Introduction: Biological related physical sciences have never been growing so rapidly, and it seems that it will keep on growing in the foreseeable future. It is commonly aware that the era of bio-related science has begun, and there will be numerous interesting problems that demand the bright minds of physical scientists to make significant contributions. In the post-genome era, huge biological data banks such as DNA and protein sequences and protein structures are easily and conveniently accessible to each individual. It has caused a revolutionary change in the way people think about and do research in life sciences. As we know, physical principles and laws hold from microscopic level to macroscopic level, and p hysical properties of bio-elements such as DNA, membranes, proteins, cells, etc., can provide a good understanding of the fundamental mechanisms of the functions of these basic machines in life. Material nature of many bio-substances affects its biological properties. Evolution often made use of these physical properties of bio-materials to optimize for the survival chance of life forms. The rise of Biophysics is a natural and unavoidable global trend in the 21 st Century science.