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    显示项目1801-1850 / 2096. (共42页)
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    2001 Doppler velocities obtained by the EISCAT VHF radar and the dynasonde during the PMSE95 campaign Lee,CC; Liu,JY; Pan,CJ; Liu,CH
    2001 Dynasonde observations of ionospheric modification experiments with the HIPAS observatory Tsai,LC; Berkey,FT; Wong,AY; Pau,J
    2001 Examination of the layer model of the frequency-domain interferometry theory applied in mesosphere-stratosphere-troposphere radars Chen,JS; Chu,YH
    2001 Ionospheric foF2 variations prior to strong earthquakes in Taiwan area Chuo,YJ; Chen,YI; Liu,JY; Pulinets,SA
    2001 Local height determination using GPS-monitored atmospheric path delays Wu,J; Yiu,FG
    2001 Reanalysis of L-band brightness predicted by the LSP/R model for prairie grassland: Incorporation of rough surface scattering Liou,YA; Chen,KS; Wu,TD
    2001 ROCSAT 1 ionospheric plasma and electrodynamics instrument observations of equatorial spread F: An early transitional scale result Su,SY; Yeh,HC; Heelis,RA
    2001 Seasonal variations of the ionospheric total electron content in Asian equatorial anomaly regions Tsai,HF; Liu,JY; Tsai,WH; Liu,CH; Tseng,CL; Wu,CC
    2001 Variations of ionospheric total electron content during the Chi-Chi earthquake Liu,JY; Chen,YI; Chuo,YJ; Tsai,HF
    2001 Activation analysis of rapid thermally annealed Si and Mg co-implanted semi-insulating GaAs Lee,CC; Wu,LW; Chi,GC
    2001 Characterization of p-type InxGa1-xN grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition Wen,TC; Lee,WI; Sheu,JK; Chi,GC
    2001 Characterization of the properties of Mg-doped Al0.15Ga0.85N/GaN superlattices Sheu,JK; Kuo,CH; Chen,CC; Chi,GC; Jou,MJ
    2001 Enhanced output power in an InGaN-GaN multiquantum-well light-emitting diode with an InGaN current-spreading layer Sheu,JK; Chi,GC; Jou,MJ
    2001 FE calculation of contour integrals in plane anisotropic elastic media with crack surface tractions Chang,JH; Wu,WH
    2001 Low-operation voltage of InGaN/GaN light-emitting diodes by using a Mg-doped Al0.15Ga0.85N/GaN superlattice Sheu,JK; Chi,GC; Jou,MJ
    2001 Low-operation voltage of InGaN/GaN light-emitting diodes with Si-doped In0.3Ga0.7N/GaN short-period superlattice tunneling contact layer Sheu,JK; Tsai,JM; Shei,SC; Lai,WC; Wen,TC; Kou,CH; Su,YK; Chang,SJ; Chi,GC
    2001 Equalization effects of the expansion of labor-intensive exports: The case of Taiwan Chu,YP
    2001 An analytic approach to sound scattering from a pair of scatterers with application to rigid spheres Ye,ZN; Alvarez,A
    2001 Crossings and writhe of flexible and ideal knots Huang,JY; Lai,PY
    2001 Jamming of granular flow in a two-dimensional Hopper To,K; Lai,PY; Pak,HK
    2001 Laser enhanced transports in strongly coupled dusty plasmas Juan,WT; Chang,MH; Lai,YJ; Chen,MH; I,L
    2001 Nonequilibrium relaxation times in polymer knot groups Lai,PY; Sheng,YJ; Tsao,HK
    2001 On the consistency of two elastic models for double-stranded DNA Zhou,Z; Lai,PY
    2001 Worm-like chain under an external force: A classical mechanical approach Lai,PY; Zhou,ZC
    2000-12-01 OCI遙測頻道大氣校正模式之研究(IV); Atmospheric Correction Model of OCI Remote Sensing Channels (IV) 劉振榮; 陳哲俊
    2000-12-01 中央大學八十九下半年度資源衛星接收站計畫 陳哲俊
