金融科技(Fintech)已成為金融業發展趨勢,個案公司(保險業)在此浪潮下,成立相關專責部門、調整工作流程及工作設計等,積極推動數位轉型,員工也因此開始轉型,以配合時代所需。 本研究探討個案公司內勤人員面對數位轉型時,主管變革認知是否透過主管變革溝通而對員工變革認知產生影響,進而影響員工組織承諾。以個案公司數位轉型聚焦部門之員工為研究對象,以問卷調查方式進行研究,並採用探索性因素分析、信度分析、驗證性因素分析及結構方程模型等統計分析方法,用以驗證本研究假設。研究結果如下,並據以提出管理實務與後續研究建議: 1.主管變革認知對員工變革認知及主管變革溝通均有正向影響。 2.主管變革溝通對員工變革認知有正向影響,同時主管變革溝通在主管變革認知與員工變革認知間具中介效果。 3.員工變革認知對員工組織承諾有正向影響,同時員工變革認知在主管變革溝通與員工組織承諾間具中介效果。 4.主管變革認知及主管變革溝通均對員工組織承諾產生正向影響。 5.主管變革認知透過中介變項-主管變革溝通及員工變革認知,對員工組織承諾產生正向影響。 ;Under the inevitable trend of financial technology (Fintech), the case company(in life insurance industry) has engaged various actions including establishing dedicated department, adjusting business procedure and job-redesign, to promote digital transformation. Meanwhile, the employee are also being transformed to keep up the trend. This study is to research that when facing digital transformation, the change cognition of manager whether affect the employees’ change cognition which impact organizational commitment or not. This study investigated the back office employee under departments which mainly engaging digital transformation in the case company by questionnaire and analyze the collected data by exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. The main research results are described as following: 1.Manager’s cognition of change has positive impact on both employees′ cognition of change and manager′s communication of change. 2.Manager’s change communication has a positive effect on employees′ change cognition, and manager’s change communication has an intermediary effect between manager′s change cognition and employee′s change cognition. 3.Employees’ change cognition has a positive impact on employees’ organizational commitment, and meanwhile, employees’ change cognition has an intermediary effect between the manager’s change communication and the employee’s organizational commitment. 4.Both the manager′s change cognition and manager′s change communication have positive impacts on the employee′s organizational commitment. 5.Manager′s change cognition has a positive impact on employees′ organizational commitment through the two mediators-manager′s change communication and employees′ change cognition. The related managerial practice and future research recommendations are also discussed accordingly.