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    Showing items 1-50 of 1096. (22 Page(s) Totally)
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    2024-07-29 An Analysis of Ethics-augmented Meanvariance Efficient Portfolios 黃子芮; Huang, Zi-Ruei
    2024-07-29 動態共整合與最小獲利界限交易策略在台灣股市的實證研究;Dynamic Cointegration and Minimum Profit Bounds Trading Strategy: An Empirical Study in the Taiwan Stock Market 賴彥霖; Lai, Yan-Lin
    2024-07-29 機構投資人及三大法人與企業 ESG 策略之關聯性 以台灣上市櫃公司為實證研究 林心慧; Lin, Hsin-Hui
    2024-07-26 策略差異化與貸款利差;Strategic Deviation and Loan Spreads 杜淳薇; Du, Chun-Wei
    2024-07-24 戰爭對參戰國股市之衝擊 -宣戰、終戰之全面性分析;Impact of war on the stock markets An analysis of declarations of war and war endings 陳彣毓; Chen, Wen-Yu
    2024-07-23 An Extended Black-Litterman Model with Investor Sentiment 陳威霖; Chen, Wei-Lin
    2024-07-22 產業指數上下行波動預測 -可解釋性多元因子;Industry Index UP and Down Volatility Forecast: An Interpretable Multivariate Factor Model 廖武靖; LIAO, WU-CHING
    2024-07-19 建構情緒因子新方法及其對股市面向的預測性;The Construction of Multiple Methods for Sentiment Factors and Their Predictive Power on Stock Market Dynamics 朱鎧翊; Chu, Kai-Yi
    2024-07-18 投資人異質性與投資人認知溢酬;Investor Heterogeneity and Investor Recognition Premium 謝宜程; Xie, Yi-Cheng
    2024-07-18 經理人大學階段恐怖攻擊經驗對公司現金政策及其價值之影響-以S&P1500 指數上市公司為例;The Impact of CEO′s University Stage Terrorist Attack Experience on Corporate Cash Policies and Value: Evidence from S&P 1500 Index Companies 蔡承哲; Tsai, Cheng-Che
    2024-07-17 企業 ESG 表現與股票流動性的關係 -台灣上市櫃公司之實證分析;Corporate ESG performance and stock liquidity: Evidence from Taiwan stock market 徐聖庭; Hsu, Sheng-Ting
    2024-07-16 ESG重大議題與法人持股:對公司價值的綜合影響分析 王俊皓; Wang, Chun-Hao
    2024-07-09 臺灣企業ESG重大議題: 水資源與災害風險因子 侯柏瑜; HOU, BO-YU
    2024-07-04 The Impact of Extreme Rainfall on the Market Value and Investment of Listed Companies in Taiwan 劉重鑫; Liu, Chung-Hsin
    2024-07-04 結構型商品評價與分析- 以固定配息結構型商品為例 吳宛蓉; Wu, Wan-Rong
    2024-06-28 機構投資人對企業碳排之關聯性研究-以 S&P500 為例 廖致珽; Liao, Zhi-Ting
    2024-06-28 環境政策嚴格度與銀行風險:綠色經濟是否重要?;Environmental Policy Stringency and Bank Risks: Does Green Economy Matter? 洪珮瑄; Hong, Pei-Hsuan
    2024-06-27 比特幣崩盤風險與投資人意見分歧之關係;Bitcoin crash risk and investor disagreement 阮子杰; RUAN, ZIH-JIE
    2024-06-27 臺灣女性董事是否能降低公司碳排量? 張嫦凌; Zhang, Chang-Ling
    2024-06-21 董事會多樣性與高階主管和基層員工薪資差距之關係 廖家慧; Liao, Chia-Hui
    2024-06-20 關於氣候風險與環境政策嚴格性對企業決策影響的論文;Essays on the impacts of Climate Risks and Environmental Policy Stringency on Corporate Decision-Making 裴進盛; Thinh, Bui Tien
    2024-06-19 Essay on digitalization, robot deployment and corporate finance 蘇啟; Purnama, Muhammad Yusuf Indra
