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    2024-07-30 COSMOS場450微米波段下受致淆極限的次毫米波星系數量統計研究;Confusion-limited Submillimeter Galaxy Number Counts at 450 μm in the COSMOS Field 高振凱; Gao, Zhen-Kai
    2024-07-18 外行星的磁層及其衛星的交互作用: 以土衛一和天衛五為例;Satellite-Magnetosphere Interactions at Outer Planets: The Cases of Mimas and Miranda 蔡沛均; Tsai, Pei-Chun
    2024-07-18 尋找 Stripe 82 區域天琴座 RR 恆星中的 Blazhko 效應;Search for the Blazhko Effect in RR Lyrae stars in the Stripe 82 region 韋德希; Varma, Vaidehi
    2024-07-09 The Young Stellar Population in the Chamaeleon-Musca Dark Cloud Complex 陳湘喻; Chen, Hsiang Yu
    2024-05-17 在Pan-STARRS1 Medium Deep Survey中發現的類SN 1991T型超新星;The 1991T-like Type Ia Supernovae Discovered in Pan-STARRS1 Medium Deep Survey 王品涵; Wang, Pin-Han
    2023-07-24 Exospheric Responses of Mercury to Solar Events 許溱讌; Hsu, Chen-Yen
    2023-07-24 耀變體之光譜性質及無線電波輻射時變性;Spectral Properties and Radio Variability of Blazars 許博智; Hsu, Po-Chih
    2023-07-20 對 Kaluza-Klein 粒子作為星系團中潛在冷暗物質候選者的約束;Constraints on the Kaluza-Klein Particles as Potential Cold Dark Matter Candidates in Galaxy Clusters 李琦雅; Rizqiyah, Zuhairini
    2023-07-18 近地小行星的分類和軌道動力學;Taxonomic Classification and Orbital Dynamics of Near-Earth Asteroids 鄭豫立; cheng, Yuli
    2023-06-29 米拉變星特性調查:從分類到距離尺度應用;Photometic Investigation of Mira: From classification to Distance-scale Application 歐佳宇; Ou, Jia-Yu
    2023-06-08 利用蓋亞 DR3 星表研究球狀星團的 CMD 並利用機器學習作型態上的分類;Study CMD of Globular Clusters using Gaia DR3 data and classify them according to their morphology using Machine Learning 謝庫馬; Sharma, Bishnu Kumar
    2023-06-06 低質量X光雙星4U 1820-30之軌道週期演化與軌道相關光變之研究;Study of Orbital Period Evolution and Superhump Modulation of Low Mass X-ray Binary 4U 1820-30 張耀文; Jhang, Yao-Wun
    2023-06-06 利用商售級CMOS 相機,於鹿林一米鏡實行幸運成像法;Applying Lucky-Imaging On LOT With a Commercial CMOS Camera 謝揚鵬; Hsieh, Yang-Peng
    2023-01-19 On the Velocity Dispersion Profiles of Elliptical Galaxies Using MaNGA IFU Data 謝旻莉; Poblete, Shemile
    2023-01-11 修正吸積毫秒脈衝星XTE J1807-294 時間噪 音之結果比較;Correction of flux-dependent timing noise of accreting millisecond pulsar XTE J1807-294 王俊淇; Wang, Chun-Chi
    2022-12-29 吸積毫秒脈衝星IGR J17379-3747於2020年爆發之自轉與軌道參數以及隨光強度變化的時間噪音;Spin and Orbital Parameters and Flux-Dependent Timing Noise of Accreting Millisecond X-ray Pulsar IGR J17379-3747 in Its 2020 Outburst 宋紫熙; Sung, Tzu-Hsi
    2022-11-23 吸積毫秒脈衝星 IGR J17591-2342 的脈衝時序分析;Pulsar Timing Analysis of the NICER Observations of Accreting Millisecond Pulsar IGR J17591-2342 林佳芳; Lin, Chia-Fang
    2022-09-28 利用 SCUBA-2 及 W 濾鏡影像研究太陽系周圍分子雲當中的年輕恆星與次恆星成員;Characterisation of Young Stellar and Substellar Objects in nearby Molecular Clouds using the SCUBA-2 and W-filter 羅凡娜; Lalchand, Bhavana
    2022-09-23 LSST時代的資料處理──自動化的瞬變天體數據處理流水線;Building a Data Processing Pipeline for Fast-turnaround Transient Follow-up in the Era of LSST 繆皓宇; Miao, Hao-Yu
    2022-09-19 The Size and Temperature Distributions of Spots and Faculae on Kepler-17 and Kepler-71;Kepler-17 和 Kepler-71 的黑子與光斑溫度與大小分布 張慈恆; Chang, Tzu-Heng
    2022-09-19 分析在發射譜線亮度存在雙峰分佈的西佛二型星系的 宿主星系性質;Host Galaxy Properties of Bimodal Emission-line Luminosity Distributed Seyfert 2 Galaxy 鄧穎恩; Joey, Tang Wing Yan
    2022-09-19 藉由 SDSS-IV MaNGA 觀測數據研究矮星系中的暗物質含量;Dark Matter Content of Dwarf Galaxies in SDSS-IV MaNGA 吳偉靜; Wu, Weijing
    2022-09-07 透過噴發物速度探討 Ia 型超新星之演化;Probing the evolution of Type Ia Supernovae with their ejecta velocities 鄭以馨; Jheng, Yi-Shin
    2022-09-01 鹿林一米望遠鏡對主帶小行星的光度及偏振觀測分析;Photometric and Polarimetric Observations of Main Belt Asteroids at Lulin Observatory 潘康嫻; Pan, Kang-Shian
    2022-08-31 A Comparative Study of Bursty T Tauri Stars in ρ Ophiuchus, Taurus, and Upper Scorpius 蕭遙; Hsiao, Yao
    2022-08-31 M 型矮星的閃焰活動以及極端太空天氣對於 TRAPPIST-1 行星系統的影響;M-Dwarf Flare Activity and Extreme Space Weather Effects on TRAPPIST-1 System 翁郁翔; Weng, Yu-Hsiang
    2022-07-25 An Escaping Young Star in the Lupus 3 Molecular Cloud 黃紹恩; Huang, Shao-En
    2021-10-27 古老疏散星團柏克萊17成員星的選取;Determining Membership Candidates for Aged Open Cluster Berkeley 17 雷拉; Gallardo, Mikhaela Leia A.
