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    顯示項目51-100 / 1791. (共36頁)
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    2024-01-26 自潤耐磨銅與合金鋼及高碳鋼擴散接合製程技術開發研究;Development and Research on the Diffusion Bonding Process of Self-Lubricating Wear-Resistant Copper with Alloy Steel and High Carbon Steel 李雄
    2024-01-26 車用磁性元件暨關鍵製程監控技術開發計畫 潘敏俊
    2024-01-26 具5G通訊及高精密定位之AI協作機器人技術開發與裝配產線實現-具5G通訊及高精密定位之AI協作機器人技術開發與裝配產線實現( II );Development of High-Precision Ai Collaborative Robot with 5g Communication for Industrial Assembly Line( II ) 董必正; 林錦德; 林志光; 陳怡呈
    2024-01-26 科研創業計畫:SiC第三類半導體晶圓材料快速薄化 李天錫
    2024-01-26 航太技術、熱傳學及流體力學學門研究發展及推動規劃計畫( I );Research, Development and Promotion on Aerospace Engineering, Thermal & Fluid Dynamics( I ) 施聖洋
    2024-01-26 骨整合穩固度評估儀系統開發研究;Study on Development of Osseointegration Stability Assessment System 潘敏俊
    2024-01-26 基於偏振與干涉術之六自由度幾何誤差量測技術開發;Development of Six-Degree-Of-Freedom Geometric Error Measurement Technology Based on Polarization and Interferometry 李朱育
    2023-09-18 112年機械工程學系光機電工程組(二年級)-英文-入學考試題 機械工程學系光機電工程組
    2023-09-18 112年機械工程學系光機電工程組(二年級)-普通物理-入學考試題 機械工程學系光機電工程組
    2023-09-18 112年機械工程學系光機電工程組(二年級)-微積分-入學考試題 機械工程學系光機電工程組
    2023-09-18 112年機械工程學系先進材料與精密製造組(二年級)-英文-入學考試題 機械工程學系先進材料與精密製造組
    2023-09-18 112年機械工程學系先進材料與精密製造組(二年級)-普通物理-入學考試題 機械工程學系先進材料與精密製造組
    2023-09-18 112年機械工程學系先進材料與精密製造組(二年級)-微積分-入學考試題 機械工程學系先進材料與精密製造組
    2023-09-18 112年機械工程學系設計與分析組(二年級)-英文-入學考試題 機械工程學系設計與分析組
    2023-09-18 112年機械工程學系設計與分析組(二年級)-普通物理-入學考試題 機械工程學系設計與分析組
    2023-09-18 112年機械工程學系設計與分析組(二年級)-微積分-入學考試題 機械工程學系設計與分析組
    2023-07-17 基於電漿資訊之虛擬計量系統應用於半導體氮化鋁薄膜品質預測;Application Plasma Information Vi Rtual Metrology (Pi-Vm) Based System for Quality Prediction of Semiconductor Aluminum Nitride Thin Films 傅尹坤; 利定東
    2023-07-17 旋轉中心可調可重構球面機構設計;Design of Reconfigurable Spherical Mechanisms with Controllable Center of Rotation 伊泰龍
    2023-07-17 理論解析,數值計算與實驗量測探討平板耦合流體受水下衝擊波之動態行為與反算偵測應用;Theoretical Analysis, Numerical Simulation and Experimental Measurement for Transient Behaviors of Plates Coupled with Fluid Actuated by Underwater Explosion Wave and Inverse Detection. 廖展誼
    2023-07-17 提升質子傳輸型固態氧化物燃料電池電解質與電池性能之研究;Study on Performance Enhancement of Proton Conducting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell 曾重仁
    2023-07-17 智慧型輪椅輔助動力系統;An Intelligent Power Assistive Kit for Wheelchair 林苑婷
    2023-07-17 超音波輔助雙電源電化學加工製備碳化鎢微型傘形電極;Processing Micro-Umbrella Type Tungsten Carbide Electrodes by Ultrasonic Assisted Electrochemical Machining with Dual Power 崔海平
