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    2024-08-22 使用雲林、彰化地區航空影像建立水稻判釋模型之研究;Establishing Rice Classification Model Using Aerial Images of Yunlin and Changhua Areas 高程昱; Kao, Cheng-Yu
    2024-08-17 坵塊分離、合併檢測系統;Parcel Separation and Merging Detection System 黃皇舜; Huang, Huang-Shun
    2024-07-30 半監督學習下自定義編碼特徵的大規模比較;A Large-scale Comparison of Customized Feature Encodings under Semi-supervised Learning 陳正浩; Chen, Zheng-Hao
    2024-07-29 大結構數據可視化與分析實現於3D調試工具xDIVA 沈廷勳; Shen, Ting-Hsun
    2024-07-29 文件彙整自動化: 在創新文件系統 Geekynote 為專案製作心智圖 李政澤; Li, Cheng-Tse
    2024-07-26 透過事件和關係擷取控制問題生成;Controlling Question Generation Through Events and Relation Extraction 黃淯銘; Huang, Yu-Ming
    2024-07-24 Time capsules of code: 使用穿越時空的訊息來解決程式碼 註解的弊病 曾培源; Zeng, Pei-Yuan
    2024-07-23 Combining uncertainty modeling and temporal-channel network with CLIP model for weakly supervised video anomaly detection 江毓晴; Jiang, Yu-Qing
    2024-07-23 低硬體資源需求的CNN-XGB分類器設計;A CNN-XGB classifier with low hardware resource requirement 陳勁為; Chen, Gin-Wei
    2024-07-22 結合前景感知與多尺度注意力機制之語意分割模型應用於土石流偵測;Foreground-Aware and Multi-scale Convolutional Attention Mechanism for Remote Sensing Images Semantic Segmentation in Landslide Detection 陳元娣; Chen, Yuan-Di
    2024-07-18 運用硬體壓縮技術改善NCU MFTVM容錯系統回應時間;Improving Response Time of NCU MFTVM Fault-Tolerant System based on Hardware Compression Technology 陳冠丞; Chen, Guan-Cheng
    2024-07-17 A Study on Neural Architecture Search for Intrusion Detection in Cybersecurity: A Lightweight Reinforcement Learning Approach 陳麒安; CHEN, CHI-AN
    2024-07-17 GPT-2 及 CycleGAN 生成江南風格音樂打擊節奏;Generate Jiangnan Percussion Rhythm with GPT-2 and CycleGAN 劉洮語; Liu, Chao-Yu
    2024-07-15 基於相機參數之相機移動補償;Camera motion compensation based on camera parameter 詹翔淵; Chan, Hsiang-Yuan
    2024-01-16 Drive by Download via a Cookie Banner 劉松靄; Liu, Sung-Ai
    2023-08-17 藉由分析程式碼解說影片來自動產生影片片段與程式碼之間的關聯 江行之; JIANG, XING-ZHI
    2023-08-11 基於 Sidecar 的異質函數鏈無伺服器平台;Sidecar Based Serverless Platform For Heterogeneity Function Chain 雷幃程; Lei, Wei-Cheng
    2023-08-10 利用情繫理論與共同目標設計具長期依戀關係的寵物機器人以提升學習成效;Utilizing Bonding Theory and Common Goal Design to Enhance Learning Performance in Long-term Attachment Relationships with Pet Robots 張育甄; Chang, Yu-Chen
    2023-08-03 基於xDIVA之利用關鍵影格將3D物件動畫化與即時保存的視覺化工具 何沛哲; He, Pei-Zhe
    2023-08-02 利用軟體 UI 實現擴充功能 突破原始碼限制的工具 陳宏輔; Chen, Hung-Fu
    2023-08-02 使用靜態分析偵測 JavaScript 應用程式中的 Race Condition;Detect Race Condition In JavaScript Application with Static Analysis 楊盛傑; Yang, Sheng-Chieh
    2023-08-02 基於物件導向與 Clean Code 概念進行 xDiva 重構與優化 鄧又晨; Deng, You-Chen
    2023-07-28 應用強化學習與知識圖譜於故事共述生成之研究;Story Co-telling Dialogue Generation via Reinforcement Learning and Knowledge Graph 李聿鎧; Lee, Yu-Kai
    2023-07-24 多模態特徵融合的維度心理素質分析虛擬心理師;Virtual Psychologist for Dimensional Psychological Quality Analysis with Multi-Modal Feature Fusion 龔彥安; Yen-An, Kung,
    2023-02-02 利用與摘要相關的文章重點句結合對比學習改進摘要模型的事實一致性;Combining Key Sentences Related to the Abstract with Contrastive Learning to Improve Summarization Factual Inconsistency 張景泰; Chang, Ching-Tai
    2022-09-22 無特徵圖神經網路分類模型以偵測Android惡意軟體為例;Non-attributed Graph Classification Model Using GNN - A Case Study of Android Malware Detection 張祐綸; Chang, Yu-Lun
    2022-09-07 TrustFURE: 軟體定義衛星之防竄改系統;TrustFURE: A Tamper Resistance System for Software Defined Satellite 盧俊安; Lu, Chun-An
