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    显示项目1101-1150 / 2444. (共49页)
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    2013-10-03 智慧綠建築專案管理評估系統之研發; Development of An Intelligent Green Building Project Management Evaluation System 張岸礕; Chang,An-Pi
    2013-09-24 不同跨度之T形梁在反覆荷載下有效版寬的研究; The Influence of the Shear Span on the Effective Width under Cyclic Loading of T-Beams 柯舜文; Ko,Shun-wen
    2013-09-16 關鍵基礎設施相依性決策方法與分析; Critical Infrastructure Interdependency: Analysis and Strategic Decision Making 曾思敏; Tseng,Ssu-Min
    2013-08-30 考量避開擁塞行為之細胞自動機行人模擬模式 林瑋; Lin,Wei
    2013-08-29 以離心模型試驗模擬逆斷層錯動近地表變形特性 廖奕昜; Liao,I-yang
    2013-08-29 市區道路透水性鋪面設計方法評估; Assessment of Permeable Pavement Design Methods on Urban Roads 魏嘉慧; Wei,Chia-Hui
    2013-08-29 煤灰地盤施打擠壓砂樁之施工振動特性; The Characteristic of Sand Compaction Pile Driving in Coal Ash 陳慧珊; CHEN,HUEI-SHAN
    2013-08-28 以CFB副產石灰作為水淬爐石粉激發劑之可行性探討 楊舒予; Yang,Shu-Yu
    2013-08-28 加速鋰離子傳輸技術中不同電極間距對離子傳輸行為的影響研究 蔡欣妤; Tsai,Hsin-Yu
    2013-08-27 非結構設備地震風險評估架構之研究 陳榮哲; Chen,Rong-jhe
    2013-08-26 Impact response and shear fragmentation of RC buildings during progressive collapse 阮督覃; Thang,Nguyen Duy
    2013-08-26 New RC之T形斷面梁澆鑄介面對耐震行為影響; The Effect of Precast Cold Joint on the Seismic Behavior of New RC Cantilever T-beams 徐嘉仁; Hsu,Chia-Jen
    2013-08-26 人工蜂群演算法使用隨機搜尋與隨機鄰點搜尋機制之比較與應用 林峙良; Lin,Chih-Liang
    2013-08-26 力法分析應用於HS-DLM混合搜尋法之桁架拓樸輕量化效率的研究 曾文傑; Tseng,Wen-chieh
    2013-08-26 以離心模型模擬離岸風機單樁受反覆水平側推之p-y曲線; centrifuge modeling on the p-y curve of mono-pile foundation for offshore wind turbines under cyclic horizontal loadings 林郁庭; Lin,Yu-ting
    2013-08-23 土壤液化引致的隧道上浮?為: 以?心模型試驗進?模擬與簡?隧道上浮位移評估方法; Liquefaction Induced Tunnel Uplifting: An Investigation of Centrifuge Modeling and A Simplified Estimation of Uplift Displacement 魏雨辰; Wei,Yu-Chen
    2013-08-23 應用多項式滾動支承之隔震橋梁研究 曾靖紘; Tzeng,Jing-Hung
    2013-08-21 含樁帽群樁受負摩擦力之數值分析; Numerical analysis on negative skin friction of pile group with cap 許皓翔; HSU,HAO-SHIANG
    2013-08-20 保全公司運鈔車護運作業風險評估暨排程規劃之研究 徐鸛侖; Hsu,Guan-lun
    2013-08-20 橋梁沖刷潛勢評估與簡易斷橋警示系統之建置; Evaluation of the Scouring Potential of Bridge Foundation and the Cost Effective Warning System of Bridge Collapse 莊益權; Jhuang,Yi-cyuan
    2013-08-16 公車路線與接駁運具改變前後之影響 -以中央大學為例; The Impacts of Bus Route and Access Mode Changes in National Central University 陳建中; Chen,Chien-Chung
    2013-08-16 以微觀角度探討顆粒狀材料在直剪試驗下之力學行為 廖泓韻; Liao,Hung-yun
    2013-08-16 台灣地區不同添加劑應用於改質瀝青之可行性評估; The Study in Feasibility Assessment of Different Additives on the Modified Asphalt in Taiwan Area 楊丞毅; Yang,Cheng-yi
    2013-08-15 柔性結構非接觸變形量測與風壓反算; Non-Contact Measurement of the Displacement of Flexible Structure and the Back Calculation of the Surface Wind Pressure 陳思翰; Chen,Szu-Han
    2013-08-15 結合地下出流預測改良AVSWAT模式流量模擬-以印尼Lesti河流流域為例; Improving AVSWAT Streamflow Simulation by Cooperating Groundwater Recharge Prediction in Upstream Lesti Watershed, East Java, Indonesia 克麗絲汀; Rahayuningtyas,Christina
