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    2025-03-11 第三族氧化物與氮化物寬能隙半導體的整合以應用於下世代電子元件;Integration of Group-Iii Oxide and Iii-Nitride-Based Wide Bandgap Semiconductors for Next-Generation Electronics Applications 綦振瀛
    2024-09-27 2x-thru校正法之關鍵技術研發;Development of Key Technologies in 2x-Thru Calibration 周求致
    2024-09-27 以有機金屬蒸氣沉積法磊晶成長III族氮化物於新穎基板;Epitaxial Growth of Iii-Nitrides on Novel Substrates by Mocvd 綦振瀛
    2024-09-27 用戶側韌性強化之模組化聚落式微電網解決方案( II );Modular Rundling Microgrid (Mrm) Total Solution for Demand-Side Resilience Enhancement( II ) 陳正一; 林法正; 洪穎怡; 談光雄; 廖益弘
    2024-09-27 多重精準檢測晶片創新推動計畫-先進多晶片技術與人工智慧運算嵌入實現即時在點照顧:早期心房顫動檢測與實踐病人中心之精準中風預防( I );Leveraging Ai and Advanced Multi-Chip Technologies for Point-Of-Care Testing: Early Detection of Atrial Fibrillation and Precise, Patient-Centered Stroke Prevention( I ) 李柏磊; 林亮宇; 林澂黃; 群耀黃; 貞翰楊; 伯康劉; 淑貞羅; 孟宗陳; 健章張
    2024-09-27 羽球運動訓練之智慧輔助系統-總計畫暨子計畫一:羽球撿拾與檢測之機器人組;The Robots for Shuttlecock Picking, Identification and Classification 王文俊; 張哲千
    2024-09-27 具儲能混合交直流微電網雙向互連轉換器功率調節策略之發展;Development of Power Regulation Strategy of Bidirectional Interlinking Converters in Hybrid Ac-Dc Microgrids with Energy Storage System 廖益弘
    2024-09-27 矽基版N極性氮化鎵/氮化鋁鎵之磊晶和元件開發;N-Polar Gan/Algan/Gan Hemts on Si Substrate 辛裕明; 綦振瀛
    2024-09-27 非侵入式癲癇診斷回饋系統開發與臨床實證-腦波偵測與刺激回饋裝置開發;Development of a Non-Invasive Epilepsy Diagnosis Feedback System and Its Clinical Validation – Main Project and Subproject I: Development of Brainwave Detection and Transcranial Electrical Stimulation Feedback Devices 李柏磊; 李龍豪; 黃玉晴; 曾嘉儀
    2024-09-27 非侵入式癲癇診斷回饋系統開發與臨床實證-癲癇偵測演算法與分類策略;Development of a Non-Invasive Epilepsy Diagnosis Feedback System and Its Clinical Validation – Subproject Iii: Seizure Detection Algorithm and Classification Strategy 徐國鎧; 李柏磊
    2024-09-27 前瞻光基雷達應用之關鍵光電整合技術研究-超高速光電發射器與混波器於兆赫波4-D 連續波調頻雷達的開發及應用;The Developments of Ultrafast Optoelectronic Transmitter and Mixer for the Applications of 4-D Thz Fmcw Radar 許晉瑋; 陳智弘; 陳念偉
    2024-09-27 國科會博士生研究獎學金(2月入學) 周景揚
    2024-09-27 探索記憶體內運算的未知邊界: 同時具備儲存、計算、搜尋功能的四位單胞雙阻變閘三態內容定址非揮發記憶體晶片之設計與實作( III );Exploration of Unknown Boundary for the In-Memory Computation: Designs and Implementations of Memory Chips Composed of the 4-Bit-Per-Cell 2t Resistive-Gate Tcam Nvms for Storage, Computation, and Search( III ) 謝易叡
    2024-09-27 微電網之智慧型功率控制與最佳化經濟調度;Intelligent Power Control and Optimal Economic Dispatch of Microgrid 林法正
    2024-09-27 新型全3D光學顯微鏡之系統設計、智慧控制及成像模型訓練;System Design, Intelligent Control, Image Model Training of a Novel Full 3d Optical Microscope System 吳俊緯
    2024-09-27 數位運算記憶體設計與測試自動化( I );Design and Test Automation of Digital Cims( I ) 李進福; 黃世旭; 許鈞瓏; 陳聿廣
    2024-09-27 應用於112 Gb/s NRZ 高速串列收發器之關鍵技術技術與實現;Design and Implementation of Key Techniques in 112 Gb/S High-Speed Serial Transceiver 鄭國興
    2024-09-27 應用於下世代毫米波行動通訊收發機之高階線性度改善研究;Research on High-Level Linearization for Next-Generation Millimeter-Wave Mobile-Communication Transceiver 張鴻埜
    2024-09-27 應用於伺服器電源具被動元件監測無電流感測三相整流器系統之研究;A Study on Current Sensorless Three-Phase Rectifier System with Passive Component Monitoring for Server Power 廖益弘
    2024-08-08 113年電機工程學系(二年級)-英文-入學考試題 電機工程學系二年級
    2024-08-08 113年電機工程學系(二年級)-普通物理-入學考試題 電機工程學系二年級
    2024-08-08 113年電機工程學系(二年級)-微積分-入學考試題 電機工程學系二年級
    2024-01-26 2x-thru校正法參考阻抗之驗證與估計;Verification and Estimation of the Reference Impedance of 2x-Thru Calibration 周求致
    2024-01-26 56/28 Gb/s雙模式高速串列收發器之關鍵技術設計與實現;Design and Implementation of Key Techniques in 56/28 Gb/S Dual-Mode High-Speed Serial Transceiver 鄭國興
    2024-01-26 以有機金屬蒸氣沉積法磊晶成長III族氮化物於新穎基板;Epitaxial Growth of II i-Nitrides on Novel Substrates by Mocvd 綦振瀛
    2024-01-26 四維頻率調變連續波光達系統的開發-即時四維頻率調變連續波光達系統的開發;The Development of Real-Time 4-D Fmcw Lidar Systems 許晉瑋; 魏嘉建; 張祐嘉