    2022-08-30 探討Media-Pipe和Leap Motion藉由用於發展遲緩的VR系統在分層共現網路的對指手勢預測精準度比較;Using Hierarchical Co-occurrence Network to Compare the Prediction Accuracy of Fine Motor Gesture between Media-Pipe and Leap Motion via a VR System for Developmental Delays 游盛棋; Yu, Sheng-Chi
    2022-08-22 基於眼動的閱讀障礙分析與診斷;Analysis and Diagnosis of Dyslexia Based on Eye Movement 楊軒宇; Yang, Hsuan-Yu
    2022-08-06 應用設計模式於 RPA 軟體 實作低維護成本的屬性面板自動修正功能 吳奇倫; Wu, Chi-Lun
    2022-07-19 利用 SCPL 分解端到端倒傳遞演算法;Decomposing End-to-End Backpropagation Based on SCPL 王承凱; Wang, Cheng-Kai
    2021-08-30 低軌衛星網路之分散式路由演算法;DEAL: Distributed Energy-Aware Load Balancing Routing Algorithm for LEO Satellite Network 黃祺淵; Huang, Chi-Yuan
    2021-08-24 使用虛擬教室遊戲的基於融合的深度學習注意缺陷多動障礙評估方法;Fusion-Based Deep Learning Assessment Method For Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Using Virtual Classroom Game 黃程意; Huang, Cheng-Yi
    2021-08-10 利用輔助語句與BERT模型偵測詞彙的上下位關係;Hypernym and Hyponym Detection Based on Auxiliary Sentences and the BERT Model 曾莊; Tseng, Chuang
    2021-08-10 基於區塊鏈的遊戲帳號交易平台;Game Account Transaction Platform based on Blockchain 黃煜霆; Huang, Yu-Ting
    2021-08-04 以少量視訊建構台灣手語詞分類模型;Using a Small Video Dataset to Construct a Taiwanese-Sign-Language Word Classification Model 翁浚銘; Wong, Jun-Ming
    2021-08-04 基於自動分頁預測之大規模資料應用程式介面建置 - 以活動擷取為例;Large Scale Web Data API Creation via Automatic Pagination Recognition - A Case Study on Event Extraction 吳承儒; Wu, Cheng-Ju
    2021-07-28 強化特徵對齊的深度學習之3D物件偵測、辨識、與方位估計;Enhancing Feature Alignment for 3D Object Detection, Recognition, and Position Estimation using Deep Learning 賴湘?; Lai, Hsiang-Te
    2021-07-15 IDSPS: 應用在即時流量轉移機制下的入侵偵測系統;IDSPS: An Intrusion Detection System for Real-time Path Transmission of TCP Connections 朱以誠; Zhu, Yi-Cheng
    2021-07-13 基於區域標準化及感知色彩距離的兩階段影像修補方法;Two-Stage Image Inpainting based on Region Normalization and Perceptual Color Distance 李政瑩; Li, Cheng-Ying
    2020-08-17 在Kubernetes與Kafka上實作基於Consumer lag之微服務動態轉移機制;Consumer lag aware microservice relocation mechanism over Kubernetes and Kafka 許家繻; Hsu, Chia-Ju
    2020-07-31 使用預訓練編碼器提升跨語言摘要能力;Improving Cross-Lingual Text Summarization using Pretrained Encoder 莊家閔; Chuang, Chia-Min
    2020-07-30 從EEG解釋虛擬實境的干擾對注意力的影響;Effect of Virtual-Reality Interference on Attention from EEG Perspective 李育齊; Lee, Yu-Chi
    2020-07-29 基於注意力殘差網路之繁體中文街景文字辨識;Traditional Chinese Scene Text Recognition based on Attention-Residual Network 蘇冠宇; Su, Kung-Yu
    2020-07-24 SD-WAN中一維卷積自編碼之流量分類與強化學習之服務導向多路徑路由;Reinforcement Learning-based Service-oriented Multipath Routing with 1D Convolutional Autoencoder Traffic Classification in SD-WAN 邱楷程; Chiu, Kai-Cheng
    2020-07-17 CoolPCB:以控制點為主的電路板切割成形繪製自動化方法 李憬維; LI, CHING-WEI
    2020-07-15 GUI Component Detection for Cross-Platform Applications–Using Input Device and Image Change Synergistic Detection Method 黃聖傑; Huang, Sheng-Chieh
    2019-07-30 基於策略式強化學習之神經網路架構搜最佳化;A Policy-Based Reinforcement Learning Model for Neural Network Architecture Search 蕭仲廷; Hsiao, Chung-Ting
    2019-07-27 基於ARM架構之Linux嵌入式系統啟動加速技術 李彥平; Lee, Yen-Ping
    2019-07-26 以多維度倉儲系統支援校務研究決策分析用的因果規則發掘;Causal Rule Mining Based on Multi-Dimensional Structure for Institutional Research Decision-Support Task 汪瑞勛; Wang, Jui-Hsun

    Showing items 1-50 of 138. (3 Page(s) Totally)
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