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    Showing items 401-450 of 695. (14 Page(s) Totally)
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    2010-07-14 師徒功能認知對職場個人學習之影響─以中央人資所企業導師制度為例The; effects of mentor function perception on workplace learning-A case of Business Mentor Program in the institute of Human Resource Management in the National Central University 謝玲玲; Ling-ling Hsieh
    2010-07-14 教練制度導入成效影響因素之探討Exploring; the Key Factors on the Effectiveness of Coaching 吳欣倫; Hsin-lun Wu
    2010-07-14 人力派遣行業招募管理師專業職能量表之建立Establishing; a competency model for recruiters of dispatching agencies 劉玉娟; Yu-chuan Liu
    2010-07-13 組織承諾對師徒功能認知與組織公民行為之中介效果; ---- 以台灣高科技產業為例The relationship between mentorship and organizational citizenship behavior mediated by organizational commitment : A case study of high-tech industry in Taiwan 陳秉沛; Bing-Pei Chen
    2010-07-13 賦予考核者績效責任與進行參考架構訓練對考核結果正確度之影響-2x2實驗因子設計Accuracy; of Performance Ratings as Affected by Raters’ Accountability and Frame of Reference Training 蔡宜均; Yi-chun Tsai
    2010-07-12 個人與團隊契合、情感性承諾、知識分享行為與團隊績效之關聯-兼論團隊公平知覺的調節效果Person-team; fit, affective commitment, knowledge sharing behavior, and team performance: perceived team justices as moderators 吳欣蓓; Hsin-pei Wu
    2010-07-09 企業綠化程度對企業競爭力之影響─以綠色人力資本為中介變項The; Effect of the Degree of Business Greening on the Competitive Advantage –Green Human Capital as a Mediator 程琪方; Chi-fang Cheng
    2010-07-08 容貌對工作選擇與薪資之影響─以金融保險業務人員為例The; influence of physical appearance on job choice and salary: The case of finance and insurance salespeople. 許馨予; Hsin-yu Hsu
    2010-07-08 影響年輕族群工作轉換意願之因素探討The; factors influence young people's turnover intentions. 薛冰絜; Ping-Chieh Hsueh
    2010-07-08 智慧型排班系統之設計-以服務業為例Design; of intelligent employee work scheduling system – A case study of services industry 武翠芳; Vu Thi
    2010-07-08 製造業企業社會責任實踐與組織承諾之關聯性Examining; the Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility Implementation and Organizational Commitment in Manufacturing 鄧雅方; Ya-Fang Teng
    2010-07-07 團隊型態對員工組織承諾之影響-以信任度、工作自主度作為中介變項The; relationship between type of teams and Organizational Commitment - trust and autonomy as mediators. 李孟屏; Meng-Ping Lee
    2010-07-05 綠色工作價值觀對工作選擇之影響The; Influence of Green work value on Job Choice 戴晧栢; Hao-bo Dai
    2010-06-28 探討員工企業社會責任之認知對組織公民行為之影響-以組織承諾為中介變項The; Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Mediating Effect of Organizational Commitment. 潘珏汝; Chueh-Ju Pan
    2010-06-22 功能彈性態度、工作投入與僱用能力之關聯研究 -台灣石化產業為例 ; The relationships between toward functional flexibility attitude and employability, Job involvement as the mediator. Empirical research based on the employees of petroleum industry in Taiwan. 葉倩妏; Cian-Wen Yeh
    2010-06-20 工作家庭平衡措施滿意度對員工工作態度之影響─以知覺組織支持為中介變項Perceived; Organizational Support As a Mediator Between Work-family Benefit Satisfactions and Work Attitudes 陳家銘; Chia-ming Chen
    2010-06-17 探討高績效人力資源管理活動與服務型組織公民行為之關聯─以員工彈性氣候為中介變項High; Performance Work Practices and Service-Oriented Organizational Citizenship Behaviors – The Climate of Internal Labor Flexibility as a Mediator 林義挺; Yi-ting Lin
