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    2022-12-26 利用巨大芽孢桿菌轉化魚廢和蔗渣為Alcalase之綠色循環模組;Valorization of fish waste and sugarcane bagasse for Alcalase production by Bacillus megaterium via a circular bioeconomy model 葉芳宜; Yeh, Fang-I
    2022-11-30 建置序列式氣膠收集系統於GC-TCD氣膠含水量量測並應用在一個都市氣膠;Development of a sequential aerosol collection system for GC-TCD aerosol water measurement and application to an urban aerosol 孫紹恩; Sun, Shao-En
    2022-11-17 自製光觸媒催化輕質材料應用於甲醛去除之可行性研究;Feasibility study on removal of formaldehyde by prepared air-purifying photocatalyst and lightweight material 林曉君; Lin, Hsiao-Chun
    2022-11-15 蘭陽平原地下水水溶氣(甲烷)厭氧氧化作用對含水層砷釋出之影響;Effect of in situ anaerobic methane oxidation on the mobilization of arsenic 柏貫中; Pao, Kuan Chung
    2022-09-30 以臭氧催化氧化法去除甲醛及多環芳香烴之效率探討;Removal of Formaldehyde and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons via Ozone Catalytic Oxidation 黃有猷; Huang, Yu-You
    2022-09-29 以臭氧催化氧化與電漿催化系統氧化一氧化氮之效率探討 林昱衡; Lin, Yu-Heng
    2022-09-27 應用催化裂解技術評估熱塑型塑膠轉換能源之可行性研究;Evaluation on the feasibility of converting thermoplastics into energy by catalytic pyrolysis 蔡明志; Tsai, Min-Chih
    2022-09-26 化學回收廢棄聚乳酸(PLA) 及製備聚氨酯材料;Chemical Recycling of waste Polylactic Acid (PLA) and Preparation of Polyurethanes 張久大; Chang, Chiu-Ta
    2022-09-26 以海水提升流體化床磷酸銨鎂結晶 之可行性研究;A feasibility study of using seawater to enhance the efficiency of crystallization of magnesium ammonium phosphate in fluidized bed reactor 孫耀鴻; Sun, Yao-Hung
    2022-09-26 硫氮比、pH與溶氧對還原性硫化物自營脫硝反應之影響;Effect of environmental conditions on reduced sulfur-based autotrophic denitrification 張哲維; Chang, Che-Wei
    2022-09-26 調查經零價鐵與硫酸鹽處理之水田根系土 於稻作栽種期間主要最終電子接受程序;Investigation of the primary terminal electron accepting process in the paddy rhizosphere amended with zerovalent iron and sulfate during rice cultivation 張瓊云; Zhang, Qiong-Yun
    2022-09-26 錳改質牡蠣殼固定土壤中鎘和銅之研究;Manganese-Coated Oyster Shell for Immobilizing of Cadmium and Copper in the Soil 范仲翔; Fan, Jhong-Siang
    2022-09-23 Shewanella oneidensis 厭氧狀態下針對吸附於非鐵礦物之二價汞的胞外還原作用;Extracellular reduction of Hg(II) adsorbed onto non-ferrous minerals by Shewanella oneidensis under anaerobic conditions 黃愈掄; Huang, Yu-Lun
    2022-09-22 不同料源製成之市售堆肥其抗生素抗性基因含量調查;Survey of antibiotic resistance gene levels harbored in commercially available composts derived from different feedstock 鄭念媛; Cheng, Nien-Yuan
    2022-09-20 利用枯草芽孢桿菌轉化魚內臟之亮胺酸為酮異己酸;Biosynthesis of α-ketoisocaproate from fish waste by Bacillus subtilis whole-cell biocatalyst 顏振升; Yan, Jhen-Sheng
    2022-09-13 污泥脫水濾液無機物成分之結垢潛勢研究;An investigation on scaling potential of inorganic components in sludge dewatering filtrate 郭幸宜; KUO, HSING-YI
    2022-09-12 2017年台灣麥寮、大城地區細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)金屬元素成分特性與季節變化 宋昆霖; LIN, SONG KUN
    2022-09-12 萃取回收都市垃圾焚化飛灰中重金屬之可行性研究;Feasibility of Extraction and Recovery of Heavy Metals from Municipal Solid Waste Incineration (MSWI) Fly Ash 游岱軒; YOU, Tai-Xuan
    2022-09-08 下水污泥與沼渣共同氣化產能效率及其 污染物排放特性之研究;Characterization of Energy yield and pollutant emission in co-gasification of sewage sludge and anaerobic digestate 薛凱澤; Hsueh, Kai-Tse
    2022-09-06 高密度聚乙烯表面之生物膜藉由銅暴露所引起的抗生素抗性共選擇;Co-selection of antibiotic resistance induced by copper exposure in biofilms grown on HDPE slides 蔡睿澤; Tsai, Ruei-Tze
    2022-08-17 2019年鹿林山背景及生質燃燒煙團傳輸氣膠微量有機成分特性 林祐均; Lin, Yu-Chun
    2022-08-17 鹿林山2020年春季、秋季及臺中市氣膠微量有機成分特性及來源 巫晨寧; Wu, Chen-Ning
    2022-07-27 添加污泥抑制飛灰熱處理過程之戴奧辛再生成效率探討;Effectiveness of Applying Sewage Sludge as PCDD/F Formation Inhibitor in Thermal Treatment of Fly Ash 謝長樺; Hsieh, Chang-Hua
    2022-07-27 燃油程序之PM₂.₅及PAHs排放特性研究;Characteristics of PM₂.₅and PAHs Emitted from Oil-fired Processes 張銘瑋; Chang, Ming-Wei
    2022-07-27 燃煤電廠與水泥廠之汞排放特性與質量流布探討;Characteristics of mercury emissions and mass flows in coal-fired power plant and cement plant 陳偉桓; Chen, Wei-Huan

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