    2021-10-26 Applications of the Hilbert-Huang Transform on Millihertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations in 4U1636-53 謝弘恩; Hsieh, Hung-En
    2021-10-25 在宇宙射線和磁流波影響下的 電漿流之理論研究;A Theoretical Study of Outflows in the Presence of Cosmic Rays and Waves 畢拉爾; Ramzan, Bilal
    2021-09-24 橢圓星系中的逕向加速度關係;The Radial Acceleration Relation of Elliptical Galaxies 薩雷恩; Sace, Arcy Layne L.
    2021-08-23 Catching the Flames: Flare Activity of Wolf 359 林瀚堂; Lin, Han-Tang
    2021-08-17 在亞可夫斯基作用下近地小行星的動力演化和半衰期;Dynamical lifetime and evolution of Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) under the Yarkovsky e ffect 賴宣庭; Lai, Hsuan-Ting
    2021-08-04 合併星系下超大質量黑洞與宿主星系的共同演化;Co-evolution of Supermassive Black Holes and their Host Galaxies with Galaxy Mergers 林祺紘; Lin, Chi-Hong
    2021-07-28 ALMA Host galaxy observation of the off-axis Gamma-Ray Burst XRF020903 陳正群; Chen, Jheng-Cyun
    2021-07-19 基於Zwicky Transient Facility的半人馬型小行星和海外天體長期觀測;Long-term observations of Centaurs and Trans-Neptunian Objects by Zwicky Transient Facility 譚瀚傑; Tan, Han-Jie
    2021-03-25 蛇夫座ρ星雲複合體心宿增四恆星形成區域中分子雲與年輕恆星的交互作用;Interplaying Between Young Stars and Molecular Clouds in the Rho Ophiuchi Star-Forming Complex 阿市社; Gupta, Aashish
    2021-01-20 Hunting Trans-Neptunian Objects from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program Deep and Ultradeep Layers;Hunting Trans-Neptunian Objects from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program Deep and Ultradeep Layers 蘇星曄; Eduardo, Marielle Ramy
    2021-01-18 海王星外自動掩星普查計劃(TAOS II)之光變曲線生成程序及資料分析程序;The Lightcurves Simulator and Analysis Pipeline for the Transneptunian Automated Occultation Survey (TAOS II) 黃鍾凱; Huang, Chung-Kai
    2021-01-15 早型星系的形狀與暗物質;The shapes and dark matter of early-type galaxies 陳振予; Chen, Cheng-Yu
    2020-12-23 Using the Lomb-Scargle Algorithm to analyze the light curve of the variable star AZ Capricorni 藍聖朋; Lan, Sheng-Peng
    2020-08-18 Finding the most massive distant galaxies by using the Hyper Suprime-Cam data 林芊; Lin, Chien
    2020-08-17 LOT Time-Series Observations of M31 Cepheids in BVRI Filters 黃子豪; Huang, Tzu-Hao
    2020-07-29 原始柯伊伯帶中冥王星大小物體的動力學演化;On the Dynamical Evolution of Pluto-Sized Objects in the Primordial Kuiper Belt 以菈; Hadiputrawan, I Putu Wira
    2020-07-28 A Study of Absorption Molecular Clouds in the Centaurus A using ALMA Data 許棨甯; Hsu, Qi–Ning
    2020-07-24 低質量恆星與雙星系統中的閃焰活動;Flare Activities of Low-mass Stars and Binary Systems 黃立晴; Huang, Li-Ching
    2020-01-18 模擬雙極行星狀星雲 卓宛嫺; Cho, Wan-Hsien
    2019-08-24 位於大麥哲倫星雲當中超新星殘骸內的高速移動恆星;Runaway stars in the supernova remnants in the Large Magellanic Cloud 陳鎮鴻; Chen, Chen-Hung
    2019-08-19 Color Variabilities of QSOs at z = 0.3 - 1.2 陸勇志; Loke, Young Tzee
    2019-08-16 透過SDSS-IV MaNGA的觀測研究恆星形成早型星系在空間解析下的性質;Spatially resolved properties of star-forming early-type galaxies observed with SDSS-IV MaNGA 高振凱; Gao, Zhen-Kai

    顯示項目1-50 / 237. (共5頁)
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