    2024-01-26 用戶側韌性強化之模組化聚落式微電網解決方案( I );Modular Rundling Microgrid (Mrm) Total Solution for Demand-Side Resilience Enhancement( I ) 林法正; 陳正一; 洪穎怡; 談光雄; 廖益弘
    2024-01-26 用於下世代資料通信和光感測的光電收發元件之開發( I );The Development of Optical Transceivers for Next-Generation Data Communications and Sensings( I ) 許晉瑋
    2024-01-26 考量老化且適用於邊緣運算之深度類神經網路加速器設計與優化研究;Aging-Aware and Edge-Computing Adaptive Deep Neural Network Accelerator Design and Optimization 周景揚; 陳聿廣
    2024-01-26 智慧型高效能內藏式永磁同步馬達驅動系統;Intelligent High-Performance Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive System 林法正
    2024-01-26 新世代3D內儲超低能耗非揮發性鐵電HfO2與磁性記憶體研究;3d Scaling Ultralow-Power Ferroelectric Hfo2 Tunneling Junction and Mram Technology- a Cross-Layer Optimization from Key Gate-Stack to Device Design 唐英瓚
    2024-01-26 應用人工智慧於室內影像感知之載具技術開發及硬體架構設計;Artificial Intelligence Using Image Sensing Technique on Indoor Vehicle and Its Hardware Architecture Design 蔡宗漢
    2024-01-26 應用於多維度訊號處理系統之張量數位訊號處理演算法與積體電路設計-子計畫一:運用張量分解於混和式波束合成通訊系統之通道估測技術開發與實作;Design and Implementation of Tensor-Decomposition-Based Channel Estimation Techniques for Hybrid-Beamforming Communication Systems 蔡佩芸
    2024-01-26 應用於車用充電三相Vienna整流器無電壓感測直接功率控制之開發;Development of Direct Power Control for Voltage-Sensorless Three-Phase Vi Enna Rectifier Applied in Vehicle Charging 廖益弘
    2024-01-26 鎂矽鍺錫/二氧化矽奈米複合熱電塊材及模組;Mg2(Si,Ge,Sn)/Sio2 Composite Thermoelectric Materials and Module Assembly 辛正倫
    2023-09-18 112年電機工程學系(二年級)-英文-入學考試題 電機工程學系二年級
    2023-09-18 112年電機工程學系(二年級)-普通物理-入學考試題 電機工程學系二年級
    2023-09-18 112年電機工程學系(二年級)-微積分-入學考試題 電機工程學系二年級
    2023-07-17 p型鎂銀銻和n型鎂矽錫熱電材料及模組組成技術以用於熱電能源擷取;Mgagsb and Mg2(Sisn) Thermoelectric Materials and Modules for Thermal Energy Harvesting 辛正倫
    2023-07-17 以直接/間接腦波人機介面為基礎之中風病人復健輔具系統-子計畫二:人工智慧腦波辨識及電路實現;Artificial Intelligence Brain Wave Recognition and Its Electric Circuits Implementation 徐國鎧
    2023-07-17 以直接/間接腦波人機介面為基礎之中風病人復健輔具系統-總計畫暨子計畫一:生物電磁刺激裝置開發與肌電輔具系統;The Direct/Indirect Brain Computer Interface Based Rehabilitation Assistive Systems for Stroke Patients - Main Project and Subproject I: Developments of Electromagnetic Therapy and Electromyogram Based Assistive Systems 李柏磊; 王昱棨
    2023-07-17 以隨空間變化的類表面電漿結構之時空間色散工程整合高頻與特高頻雷達;Integration of High-Frequency Radars and Very-High-Frequency Radars Using Temporal and Spatial Dispersion Engineering of Space-Varying Spoof Surface Plasmon Structures 歐陽良
    2023-07-17 四分之三模態基板合成波導之研究;Research on Three-Quarters-Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide 凃文化
    2023-07-17 生物磁刺激裝置與活動量管理系統開發計畫 (II) :結合VR互動科技的雲端健身房;Development Project for Biomagnetic Stimulation Device and Body Activity Management System (Second Year) :Development of an Interactive Cloud Fitness Gym in Vr Environment 李柏磊
    2023-07-17 羽球運動訓練之智慧輔助系統-總計畫暨子計畫一:羽球撿拾與檢測之機器人組;The Robots for Shuttlecock Picking, Identification and Classification 王文俊; 張哲千
    2023-07-17 考量夾具誤差之2x-thru校正法研發;Development of 2x-Thru Calibration Algorithms Considering the Fixture-Mismatch Effect 周求致
    2023-07-17 利用智慧型控制之高性能永磁輔助同步磁阻馬達驅動系統;High-Performance Permanent Magnet Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor Drive System Using Intelligent Control 林法正
    2023-07-17 使用異質整合積體電路技術之下世代毫米波通訊收發機研究;Research on Next-Generation Millimeter-Wave Communication Transceiver Using Heterogeneous Integrated Circuit Technology 張鴻埜
    2023-07-17 具新型垂降控制策略之併網柔切三相六開關反流器;A Grid-Connected Zero-Voltage Switching Three-Phase Six-Switch Inverter with Novel Droop Control Technique 廖益弘
    2023-07-17 非法無人機位置偵測與操控干擾之行走式系統開發;Development of Walking System for Illegal Uav Position Detection and Control Interruption 吳俊緯

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