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    显示项目851-900 / 3892. (共78页)
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    2017-08-01 張愛玲的創傷書寫與改寫:《半生緣》與《怨女》的同化與反同化辯證 (Re-); Writing Trauma: Eilleen Chang$S Dialectics of Mimesis and Anti-Mimesis in Eighteen Springs and the Rouge of the North 葉德宣
    2017-08-01 現代手稿研究與術語問題;Modern Manuscript Studies and the Question of Terminology 易鵬
    2017-08-01 喪屍!──後福特主義下的集體性與媒介過程;Zombies!: Collectivity and Mediation in Post-Fordism 戴芃儀
    2017-08-01 跨太平洋文學:移工敘事與社群想像;Transpacific Literature: Migrant Narratives and Imagined Communities 吳慧娟
    2017-07-31 臺灣山地保留地政策的制訂與執行 ─以復興鄉為例(1945-1966) 王婉怡; Wang, Wan-Yi
    2017-07-31 輪轉鍊生:臺灣自行車產業史(1972-2005) 胡振弘; Hu, Davie
    2017-07-28 嚴歌苓小說改編電影研究 ──以《天浴》、《金陵十三釵》與《歸來》為例;The Research on the Films Adapted from Geling Yan’s Novels—Exemplifying “Xiu Xiu: The Sentdown Girl”, “The Flowers Of War” and “Coming Home” 王詩卉; Wang, Shih-Huei
    2017-07-28 中共海軍新型水面艦艇演進之研究 (1999-2016) 黃淑卿; Huang, Shu-Ching
    2017-07-28 以公共空間概念為核心建構當代新儒家的民主論述;Constructing Democratic Discourse of Contemporary New-Confucianism Based on the Concept of Public Sphere 梁奮程; Leung, Fan-ching
    2017-07-26 戰後臺灣公路運輸政策與公營客運之變遷;The Development of the Highway Policy and the Public Highway Company in Taiwan after World War II 吳宗憲; Wu, Tsung-Hsien
    2017-07-25 惡魔、暴力、幽靈──Robert Mapplethorpe作品中的邊緣主體;Demons, Violence, and Specters: Marginal Subjects in Works of Robert Mapplethorpe 張竣昱; Chang, Chun-Yu
    2017-07-25 智能障礙者性權探究;A Study into the Sexual Rights of People with Intellectual Disabilities 鄭揚宜; YangYi, Zheng
    2017-07-24 唐五代女冠詩詞中的陰性書寫 余昕嬪; Yu, Hsin-Pin
    2017-07-21 離散與記憶:姚拓小說研究 張瑞玲; LENG, TEO SWEE
    2017-07-21 「新桂系」與民國政治(1925~1949);&quot;New quangxi clique &quot;and Republic of China politics (1925 ~ 1949) 陳左新; Chen, .Tso-Hsin
    2017-07-20 The Importance of Context for Adolescents’ Motivational Beliefs in Science Learning and their Relationships with Science Achievement: Results from Taiwanese TIMSS Data 王呈隆; Wang, Cheng-Lung
    2017-07-20 查爾斯.狄更斯《遠大前程》中之主要社會價值觀;Major Social Values in Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations 林宛萱; Lin, Woan-shiuan
    2017-07-19 爭鳴出版業──晚明文人馮夢龍的個案研究;Contending in Publishing Industry——The Individual Study in Feng Menglong, A Scholar in Late Ming Dynasty 尤麗雯; Yu, Li-Wen
    2017-07-19 《西遊記》中的唐僧形象研究 張秦姍; shan, chang chin
    2017-07-19 徐恩曾與中統局興衰之研究(1926-1945) 賴彥儒; RU, Lai-Yan
    2017-07-18 元季四大畫家之藝文生活及詩歌創作;Artistic Life and Poetry of Four Major Painters of Late Yuan Dynasty 沈雅文; Shen, Ya-Wen
    2017-07-18 都市人與空間 —— 香港作家也斯小說研究;City′s People and Space —— The Research of Yesi′s Novels 劉慕嵐; Lan, Liew Mok
    2017-07-18 《漢聲小百科》與戰後兒童百科中的臺灣論述 孫維濃; Sun, Wei-Nung
    2017-07-17 論關良戲曲人物畫與蓋叫天武戲之關聯性;The Connections Between the Chinese Opera Paintings Drawn by Guan Liang and the Wusheng Role Performed by Gai Jiaotian 邱立欣; Chiu, Li-Hsin
    2017-07-17 二魚版臺灣年度詩選研究(2003-2016) 張悅華; Chang, Yueh-Hua
    2017-07-13 常書鴻早期繪畫研究;Early Paintings of Chang Shu-Hong 施小青; Shi, Xiao-Qing
    2017-07-13 書寫之後:反叛回憶的夢窗詞;After Writing: Mengchuang ci of Resisting to Remembrance 林晏鋒; Lin, Yen-Feng
