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    顯示項目51-100 / 150. (共3頁)
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    2011-08-01 人力資源彈性對員工及組織之影響- 由雙元管理角度出發;The Impacts of Human Resource Flexibility on Employee and Organizational Outcomes - a Dualities Management Perspective 劉念琪
    2010-08-01 全球性經濟不景氣下組織縮編對人力資源管理角色與功能的轉變以及其對員工工作態度與工作行為影響之研究; A Study the Impact of Downsizing on the Human Resource Management, the Employee Attitudes and Work Behaviors under the Global Recession 房美玉
    2010-08-01 經理人股權、財務績效與生產效率; Managerial Ownership, Financial Performance and Productive Efficiency 陳明園
    2010-08-01 績效考核擔責與訓練對考核偏誤與正確度的影響---二項實驗設計研究; The Impact of Raters’ Accountability and Training on Bias and Accuracy in Performance Ratings--- Two Experimental Design Studies 林文政
    2010-08-01 師徒關係對組織公民行為之跨層次影響---工作壓力之中介效果; A Research of Cross Level Model of Mentoring to OCB, and the Mediation Effects of Job Stress 郭敏珣
    2010-08-01 團體獎酬對員工態度之影響---兼論團體層次工作設計因子之干擾; The Effects of Group-Level Incentives on Employee Attitudes--- The Moderating Role of Group Work Design 劉念琪
    2010-07-01 員工股票獎酬與公司財務績效---探討公司治理機制的干擾效果; Employee Equity Incentives and Corporate Financial Performance---The Moderating Effects of Corporate Governance Mechanisms 劉念琪
    2010-07-01 多源評量受評者犬儒主義、評量結果效用知覺與自我發展意圖; Ratees$ Cynicism, Usefulness Perception, and Intention of Self-Development for a Multisource Feedback System 林文政
    2010-07-01 全球性經濟不景氣下組織縮編對人力資源管理角色與功能的轉變以及其對員工工作態度與工作行為影響之研究; A Study the Impact of Downsizing on the Human Resource Management, the Employee Attitudes, and Work Behaviors under the Global Recession 房美玉
    2010-07-01 高績效工作系統、智慧資本與組織績效關係之探討; An Investigation on the Relationships among High Performance Work Systems, Intellectual Capital, and Organizational Performance 黃同圳
    2009-12-01 多重目的個案研究整合型計畫(III)-子計畫十四---衛星科技如何產生正向組織-正向發展的智慧型車隊社群; Integrated Multiple-Purpose Case Study Project (III) 李誠
    2008-09-01 台灣高科技產業工程師之多重甄選方案的效用分析與預估---採用四種績效標準差的貨幣估價方式與BCG效用模型;The Analysis and Prediction in Utility of the Multiple-Selection Programs for the Engineers in Taiwan High-Tech Industry--- Use of the BCG Model and Four Approaches of Sdy Estimators 房美玉
    2008-09-01 人力資源顧客服務代表組織形態與績效關聯性之探討;The Study of the Relationship between the Organizational Designs of Account Service and Its Performance 林文政
    2008-09-01 高績效工作系統、智慧資本與組織績效關係之探討;An Investigation on the Relationships among High Performance Work Systems, Intellectual Capital, and Organizational Performance 黃同圳
    2008-09-01 國科會所屬科學園區業務整合與業務委外辦理可行性研究規劃計畫 黃同圳; 卓正欽
    2008-09-01 員工參與活動, 工作家庭措施, 家庭友善文化對組織績效之影響--- 內部一致性之觀點;The Impacts of Employee Participation, Work-Family Practices, and Family Friendly Culture on Organizational Outcomes---An Internal Consistency Perspective 劉念琪
    2008-07-01 人力資源客服代表角色明確、角色衝突與角色模糊對其工作態度之影響; The Impact of Human Resource Account Officers' Role Clarity, Role Conflict and Role Ambiguity on Their Job Attitude 林文政
    2008-07-01 人口高齡化對台灣永續發展影響之探討-子計畫三---高齡化趨勢下中高齡勞動人口失業與再就業問題(III); An Investigation on the Issue of Unemployment and Re-Employment for Aged Workforce 黃同圳
    2008-07-01 知識網絡建立因素及其效益之跨層次研究; The Determinants and Consequences of Knowledge Network Building---A Cross-Level Analysis 黃同圳
    2008-07-01 人力資源管理活動於客戶供應商關係中之角色; The Role of Human Resource Pratices in the Supplier-Buyer Relationships 劉念琪
    2008-07-01 以五大人格為發展基礎之人格量表在不同效用評估模型下之效益分析; The Cost-Benefit Analysisof Different Utility Estimition Models for the Personalitty Test Based on the Big-Five 房美玉
    2007-07-01 人力資源專業人員角色之探索研究---構型理論的觀點; An Exploratory Study of Roles for Human Resource Professionals---The Perspective of Configuration Theory 林文政
    2007-07-01 人口高齡化對台灣永續發展影響之探討---子計畫三:高齡化趨勢下之人力資源發展與永續就業工程關係之探討(II); An Investigation on Human Resource Development and Sustainable Employment under the Trend of Aging Society (II) 黃同圳
    2007-07-01 台灣千大企業人力資源管理部門之功能角色與運作效能研究; A Study of the Role Efficiency of Human Resource Management Department in Taiwanese Top 1000 Companies 房美玉
    2007-07-01 高齡社會的來臨:為2025年的台灣社會規劃之整合研究---台灣民眾對老人(化)的態度、影響因素及與行為意向之關聯; Attitudes Towards the Aged (Aging), Their Correlates, and Relations with Behavioral Intentions among Taiwanese People 陸洛