    2000-12-01 氣象衛星數據雲圖影像之雲高指定(I); Estimation of Cloud Height Using Meteorological Satellite Image (I) 劉振榮; 盧孟明; 陳嘉榮
    2000-12-01 參與美國太空總署合成孔徑雷達影像實驗---台灣地區資料獲取處理計畫; (III) An Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Campaign by Nasa of United States---Taiwan Area Data Acquisition and Processing Project (III) 陳錕山; 吳究; 陳良健; 陳哲俊
    2000-12-01 雪霸國家公園衛星遙測系統之建立(II); Satellite Remote Sensing System of Shei-Pa National Park(II) 陳乃宇; 陳哲俊; 陳繼潘
    2000-12-01 遙測技術研發計畫; Research and Development on Remote Sensing Technology 劉振榮; 陳錕山; 陳繼藩; 王顯達; 曾忠一; 陳良健; 吳究; 黃國禎; 余騰鐸; 陳滌清; 劉說安
    2000-12-01 應用遙測技術於目標導向油污染監測系統之建立; The Application of Remote Sensing Techniques for Institution of Oil Detection System 陳錕山; 丘增杰; 陳繼藩; 劉說安
    2000-12-01 台北市東西向快速道路橋梁地震資料研究; Analysis of Earthquake Data of the Taipei East-West Express Bridge 唐治平
    2000-12-01 中華衛星一號中壢遙傳追蹤指令站操作維護計畫(IV); Maintenance Support of Rocsat-1 Chungli Ground Station(IV) 鐘嘉德
    2000-12-01 利用衛星雷達建立水災即時監測系統之規劃; Real Time Monitoring of Flood Using Satellite Sar Imagery Data 陳錕山; 陳繼藩
    2000-12-01 應用空載雷達影像資料於災害防救之研究; Application of Airborne Sar Imagery Data to National Hazard Monitoring 陳錕山
    2000-12-01 溫室氣體通量測定及減量對策---子計畫十:掩埋場甲烷通量及周界大氣甲烷濃度之研究(II); A study on Methane Flux and Atmospheric Methane Concentration in Landfill(II) 郭坤土; 張哲明; 王鯤生
    2000-11-01 公共工程地震災害風險評估之研究; Study of the Impact of Earthquake Hazards on Infrastructure System 謝定亞; 蔣偉寧; 唐治平; 蔡義本; 姚乃嘉
    2000-10-01 氮化鎵藍光雷射二極體技術研究---子計畫II:氮化鎵系列材料P-N界面之形成及其物性與結構之研究(II); The Formation of p-n Junction and It's Properties to Structure Correction Study for GaN Material(II) 紀國鐘
    2000-10-01 橋梁設計維修支援系統之建立(II)---國內現有自然災害危害評估及防治方法之整合研究; Decision Support System for Bridge Design and Rhabiliation---Integration of Nature Hazard Assessment and Prevention Strategy 唐治平; 施建志; 莊秋明; 林呈; 周憲德; 蔣偉寧
    2000-07-01 大氣參數影響Ka-Bnad; 無線通訊之定量分析 A Quantitative Analysis of the Atmospheric Influence on Ka-Bnad Communication 劉說安; 陳錕山
    2000-07-01 以隨機過程描述GPS接收時鐘參數之研究; Description of GPS Receiving Clock Parameters Using Random Processes 吳究
    2000-07-01 台灣地區大氣層之雷達研究---子計畫VIII:重力波對電離層擾動影響之觀測與研究(III); Observations and Studies of Ionospheric Disturbance Produced by Gravity Waves (III) 蔡龍治
    2000-07-01 台灣地區局部大氣環流研究---子計畫IV:L-Band輻射量測土壤溼度之研究(II); On the Study of Soil Moisture Measurement by L-Band Radiometry (II) 劉說安
    2000-07-01 赤道異常區電離層現象的觀察與研究---子計畫IV:低緯電動力之模擬與資料分析(III); Model and Data Analysis of the Low Latitude Ionospheric Electrodynamics (III) 蘇信一; 葉惠卿
    2000-07-01 空照四重疊影像中房屋偵測之研究; Detection of Man-Made Buildings from Aerial Quadruplets 陳良健
    2000-07-01 南海季風實驗資料分析整合計畫---子計畫III:整合衛星微波儀器於海域風場之觀測分析; Integration of Satellite Microwave Sensors for Observations of Ocean Surface Wind Fields 陳錕山; 王作台
    2000-07-01 梅雨季豪雨實驗整合計畫---子計畫IV:衛星資料在研究台灣地區與大陸華南地區梅雨季中尺度對流系統生成機制之探討(III); Applying Satellite Remote Sensing Data on the Genesis of Mesoscale Convection System during Meiyu Period over Taiwan and South China Area (III) 劉振榮
    2000-07-01 無人載具遙測系統之研製與應用---子計畫I:感測器光譜特性研究與校正(II); An Unmanned Vehicle Remote Sensing System's Design, Implementation and Application: Studies of Sensor's Spectral Characteristics and Calibration (II) 蔡龍治; 陳錕山
    2000-07-01 無人載具遙測系統之研製與應用---子計畫III:與地理資訊系統之整合與應用(II); Integration with GIS and Applications (II) 陳繼藩
    2000-07-01 無人載具遙測系統之研製與應用---子計畫V:無線資料影像傳輸系統之研製(II); A Wireless Data and Image Transmission System (II) 陳錕山