    2023-07-17 零碳氨燃燒於近似燃氣輪機條件之實驗研究;An Experimental Study on Zero-Carbon Ammonia Combustion near Gas Turbine Conditions 施聖洋
    2023-07-17 電解式混氣精密電化學加工法應用於航太構件高深寬比特徵加工特性研究;Research on Machining Characteristics of High Aspect Ratio Features of Aerospace Components by Electrolytic Gas-Mixed Precision Electrochemical Machining Method 洪榮洲
    2023-07-17 電漿電解拋光改善異質擴散焊接技術應用於低軌衛星散熱模組;Using Plasma Electrolytic Polishing to Enhance Genuine Diffusion Bondability of Dissimilar Metals for Heat Dissipation of Thermal Module in Low Altitude Satellites 李雄
    2023-07-17 數控內嚙合珩齒加工之齒面修整、降噪齒面紋理、修砂及珩輪動平衡之技術研究;Technical Investigation on Gear Tooth Modification, Dressing and Dynamic-Balancing of Honing Wheel, and Noise-Suppression Gear Surface Texture for Cnc Internal-Meshing Gear Honing Process 吳育仁
    2023-07-17 數學學門重點計畫:基於隨機狀態相關Riccati方程衝擊角引導的3D目標物攔截系統之研究-子計畫3:高效能控制系統設計,著重在可行性分析(黎卡迪方程式可解性)( I );數學學門重點計畫:Stochastic State-Dependent Riccati Equations Based Impact Angle Guidance in 3d Target Interception-子計畫3:Computationally Efficient Control System Design That Focuses on Applicability Guarantee (Riccati Solvability)( I ) 林立岡
    2023-07-17 熱塑性高分子之PVT大數據驅動人工智慧在射出成型製程最佳化的應用;The Application of Artificial Intelligence to Optimum Manufacturing for Injection Molding Driven by Big Data of Thermoplastic Polymers' Pvt (Pressure-Specific Volume-Temperature) Properties 鍾禎元
    2023-07-17 整合磁通集中器CMOS-MEMS勞倫茲力磁力計之研製;Development of a Cmos-Mems Lorentz Force Magnetic Sensor with a Magnetic Flux Concentrator 陳世叡
    2023-07-17 應用顆粒阻尼技術于剛架結構減振分析: 雙向耦合離散元素法與有限元素法理論,電腦模擬及實驗驗證;Application of Particle Damping Technology to Vibration Reduction of Frames: Two-Way Coupled Dem and Fem Method, Computer Modelling and Experimental Validation 鍾雲吉
    2023-07-17 雙包絡蝸桿蝸輪之齒形設計與傳動特性分析;Profile Design and Analysis of Transmission Characteristics for Double-Enveloping Worm Gear Drives 陳怡呈
    2023-07-17 AI模型攻防與隱私保護技術;Security and Privacy Analysis of Ai Models 林智揚
    2023-07-17 EMD在穿戴式裝置內嵌MCU進行即時運算之理論與應用—以心電圖與深呼吸訊號之萃取為例;Real-Time Computation of Emd in an Embedded Mcu of Wearable Device, from Theory to Applications –Extraction of Ecg and Deep Breath Signals 王淵弘; 梁勝富
    2023-07-17 PVT法生長大尺吋碳化矽單晶熱場、流場與濃度分佈對長晶影響研究;Effects of Thermal Field, Flow Field and Concentration Distribution on Crystal Growth of Large-Sized Sic Single Crystal Growth by Pvt Method 陳志臣
    2023-07-17 一種創新旋轉型高均勻LED平行曝光機的光學設計與驗證研究;Optical Design and Verification of a New Rotary High-Uniformity Led Collimated Exposure Unit 陳奇夆
    2023-07-17 二相液-固顆粒崩塌流場分析之研究;Study of Liquid-Solid Two-Phase Granular Collapse Flow 蕭述三
