訪談結果顯示企業人資主管的推動策略受到台灣法令環境的影響,企業在法令要求的名額下,僅在特定職缺上聘雇較不影響工作內容的身心障礙者。整體而言,台灣的做法與聯合國推動的身心障礙人士基本人權概念不同,並非透過合理調整保障身心障礙者申請一般職缺。因此,筆者建立的藍圖中,除了從企業人資主管的案例分享中萃取經驗之外,同時加入其它研究中更多具有包容性與合理調整的元素,以建立更好的社會參與。在得到公平參與機會之後,透過觀察身心障礙的優勢與特質,得已更進一步的讓效益有更好的發揮。 ;The purpose of this study is to create a roadmap for enhancing the effectiveness of disability inclusion initiatives for private companies in Taiwan.
To answer the objective question, I interviewed 10 HR managers who had experience in hiring people with disabilities (PwD), understanding how they drive the change to overcome resistance from hiring managers. Using ADKAR model, a change management framework, as an interview structure for content analysis, this study includes the full change management stages, including aware, desire, knowledge, ability, and reinforcement.
The interview results showed HR’s strategies rely on differences in legal environment in Taiwan. Taiwan’s HR usually meet the minimum hiring number, by hiring people with a few types of disability on special positions. It shows a fundamental difference from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) on the legal right for PwD to apply for all other general positions. Therefore, the roadmap was created by consolidating the best practices in Taiwan, along with inclusive elements from other studies, to enhance a good social participation.