    2013-08-15 影像定位技術應用於國道巡查作業之研究; The Study of Image Localization Technology Applied for Inspections Operations on National Expressway 陳厚邑; Chen,Hou-yi
    2013-08-14 以地理統計方法進行大範圍基地地盤改良評估; The evaluation of ground improvement techniques of a construction site using geostatistical approach 楊士弘; Yang,Shih-Hong
    2013-08-13 以離心模型模擬正斷層及逆斷層通過黏土地層引致的地表變形特性; Centrifuge modeling of the surface deformation caused by normal and reverse faulting through clay stratum 陳榮華; Chen,Rong-hua
    2013-08-09 地震引致易損曲線之信賴區間建立─以集集地震為例; Establish the confidence interval for fragility curve were caused by Chi-Chi earhquake 鄭峰麟; Jheng,Fong-lin
    2013-08-08 以動態離心模型試驗模擬不同型式基礎建築物於液化地盤之受震反應; Centrifuge modeling on seismic responses of building with different foundations in liquefiable ground 楊子霈; Yang,Tzu-Pei
    2013-08-01 PFC3D探討互層岩體之力學行為 林宏哲; ZHE,LIN HONG
    2013-07-31 水化副產石灰與疏濬土混合料之力學性質 呂偉立; Lu,Wei-li
    2013-07-31 動態混合模式架構下之運輸設施生命週期管理求解方法研究 林達慶; LIN,TA-CHING
    2013-07-31 動態緊急疏散指示系統之設計與評估 李俋霆; Li,Yi-ting
    2013-07-31 部分飽和砂土受剪波動及剪力強度特性 楊嘉瑜; Yang,Chia-yu
    2013-07-31 電力系統關鍵基礎設施分析方法與評估; Applying Power System Analysis Methods to Assessment of Critical Infrastructure Interdependency 張皓雯; Chang,Hao-Wen
    2013-07-31 應用Ontology/Prot?g?/SWRL於建築資訊模型上進行推論; A Reasoning Mechanism Using Ontology, Prot?g? and SWRL Tools for Building Information Model Data 丁冠博; Ting,Kuan-Po
    2013-07-31 應用相關均衡賽局與時空網路於行人模擬之研究 吳培任; Wu,Pei Jen
    2013-07-30 三義火炎山土石流現地監測資料之分析與判識 許家銘; Hsu,Chia-Ming
    2013-07-30 土石流形成沖積扇過程之實驗研究 林枏恩; Lin,Nan-an
    2013-07-30 向量式DKT薄殼元推導與板殼結構運動分析; Development of the Vector Form DKT thin Shell Element and Motion Analyses if shell Structures 陳詩宏; Chen,Shih-Hung
    2013-07-30 坡地土石流災害脆弱度評估模式之建立與驗證 黃建豪; Huang,Jian-Hao
    2013-07-29 不同含水條件下堆積顆粒塊體崩塌過程之實驗與數值模擬 蔡輝平; tsai,huei-ping
    2013-07-29 台灣現地材料之弱帶對用過核燃料地下處置場熱應力與地下水影響分析; Taiwan situ material thermal stress and ground water analysis of weak band effect for spent nuclear fuel waste underground disposal 盧建宏; Lu,Chien-hung
    2013-07-29 自動化鋪面破壞影像辨識系統導入鋪面破壞維護管理系統之研究; Auto Pavement Damage Image Detection System Importing Pavement Distress Maintenance Management System 鄭進源; Zheng,Chin-Yuan
    2013-07-29 建築物屋頂上太陽能板的風力負載; Wind Load of the Solar Panel on Flat Building Roofs 李勝雄; Li,Sheng-shiung
    2013-07-29 混凝土再生粒料應用於透水性鋪面底層適用性分析; The study in applicability of concrete recycled aggregate used in the base course for permeable pavement 許柏謙; Hsu,Bo-Chien
    2013-07-29 焚化爐底碴再利用於透水混凝土之研究; The Study of Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Bottom Ash Reused in Permeable Concrete 劉人慈; Liou,Ren-Chi
    2013-07-29 溫拌瀝青應用於透水性瀝青鋪面之研究; The Study of Warm Mix Asphalt Used in Pervious Asphalt Concrete 謝傑龍; Sie,Jie-Long
    2013-07-26 二次微分法於空載全波形光達之特徵萃取與地物分類; Using Second Derivative Method for Feature Extraction and Land Cover Classification in Airborne Full-waveform LiDAR 盧佑樺; Lu,Yu-hua

    显示项目1101-1150 / 2444. (共49页)
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