在台灣,雙薪家庭的普及加重了員工們平衡工作與生活的壓力,來自工作的工作負荷與來自家庭的責任,抑或是扮演雙重角色下所造成的壓力,皆有可能導致員工離職傾向,本研究旨在探討(1) 工作家庭衝突是否對工作負荷及離職傾向具有中介效果 (2)工作鑲嵌是否對工作家庭衝突與離職傾向間的關係具有調節效果 (3)工作鑲嵌是否有效降低離職傾向,並以勞動部於民國104年所發布之「勞工生活及就業狀況調查」作為次級資料分析,共有4071份有效問卷。本研究結果如下,(1)僅有工作對家庭衝突顯著中介工作負荷與離職傾向間的關係,家庭對工作衝突並不顯著影響 (2)工作鑲嵌顯著降低員工離職傾向,但卻不一定顯著調節工作家庭衝突與離職傾向間的關係。此外,本研究也發現提供工作生活平衡措施、年資及婚姻狀況將會增加員工因工作家庭衝突所導致的離職傾向。;Dual-earning families are common than before in Taiwan, and bring much more pressure to balance work and life to employees. Facing higher workload and family responsibility would increase employees’ turnover intention. The purpose of this study is to examine if (1) work-family conflict mediates the relationship between workload and turnover intention (2) job embeddedness moderates the relationship between work-family conflict and turnover intention (3) job embeddedness negatively associates with turnover intention. We utilize Survey on the Living and Employment Situation of Labor conducted by Ministry of Labor in 2015 as the data and 4071 effective samples were collected. The results are found as the following. (1) Only work-to-family conflict significantly mediated the relationship between workload and turnover intention, implying that work-to-family conflict affect turnover intention more seriously than family-to-work conflict in Taiwan. (2) Job embeddedness is significantly associated with lower turnover intention, implying job embeddedness effectively decrease employees’ turnover intention. (3) Job embeddedness is not necessary weaken the relationship between work-family conflict and turnover intention. In this study, we find that providing work life balance facilities, employees’ tenure and marital status strengthen turnover intention resulted from work-to-family conflict. In addition, only providing work life balance facilities significantly moderates the relationship between family-to-work conflict and turnover intention. Providing training programs is not significantly moderates the relationship between neither work-to-family conflict nor family-to-work conflict and turnover intention.