展主管管理教練行為,以提升員工對主管的信任和建言自我效能,且透過提升建言自我效能能夠促進員工的建言行為。本文最後,針對研究過程中的限制進行討論,並提出未來研究方向。 ;In recent year, the business environment has changed rapidly; therefore, organizations need to be innovated and improved constituently. Morrison (2011) indicated that suggestions from employees are the key to improve the organization. So, the organization should not only focus on human resource but also on employee voice. Based on these previous researches, this study attempts to study the relationship between managerial coaching behavior and employee voice behavior, using trust and voice self-efficacy as mediators. This study is aimed at employees of the service industry. There are 315 surveys were sent out, and 298 of them are effective. The following results were obtained based on statistical analysis by the effective samples: First, managerial coaching behavior is positive relative to employee voice behavior. Second, voice self-efficacy can predict voice behavior. Third, voice self-efficacy mediates the positive relationship between managerial coaching behavior and voice behavior. Based on the result of this study, we suggest that organizations could use training and development activities to improve managerial coaching behavior as it would enhance the employees’ trust to supervisors and therefore increasing their voice self-efficacy, which can lead to raising voice behaviors of employees. Limitations and future research guidance are also given in the last part of this study.