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    2021-07-19 基於自動編碼器-長短期記憶方法 在數據不平衡下的異常檢測;Anomaly Detection under Data Imbalance Based on the Autoencoder-LSTM Method 陳鈴云; Chen, Ling-Yun
    2021-07-19 賣家考量訊息揭露影響下的定價策略;The pricing strategy under information disclosure 黃照發; Huang, Zhao-Fa
    2021-07-15 運用六標準差改善進料品質資訊系統 周詩湘; Chou, Shih-Hsiang
    2021-07-14 太陽能板回收之成本效益分析;Cost-Benefit Analysis of Waste Photovoltaic Module Recycling 李芸; Lee, Yun
    2021-07-14 以分支定界法求取具有就緒時間與工件族限制之單一機台批次處理問題之最小化總完工時間;A branch and bound algorithm to minimize total completion time on single batch processing machine with release time and job families constraints 葉致宏; Ye, Zhi-Hong
    2021-07-14 以分支定界法求取具時間窗口限制之單一批次加工機台最小化完工時間;A branch and bound algorithm for single batch processing machine with time window constraint to minimize makespan 郭哲瑋; GUO, ZHE-WEI
    2021-07-14 以分支定界法基於啟發式演算法求取具時 間窗口限制之平行機台之批次處理問題;A Branch-and-bound Based Heuristic for Parallel Batch Processing Problem with Time Window Constraint 彭昭揚; Yang, Peng-Chao
    2021-07-14 以流程導向設計區塊鏈支援的汽車零件交易資訊平台;Process-oriented design of a Blockchain-supported auto parts trading information platform 林莉潔; Lin, Li-Chieh
    2021-07-14 以流程導向設計區塊鏈支援的智能車聯網平台;Process-oriented design of a Blockchain-Supported Smart Vehicle-to-Everything Platform 周劭鴻; Chou, Shao-Hung
    2021-07-14 建構神經網路模型基於貝氏推論—以時間序列資料為例;Bayesian Inference for Neural Network Model with Application on Time Series Data 戴銘哲; Dai, Ming-Jhe
    2021-07-14 基於網路流模型之啟發式演算法求取具工件族與時間窗口限制之平行機台批次處理問題;A Network-flow-model Based Heuristic for Parallel Batch Processing Problem with Job Family and Time Window Constraints 陳育萱; Chen, Yu-Syuan
    2021-07-06 封閉式供應鏈之新品與再製品最佳定價策略之研究;Research on optimal pricing strategies for new and remanufacturing products in a closed loop supply chain 王緒安; Wang, Syu-An
    2021-07-06 基於LSTM方法於塗佈機異常分類之研究;Anomaly Classification for Coating Machine Based on LSTM Approach 簡義宭; Chien, Yi-Chun
    2021-07-06 運用異常標籤分類與LSTM方法於停機預測-以A公司塗佈機為例;Using Label Classification And LSTM Approach To Predict – A Case of Coating Machine 陳泰成; Chen, Tai-Cheng
    2021-06-28 跨境電商對海外倉儲物流服務業者的評估模式;Cross-Border E-Commerce Companies′ Evaluation Model for Overseas Warehousing and Logistics Service Providers 周志峰; Chou, Chih-Feng
    2021-06-16 以太陽能與風能電氣化高速公路運輸;Electrification of Highway Transportation with Solar and Wind Energy 阮凡克; Can, Nguyen Van
    2021-06-15 運用企業架構為化學產業整合精實製造、數位化及永續發展;Using Enterprise Architecture to Integrate Lean Manufacturing, Digitalization, and Sustainability for Chemical Industries 廖明輝; Liao, Ming-Hui
    2021-01-28 以動態X ?-R 管制圖判定塗布機異常現象之先導因子;Using Dynamic X ?-R control charts to determine leading indicators for Coater machine Anomaly 詹秉寰; Chan, Ping-Huan
    2021-01-14 基於LSTM方法於建置預診斷與健康管理模型—以塗佈機為例;Developing a Prognostics and Health Management Model Based on LSTM Approach – A Case Study of Coating Machine 陳嘉瑩; Chen, Jia-Ying
    2021-01-06 運用成套分批生產工單改善機械精密加工如期解繳 張志瑞; Chang, Chih-Jui
    2020-08-20 人口密度對於賣家決策之影響;The Impact of Density of Population on Seller’s Decision 廖恬櫻; Liao, Tien-Ying
    2020-08-20 利用異常檢測在串流資料建立預警系統;Establishing an early warning system on streaming data by anomaly detection 沈劭洋; Shen, Shao-Yang
    2020-08-19 以多屬性法則研究TFT-LCD廠的 RGV之選取Cassette問題 洪楷力; Hung, Kai-Lee
    2020-08-18 以分支定界法求取具時間窗口與群組限制之單一機台批次最小化總完工時間之排程問題;A Branch and Bound Algorithm for a Single Machine Batch Scheduling Problem with Time Window and Job Family Constraints to Minimize Total Completion Time 林欣儀; Lin, Hsin-Yi
    2020-08-18 以分支定界法求解具批量機台與時間延滯之零工式生產排程問題;A Branch and Bound Algorithm for Job Shop Problem with a Batch Machine and Time-Lags 相虹; Hung, Hsiang
