摘要: | 近年來屢傳食品安全問題,使得有機產品越來越受到重視,過去對於有機市場的研究方式多半為問卷或普查;本研究不同於以往的方法是從消費端視角,採用財政部財政資訊中心B2C電子發票作為資料來源,因利用電子發票的巨量資料來做分析,能夠真實反映消費者的消費情況,並以視覺化圖形做分析,由於視覺化圖形可以從圖像上迅速且清楚地解讀資訊、同時從不同面向做比較,幫助決策者更直覺地做決策。經本研究分析結果顯示,2014年有機市場開立18,157,387張電子發票、2015年開立31,814,770張;國人對有機產品的人均消費從2014年87.66元,上升至2015年123.66元,成長幅度高達41%。整體有機市場來看,2015年有機生鮮蔬果占總消費市場的比例為46% 為最大宗消費,其次是穀物19% 和加工品15%。透過熱圖分析全年總消費金額,顯示11月份的總消費金額均較其他月份來得高,推測為11月11日為全國有機農業日,各通路會在當月做促銷優惠活動。由漏斗圖分析有機熱門商品發現白米、杏鮑菇、金針菇為2015年消費金額最高的前三項商品,而消費者購買同商品時來自有機的比例皆未超過三成,顯示台灣有機市場仍有很大的發展空間。;In the past, most of the research data for organic market research were based on questionnaire or census. However, electronic invoices are increasingly used in the retail industry, especially in Taiwan. Hence, this study aims to use visual data mining on electronic invoices (e-invoices) to analyze Taiwan’s organic consumer market. The data used in this study were collected from the Fiscal Information Agency, Ministry of Finance in Taiwan. There were 18,157,387 and 31,814,770 e-invoices on organic-related products in 2014 and 2015, respectively. People on organic products per capita consumption in 2014 were from 87.66 dollars up to 123.66 dollars in 2015, the growth rate is up to 41%. The organic fresh fruits and vegetables accounted for 46% of the total organic market in 2015, followed by 19% of cereals and 15% of processed products. By using heat map analysis of the total amount of consumption, the total amount of consumption in November was higher than other months. Because November 11th is a national day of organic agriculture, the corresponding channels usually do promotional activities through that month. By using funnel plot for the analysis of popular organic products, the results show that the top three organic goods were rice, king oyster mushroom and golden mushroom in 2015. Moreover, because the penetration rate of organic market was under 30%, it indicates that the organic market in Taiwan still has great room for further growth. |