    2023-07-17 以人工智慧方法預估地震震度 II;Estimating Earthquake Intensity by Ai Methods Part Ii 黃以玫
    2023-07-17 以直接/間接腦波人機介面為基礎之中風病人復健輔具系統-子計畫三:動作輔具機構與驅動設計研發;The Direct/Indirect Brain Computer Interface Based Rehabilitation Assistive Systems for Stroke Patients - Subproject Iii: Design and Development of an Assistive Device and Its Driver 董必正; 林立岡
    2023-07-17 半導體CAD模型之四邊形網格自動建構技術發展;On the Development of Automatic Quadratic Mesh Generation for Ic Cad Models 賴景義
    2023-07-17 可校正偏心誤差之磁性編碼器及偏心誤差校正輔助設備開發;Magnetic Encoder That Can Correct Eccentricity Error, and Development of Auxiliary Equipment for Eccentricity Error Correction 江士標
    2023-07-17 石英振盪器先進製程關鍵技術研發-石英振盪器先進製程關鍵技術研發( II );Development of Key Technologies for Fabricating Advanced Quartz Oscillator( II ) 何正榮; 林志光; 黃以玫; 董必正; 崔海平; 顏炳華; 林錦德
    2023-07-17 光纖收發器熱模擬及應用於電子設備系統設計開發之簡化熱模型方案;Thermal Modeling of Optical Transceivers: Compact Thermal Model for Electronic System Design and Development 鍾志昂
    2023-07-17 在重摻雜N型半導體或高純度矽晶材料中轉換介面壁壘型態使電洞流為主控電流,以進行表面陽極氧化合成奈米結構;Transforming the Type of Interface Barrier to Make Hole Current as of the Dominant Current in Heavily Doped N-Type Semiconductors or in High-Purity Silicon Anodizes Its Surface for Synthesizing Nano-Structure 李天錫
    2023-07-17 多波長複頻驅動擴散光學立體造影系統研製與驗證;Implementation and Verification of Multi-Wavelength and Combined Frequency Driving near Infrared Diffuse Optical Stereoscopic Imaging System 潘敏俊; 許雅芬
    2023-07-17 自行車智能動力輔助系統控制器之開發;Development of an Intelligent Eco Power-Assist Controller for Human–Electric Bikes 林苑婷
    2023-07-17 利用微液滴沉積法以及微液滴透鏡進行表面增強拉曼散射檢測之研究;Investigation of Microdroplet Deposition and Microdroplet Lens for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering 曹嘉文
    2023-07-17 具5G通訊及高精密定位之AI協作機器人技術開發與裝配產線實現-具5G通訊及高精密定位之AI協作機器人技術開發與裝配產線實現( III );Development of High-Precision Ai Collaborative Robot with 5g Communication for Industrial Assembly Line( III ) 董必正; 林錦德; 林志光; 陳怡呈
    2023-07-17 具人工智能安全與檢測感知能力之高功能基板精密複合加工系統研發-具人工智能安全與檢測感知能力之高功能基板精密複合加工系統研發( III );Development of an Information-Security, Artificial-Intelligence and Detection-Perception Smart Fabrication System for Precision Hybrid Machining of High-Performance Substrates( III ) 何正榮; 李安謙; 林志光; 董必正; 吳曉光
    2023-07-17 具光照治療與癒合監測之智慧型皮膚敷料研究;Research on Intelligent Skin Dressing with Light Therapy and Healing Monitoring 廖昭仰; 徐善慧; 廖倫德
    2023-07-17 固著液滴蒸發對流及結晶圖案形成機制與模擬分析;Convection and Crystallization Pattern of Evaporating Sessile Droplets: Modeling and Simulation 鍾志昂

    顯示項目51-100 / 1791. (共36頁)
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