    2020-08-18 以節省法則為基礎之基因演算法求取批量平行機台最小化最大完工時間具機器合適度期間之排程問題;A Saving Method-based Genetic Algorithm for Minimizing Makespan on Parallel Batch Processing with Machine Eligibility Period Determination 黃宣甯; Huang, Syuan-Ning
    2020-08-18 節省法為基礎之分支定界法以決定機器合適度區間之零工式批量排程問題;A Saving Method-based Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Machine Eligibility Period Determination Problem on Job Shop Batch Processing 李穎琪; Lee, Ying-Chi
    2020-08-18 類Kiva系統之Pod分配揀貨工作站挑選、Pod分配與品項分配之相關問題探討 王新淳; Wang, Xin-Chun
    2020-08-17 以多屬性法則探討TFT-LCD廠Array製程區的Stacker Crane之Cassette選取問題 張惠筑; Chang, Hui-Chu
    2020-08-17 類Kiva系統之Kiva派送與Pod暫存區停放位置分配等問題之探討 梁苹; Liang, Ping
    2020-08-10 考量策略型消費者心理層面的訂價策略;The pricing strategy with psychological state when facing strategic customers 吳懿桓; Wu, Yi-Huan
    2020-07-31 以擴充RFM模型結合AHP法探討航空產業在顧客價值研究;Customer Value Using AHP With Extended RFM Model In The Airline Industry 胡哲嘉; Hu, Zhe-Jia
    2020-07-29 以最大熵原理分析SAN系統中的逆問題;Inverse Problem In SAN Using Principle Of Maximum Entropy 陳勲; Chen, Shiun
    2020-07-29 平均積分平方誤差與最大概似估計法在非齊性卜瓦松過程下估計分段線性函數參數之比較;Comparison of Mean Integral Squared Error and the Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Parameter Estimation of Piecewise Linear Functions under Non-homogeneous Poisson Process 鄭雯馨; Cheng, Wen-Hsin
    2020-07-29 在回溯線搜索下結合梯度方向的反應曲面法;Direct Gradient Augmented Response Surface Methodology Based on Backtracking Line Search 高慶展; Kao, Ching-Chan
    2020-07-29 在限制計算成本下異質性隨機克利金元模型與迴歸元模型之比較;Comparison of Stochastic Kriging Metamodel and Regression Metamodel in Simulation:The Heteroscedastic Variance Case with Constraint Computing Budget 詹薏蓁; Chan, Yi-Chen
    2020-07-28 基於SVDD方法於塗佈機異類點檢測與分析之研究;Detection and analysis of outliers in coater based on support vector data description method 崔喆宇; Cui, Zhe-Yu
    2020-07-28 基於關聯規則的多元時間序列資料趨勢挖掘;Patterns Discovery of Multiple Time Series Data Based on Association Rule 羅翊伶; Luo, Yi-Ling
    2020-07-24 應用空間模型於封閉式供應鏈之再利用率與定價決策;Optimal Reusability and Pricing Strategies in a Closed-loop Supply Chain Using Spatial Model 胡文慈; Hu, Wun-Cih
    2020-07-22 應用田口方法於碟式煞車系統新技術開發;New technology development of disc-brake system by applying Taguchi Method 鍾秉璋; ZHONG, BING-ZHANG
    2020-07-21 智能家居的品質機能展開與失效模式分析;Quality Function Deployment and Failure Mode Analysis of Smart Home 林玨丞; Lin, Chueh-Cheng
    2020-07-20 以流程導向方式導入區塊鏈技術–汽車供應鏈資訊系統為例;A process-oriented approach for implementing blockchain technology – a case of automotive supply chain information system. 許斅文; Hsu, Shiau-Wen
    2020-07-16 汽車零組件的品質機能展開與失效模式分析;Quality Function Deployment and Failure Modes Analysis of Automotive Components 梁東豐; Liang, Tung-Feng
    2020-07-15 移動式電源最大需求覆蓋之路徑規劃;Route Planning for Mobile Chargers to Cover Maximum Total Demand 黃怡菁; Huang, Yi-Ching
    2020-07-14 工業用電考量時間電價之太陽能發電系統最佳配置規劃;Optimal Planning of Solar PV Systems for Industrial Users Considering Time of Use 陳建宏; Chen, Chien-Hung
    2020-07-14 工業電腦的品質機能展開與模組化設計;Quality Function Deployment and Modular Design of Industrial Computers 彭梓杭; Tzu-hang-Peng
    2020-07-14 考量最大利潤之再生能源發電業最佳能源分配;Maximizing Profit Distribution of Renewable Energy 胡羽喬; Hu, Yu-Ciao
    2020-07-14 考慮競爭環境及政府補貼之最佳化封閉式供應鏈模型;Optimization Modeling of Closed-Loop Supply Chain with the Considerations of Competitors and Government Subsidies 陳婉婷; Chen, Wan-Ting
    2020-07-14 長途公路貨運之電動卡車沿途供電規劃;Power Planning of Electric Trucks for Long-haul Freight Transportation 呂子綱; LU, ZI-GANG
    2020-07-14 探討紡織品回收體系之補貼政策與利潤模型;The Subsidy Policy and Profit Model Analysis of the Textile Recycling System 劉維欣; Liu, Wei-Hsin

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