    2024-06-18 CEO年資對員工流動率的影響-以台灣上市櫃公司為例 謝立佳; Hsieh, Li-Chia
    2024-06-06 我國公司董事會組成多樣性與員工流動率之關係 呂靜蓓; Lu, Ching-Pei
    2024-06-05 Does Financial Aid Promote the Enhancement of Bank Stability? 沈仕晉; Shen, Shi-Jin
    2024-04-17 113年財務金融研究所(乙組)-微積分-入學考試題 財務金融研究所乙組
    2024-04-17 113年財務金融研究所(乙組)-數理統計-入學考試題 財務金融研究所乙組
    2024-04-17 113年財務金融研究所(甲組)-財務管理-入學考試題 財務金融研究所甲組
    2024-04-17 113年財務金融研究所(甲組)-統計-入學考試題 財務金融研究所甲組
    2024-01-22 橙汁期貨謎題再探;The FCOJ Puzzle Revisited 戴吟蓁; Tai, Yin-Chen
    2023-12-29 人力資本流動及CEO固守職位 對公司現金持有的影響 -以S&P1500指數上市公司為例 康巧萱; KANG, CHIAO-HSUAN
    2023-11-20 TOM效應在台灣股市之實證研究 鍾佳妤; Chung, Chia-Yu
    2023-10-24 產品市場競爭對公司剝削員工程度的影響;The impact of product market competition on employee exploitation 張紘齊; Zhang, Hong-Chi
    2023-08-07 氣候變遷與高階經理人薪酬績效設計之關聯性;The Relationship Between Climate Change and the Design of Executive Performance-Related Compensation 曾姿穎; Tseng, Tzu-Ying
    2023-07-27 宏觀審慎政策,戰爭與衝突以及銀行表現: 來自全球銀行的證據;Macroprudential Policy, War and Conflict, and Bank Performance: Evidence from Global Banks 劉瑤; YAO, LIU
    2023-07-25 台灣股市價量關係之分量迴歸研究-由因子之角度探討 陳彥廷; Chen, Yen-Ting
    2023-07-25 通貨膨脹的解構、預期與監管;Inflation Decomposition: Forecasting and Monitoring 林孟頡; Lin, Meng-Chieh
    2023-07-24 央行數位貨幣變動對公司隱含波動度的影響;The Impact of Central Bank Digital Currency Variation on Firm′s Implied Volatility 謝馨誼; Hsieh, Hsin-Yi
    2023-07-24 企業重大性議題與漂綠-台灣市場的研究 姜仁匡; Chiang, Zen-Kuang
    2023-07-24 品牌資本與銀行貸款條件;Brand Capital and Bank Loan Terms 林韋錚; Lin, Wei-Zheng
    2023-07-24 解構與預測產業報酬率-多元構面降維之觀點;Factorizing for Equity Return Predictability 宋明澤; Song, Ming-Ze
    2023-07-20 恐怖攻擊、經理人管理能力與經理人薪酬;Terrorist attacks, managerial ability, and CEO compensation 林婕儒; Lin, Chieh-ju
    2023-07-19 定期定股及定期不定股投資策略績效探討 鍾品婕; Jhong, Pin-Jie
    2023-07-13 考量違約風險下的可轉債評價樹模型;Pricing Convertible Bonds with Default Risk 黃子晏; Huang, Tzu-Yen
    2023-07-13 現金流量不確定性與極端風險關連:跨國證據;The Relationship between Cash Flow Uncertainty and Extreme Risk: International Evidence 吳藺曇; Wu, Lin-Tan
    2023-07-11 預測獲利增長分數的六個財務報表比率分析及其投資策略運用;Analysis of Six Financial Ratios for PEIS and Their Investment Applications 吳席伊; Wu, Shi-Ying
    2023-07-06 颱風對於臺灣股市報酬率影響 喻甯; Yu, Ning
    2023-07-05 世界不確定性指數對公司現金持有的影響;Impact of the World Uncertainty Index on corporate cash holdings 李啟正; Li, Chi-Cheng
    2023-07-04 世界不確定性指數對台灣銀行績效的影響;The impact of World Uncertainty Index on performance of banks in Taiwan. 蔡欣穎; YIN, CHUA SIN
    2023-07-04 加密貨幣市場投資績效之評估 黃思婷; Huang, Ssu-Ting

    Showing items 1-50 of 1096. (22 Page(s) Totally)
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