    2007-07-01 從內部顧客與任務角色觀點探討人力資源部門效能:一項跨層次的檢驗; From the Perspectives of Internal Customers and Task Roles to Investigate the Effectiveness of Human Resource Department: A Cross Level Examination 黃同圳
    2007-07-01 從部門吸收能耐到組織吸收能耐: 人力資源部門, 高績效工作系統, 與組織創新績效之關聯;+B4680Absorptive Capacity: from a Department to a Firm --- HR Department, High Performance Work Practices, and the Impacts on Innovation Performance 劉念琪
    2007-07-01 設計與發展以HR-XML為本及適於多型態組織之技能盤點系統; Designing and Developing a HR-XML Based Skill Inventory System for Organizations with Multiple Structures 鄭晉昌
    2007-03-01 「華人本土心理學研究追求卓越」延續計畫---子計畫四:個人取向與社會取向的自我觀:概念、測量、及其適應功能(III); The Individual-And Social-Oriented Views of Self: Conceptualization, Measurement,And Adaptational Functions (III) 陸洛
    2006-07-01 員工決策參與, 財務參與及其對員工心理所有權之影響;Employee Participation in Decision Making and Financial Reurns and the Impacts on Employees' Psychological Ownership 劉念琪
    2006-07-01 從組織社會化的觀點探討組織結構重整初期階段員工的調適問題---一項縱斷面的研究; From Organizational Socialization Perspective to Examine Organization Member's Adjustment in the Early Stage of Organizational Restructuring---A Logitudinal Field Study 林文政
    2006-07-01 人口高齡化對台灣永續發展影響之探討---子計畫三:高齡化趨勢下就業環境需求變化與永續發展之探討(I); An Investigation on the Change of Employment Environment and Sustainable Development under the Trend of Aging (I) 黃同圳
    2006-07-01 管理職能評鑑與員工績效改善的關係:一項縱貫面的研究; A Longitudinal Study of the Relationship of Multidimensional Management Competence Evaluation and Improvement of Work Performance 鄭晉昌
    2006-07-01 情境與行為描述的建構式面談對於預測學校表現之比較研究; A Comparison Study of Situational and Behavior-Description Structured Interviews in Predicting Performance 房美玉
    2006-03-01 心理學門國際暨國內期刊評比之研究; Ratings of International and Domestic Psychological Journals 陸洛
    2006-03-01 「華人本土心理學研究追求卓越」延續計畫---子計畫四:個人取向與社會取向的自我觀:概念、測量、及其適應功能(II); The Individual-and Social-Oriented Views of Self: Conceptualization, Measurement,and Adaptational Functions (II) 陸洛
    2006-02-01 國科會聘用人員制度改進措施研究 黃同圳
    2005-07-01 應用知識結構與問題本位學習於行動學習之研究---情境學習資料庫之分析與設計以建構知識處理引擎; The Analysis, Design and Implementation of a Situated Learning Database for Construction of a Knowledge Processing Engine 鄭晉昌
    2005-07-01 人格特質甄選量表之同時與預測效度研究; The Study of Concurrent and Predictive Validities of Personality Inventory for Selection 房美玉
    2005-07-01 由風險觀點探索台灣高科技公司員工由股票分紅計畫所得股票之持有意願; Employees' Preference on Holding Bonus Stocks in Taiwan's High-Tech Firms ---A Risk-Taking Perspective 劉念琪
    2005-07-01 台灣人力資本與素質指標之建立---子計畫二:台灣各行業務勞工工作倫理,; 健康與安全及員工管理品質指標探討(III) An Investigation of Work Ethic, Health and Safety and Management Indicators for Workers in Taiwan (III) 黃同圳
    2005-07-01 知識創造對人力資源專業人員專業職能的影響; The Impacts of Knowledge Creation on Development of HR Professional Competencies 林文政
    2004-11-01 後SARS台灣重建計畫---SARS事件的社會與經濟衝擊研究---由勞動契約觀點探討醫療組織獎酬制度之設計(子計畫三); Exploring Medical Organizations' Choice on Incentive Schemes 劉念琪; 許碧芬; 張苙雲
    2004-07-01 組織文化與工作設計對臨時性員工態度與工作表現之影響; The Impact of Organizational Culture and Job Designs on the Attitudes and Work Outcomes of Contingent Workers 房美玉
    2004-07-01 製造業人力資源專業職能之研究---一項長期性之研究; A Longitudinal Study of Human Resource Professional Competency in Manufacturing Industry 林文政
    2004-07-01 針對台灣經理人工作壓力三項干預方法之實驗研究(I); An Experimentatl Study of Three Methods of Stress Intervernion for Chinese Executives in Taiwan (I) 高尚仁; 陳政見
    2004-07-01 台灣人力資本與素質指標之建立---子計畫二:台灣服務業勞工工作倫理、健康與安全及員工管理品質指標探討 (II);An Investigation of Work Ethic, Health and Safety and Management Indicators for Service Sector Workers in Taiwan (II) 黃同圳
    2004-07-01 企業員工協助方案之分類建構---台灣中大型企業之實證分析; The Taxonomy of Employee Assistance Programs---An Empirical Investigation in Taiwan's Enterprises 劉念琪
    2004-07-01 知識管理模式與網際網路社群學習系統之研究---子計畫I:自知識管理之角度探討學科知識之解構與重組以強化合作學習環境中知識分享之機制(III); The Study of Decomposition and Re-composition of Domain Knowledge for Enhancing Knowledge Sharing Mechanism in a Collaborative Learning Environment---A KM Perspective (III) 鄭晉昌
    2003-08-01 公務訓練機構訓練業務人員所需職能及在職訓練課程之研究 黃同圳

    顯示項目51-100 / 150. (共3頁)
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