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    2025-03-11 AI語音技術與產業應用聯盟( II );Industrial Application Alliance of Ai Spoken Language Processing Technology( II ) 王家慶
    2025-03-11 以機器學習方式解決圖論最佳化問題之泛化模型開發與實作;Implementation, Generalization, and Model Design on Machine Learning Approaches to Solve Graph Optimization Problems 洪慧儒
    2024-09-27 AI語音技術與產業應用聯盟( I );Industrial Application Alliance of Ai Spoken Language Processing Technology( I ) 王家慶
    2024-09-27 KubeGuard:容器安全智能監控與模型保護計畫;Kubeguard: Container Security Intelligence Monitoring and Model Protection Program 孫敏德
    2024-09-27 Software AE (Augmented Extension) - 無需原始程式碼的軟體功能擴增平台;Software Ae (Augmented Extension) - a Platform for Augmented Software Extension without Source Code 鄭永斌
    2024-09-27 以多模態與In-Training XAI 為基礎之無監督Tiny與Fine-grained特徵分群技術;Multimodel-Based and In-Training Xai for Unsupervised Tiny and Fine-Grained Vi Sual Representation Clustering 林家瑜
    2024-09-27 生成式AI輔助程式設計之程式語言支援與函式庫框架研發;Developing Programming Language Support and Library Frameworks for Generative Ai-Assisted Programming 莊永裕
    2024-09-27 全球學生之科學關鍵能力AI導師: 大型科學學習平台之一對一學習輔助與國際聯盟( I );Ai Tutors for the Learning of Key Scientific Competencies: the One-To-One Learning Support on Public Learning Platforms and Global Collaboration( I ) 劉晨鐘; 張嘉惠; 吳穎沺; 洪暉鈞
    2024-09-27 在聯邦式學習環境下綠色節能與防禦對抗式攻擊之研究;Research on Energy Saving and Defense against Adversarial Attacks in Federated Learning Environment 周立德
    2024-09-27 多模態語音辨識技術;Multimodal Speech Recognition Technology 王家慶; 黎氏芳
    2024-09-27 改進與應用 Recourse: 一個以演算法為基礎的可解釋性AI方法;An Improvement and Application on Recourse: an Algorithm-Fundamental Xai Method 楊晧琮
    2024-09-27 使用深度學習自動創作多風格東方音樂;Automatic Multi-Style Oriental Music Composition Using Deep Learning( I ) 施國琛; 林佑政
    2024-09-27 使用無人機進行大範圍物件追蹤與異常偵測;Large-Scale Object Tracking and Anomaly Detection Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 范國清
    2024-09-27 兒童自閉症數位療法基於虛擬實境和多模態神經感測的精準輔助診斷與自調適訓練系統( III );Digital Therapies in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder – Using a Vi Rtual-Reality System Integrated with Multi-Modal Neuro-Sensing for Precise Assessment and Self-Adaptive Behavioral Therapy( III ) 吳曉光; 陳純娟; 陳慧如; 林姿伶; 黃郁心; 葉士青
    2024-09-27 於斯格明子為基礎之計算架構上啟用機器學習演算法:概念,挑戰,與 設計;Enabling Machine Learning Algorithms on Skyrmion-Based Computing Architectures: Concept, Challenges, and Designs 陳增益
    2024-09-27 航遙測影像資訊AI分析研究計畫;The development of AI interpretation modules for aerial images of rice and other crops 王尉任; 梁德容; 張欽圳; 林家瑜
    2024-09-27 偏鄉智慧早療模式數位偏鄉早期療育之智慧模式的建構與實踐( III );Intelligent Early Intervention Service for Children with Development Delay at Non-Urban Area( III ) 葉士青; 林珮如; 蔡佳芬; 吳曉光; 朱思穎; 陳志軒
    2024-09-27 基於三維點雲資料之物件識別與場景分析;Object Recognition and Scene Analysis Based on 3d Point Cloud Data 范國清
    2024-09-27 基於多重擴散模型的生成式音樂風景;Generative Music Scenery Based on Multiple Diffusion Models( I ) 施國琛; 林佑政
    2024-09-27 基於多模態情緒識別之憂鬱症精準輔助檢測與健康衛教的虛擬智能張老師(III)-子計畫一:基於深度學習混合架構之行動端多模態生理感測融合的情緒識別研究(III);Deep-Learning Based Fusion for Multi-Model Emotion Recognition via Mobil-Device Sensing(III) 吳曉光
    2024-09-27 基於多模態情緒識別之憂鬱症精準輔助檢測與健康衛教的虛擬智能張老師(III)-總計畫暨子計畫三:憂鬱症精準輔助檢測與健康衛教的虛擬智能張老師(III);An Intelligent Vi Rtual Avatar for the Precise Assessment and Education of Depression(III) 葉士青
    2024-09-27 基於深度學習方法建構高效低毒抗菌肽設計與篩選平台( II );Construction of Designing and Screening Platform for Antibacterial Peptides with High Efficacy and Low Toxicity Based on Deep Learning Methods( II ) 洪炯宗; 王信堯
    2024-09-27 基於認知負荷與自我解釋之高沉浸擴增實境科學探究環境:環境建置、鷹架設計與評估;Highly Immersive Augmented Reality of Scientific Inquiry Environment Based on Cognitive Load and Self-Explanation Theory: Environment Construction, Scaffolding Design and Evaluation 劉晨鐘
    2024-09-27 基於穩健雲端系統之行動應用安全性提升研究-子計畫三:以快速虛擬裝置同步機制與自適應硬體壓縮技術建立低延遲虛擬機容錯系統;Optimizing Vi Rtual-Machine Fault-Tolerance through Adaptive Hardware-Assisted Compression and Fast Vi Rtual Device State Synchronization 王尉任; 梁德容; 陳奕明
    2024-09-27 基於穩健雲端系統之行動應用安全性提升研究-總計畫暨子計畫一:增強智慧型手機行為身分驗證抵禦假冒攻擊能力以提升系統穩健性之研究;The Research of Enhancing the Ability of Behavioral Biometric Authentication on Smartphones to Resist Impersonation Attacks for Improved System Robustness 梁德容; 王尉任; 陳奕明; 張欽圳

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