在充滿政治行為的職場環境裡,時常需要員工額外耗費心力來應對,造成其心力交瘁的現象也常有耳聞。本研究主要基於個人與工作環境的契合-不契合理論、工作要求/資源模式以及資源保存理論,探討組織政治知覺對員工造成情緒耗竭的不利影響,以及組織認同與表層演出策略的中介效果。本研究採取問卷法,以台灣地區全職工作者為樣本,共收集476筆資料進行分析。通過實證研究發現員工對組織的認同在組織政治知覺與情緒耗竭間扮演著中介的角色;同時情緒勞動中的表層演出策略也中介了組織政治知覺與情緒耗竭間的關係。最後,根據研究結果提出討論、管理意涵、研究限制與未來研究建議供後續研究參考。;In the workplace environment full of political behaviors, employees always need to spend extra effort to deal with it, resulting in exhausted phenomenon often heard. Based on person-job environment match/dismatch theory, Job Demands-Resources model, and resource conservation theory, the present study tries to explore the effect from perception of organizational politics to emotional exhaustion, and the mediating effect of organizational identification and surface acting strategy. Four hundred and seven six valid questionnaires were collected from full-time employees using survey research technique. The result shows that organizational identification and surface acting strategy mediated the relationship between perceptions of organizational politics to emotional exhaustion. The implications of the findings, limitations, future research directions, and managerial implications are discussed.