    2017-07-13 現代性的女體與城市: 海派小說的怪異建構與情慾投射(1927-1937);Modern female and city --- The grotesque constructure and erotic projection of Shanghai Literacy 楊薏弘; Yang, Yi-Hung
    2017-07-13 論王船山《張子正蒙注》的生活美學觀;On the Aesthetics of Everyday Life of Wang Fuzhi’s “Commentary on Zhang Zai’s Zheng Meng” 江嘉丞; SENG, KANG KA
    2017-07-13 人格同一與道德責任:從初期佛教聖典對神經科學的挑戰的回應;Personal Identity and Moral Responsibility: A Response from Early Buddhist Pāli Texts to Neuro-Science 羅候羅; RATNA, RAHUL
    2017-07-12 明清之際的「忠義」抉擇—以侯峒曾家族為個案研究 徐曉緯; Hsu, Hsiao-Wei
    2017-07-11 告別肥胖:從戰後臺灣報紙的內容看減肥觀念的形塑與實踐;Farewell to Obesity: From the Contents of the Post-War Taiwan Newspaper to See the Formation and Practice of Weight Loss 葉家瑜; Yeh, Chia-Yu
    2017-07-11 對地球的沉思;Meditation on the Earth 衛子嫣; Wei, Tzu-Yen
    2017-07-10 化運神通──明代神通式渡水羅漢畫之析探;A Study on the Paintings of Lohans’ Supernatural Water Crossing in the Ming Dynasty 張貝稜; Zhang, Bei-Leng
    2017-07-10 以《中庸》之「誠」疏解臺灣醫病關係;Relieving Physician-Patient Relationship in Taiwan by “Sincerity (Cheng)” in Zhongyong 張家寧; Chang, Jia-Ning
    2017-07-06 學習成為一位消費者─以國中小學生的文具消費為例;Learning to Be a Consumer: A Study on elementary and junior high schoolers’ consumption of stationery 張竹君; Chang, Chu-Chun
    2017-07-05 放下的美學:從《莊子》「非人」實義探究生活突現之美;Aesthetics of Relinquishment: A Study of Emergent Beauty in Everyday Life from the Signification in Chuang-Tzu’s “Non-Human” 吳鈺崧; Wu, Yu-Sung
    2017-06-29 楊伯峻《論語譯注》義理研究;The study on the righteousness principles of Yang Bojun′s “Annotations of the Analects of Confucius ” 郭瑋倫; Kuo, Wei-Lun
    2017-06-28 泰特藝廊對William Blake的形塑與推廣,1913至今;The Representation and Promotion of William Blake at the Tate Gallery, 1913 to the present day 郭祖蓉; Kuo, Tsu-Jung
    2017-06-26 探討七年級學生對說明體文章結構的覺知能力;Seventh-grade students’ awareness of text structures 黃詩婷; Huang, Shi-Ting
    2017-06-26 中共軍事戰略轉變之研究(1999-2015) 崔瀚中; TSUI-HAN-CHUNG
    2017-06-22 影響中小學教師行動科技融入教學之因素模式探討;Exploring the Factors that Influencing the Primary and Secondary School Teachers on Integrating Mobile Technology into Teaching 林燕珍; Lin, Yen-Chen
    2017-06-22 中共文革後期權力移轉之研究(1971-1976);The Study on the Transfer of Political Power in the Late Period of the Cultural Revolution 曾欣如; Tseng, Hsin-Ju
    2017-06-20 論當代理想外型之暴政與女性身體的異化:法國與台灣美容產品廣告的理論與實踐分析;La tyrannie de l’apparence et l’aliénation du corps féminin ideal dans les sociétés contemporaines : Analyse théorique et pratique des publicités de produits de beauté françaises et taïwanaises 熊心沂; HSIUNG, SIN-YI
    2017-06-08 一位數學家教老師 如何資訊融入專業知能發展;A Mathematics Tutor How to Improve her Technology, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge 陳憶慧; Chen, I-Hui
    2017-06-08 商輅下野期間活動之研究 鄭湘如; JHENG, SIANG-RU
    2017-06-05 反右派運動之研究;The Research on the Anti-Rightist Campaign 劉建新; LIU, CHIEN-HSIN
    2017-05-23 葉淺予(1907-1995)1937年前服裝畫分析;The Fashion Prints by Ye Qianyu(1907-1995) prior to 1937 張文薰; Chang, Wen-Hsun
    2017-05-22 創意思考螺旋教學策略對國小學童學習效果之研究;The Study of Learning effects of Creative Thinking Spiral Teaching Strategies Applied to Elementary Students 鍾濟謙; Chung, Ji-Cian
    2017-05-22 從飲食抉擇到倫理實踐──效益主義為進路 丁金櫻; Jing-Ying, Ding

    显示项目851-900 / 3892. (共78页)
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