    2010-06-10 高績效工作系統、智慧資本與組織績效關係之探討A; study of the relationship among HPWS, intellectual capital and organizational performance 張瀞方; Ching-fang Chang
    2010-06-02 360度評量受評者工作目標明確性知覺因素之探討The; Study of Factors of Ratees' Goal understanding in 360 Degree Feedback Evaluation 陳彥儒; Yen-ju Chen
    2010-01-26 內外控人格特質及工作環境因素對訓練遷移成效之影響-以師徒制教導為中介變項; The Effects of Locus of Control and Work Environmental Factors on The Effectiveness of Transfer Training – Mediating Role of Mentoring 陳振華; Chen-hua Chen
    2010-01-20 績效責任與參考架構訓練對績效考核正確度之影響; Accountability and frame of ference training's effect on performance appraisal accuracy. 鄭淑翎; Shu-Ling Cheng
    2009-09-29 正向思考與工作壓力感受之關聯性研究; The Relationship between Positive Thinking and the Feelings of Work Stress 林韋君; Wei-chun Lin
    2009-07-06 五大人格量表的效用分析—以Taylor-Russell、Naylor-Shine 及Brogden-Cronbach-Gleser 模型為例 ;Utility analysis of the Big Five personality inventory by using Taylor-Russell model, Naylor-Shine model and Brogden-Cronbach-Gleser model 曾雅寧; Ya-ning Tseng
    2009-07-06 人力資源活動對人力資源效能及組織效能之影響─以台灣千大企業為例 蘇品潔; Pin-chieh Su
    2009-07-06 五大人格量表的效用分析-以Brogden-Cronbach-Gleser及Raju-Burke-Normand Model為例; The Utility Analysis of Big Five Personality by Brogden-Cronbach-Gleser Model and Raju-Burke-Normand Model 李鈴惠; Ling-hui Lee
    2009-06-26 轉換型領導對服務行為、服務品質與銷售業績的影響—以服務氣候為中介變項; the relationships between the transformational leadership, service climate, service behavior, service quality and sales performance 蔡卓宇; Tsou-Yu Tsai
    2009-06-16 經理人情緒智力測量之研究-以自我察覺為衡量標準; The research on how to measure managers' emotional intelligence-based on the self-awareness 李嘉哲; Jia-zhe Li
    2009-06-16 組織氣候與領導風格對員工工作態度影響探討 – 以M公司為例 ;The Impact of Organization Climate and Leadership Style on work Attitudes of Employee – Taking the M Company as Example 張宛儒; Wan-Ju Chang
    2009-06-15 組織精簡過程認知對留任員工工作滿意度與組織承諾之影響-以台灣高科技業為例; The Effect of Downsizing on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment 賀怡嘉; Yih-chia Ho
    2009-06-15 組織犬儒主義對多源評量受評者自我發展意圖之影響; The Effect of Organizational Cynicism on Multisource Feedback Ratees’ Intention to Self-Development 曾皓慈; Hao-tzu Tseng
    2009-06-15 A公司組織文化檢視與深化─組織價值觀評鑑系統之運用 湯雅涵; Ya-Han Tang
    2009-06-15 360度評量受評者接收回饋後認知反應歷程之探討; Ratees’ Cognitive response process to feedback of 360 degree evaluation 陳易汝; Yi-ru Chen
    2009-06-15 多源評量受評者之「期望–認知」落差對自我發展意圖之影響—以期望不確認理論之觀點; The Relationship between disconfirmation of feedback accuracy and intention to self-development: A view of expectation-disconfirmation theory 何致瑄; Chih-Hsuan Ho
    2009-06-15 組織精簡認知對留任員工工作壓力與組織承諾之影響-以台灣高科技業為例; Cognitive organizations to streamline the work pressure on remaining staff and the impact of organizational commitment - to the Taiwan high-tech industry as an example 林佳蓉; Chia-Jung Lin
    2009-06-15 育成中心經理人與管理師專業技能模型建構之研究; Model of techniques for manager and specialist of incubation center 李品樺; Pin-Hua Li
    2009-06-15 組織互動公平認知對360度評量受評者自我發展接受性之影響-以組織犬儒主義為中介變項; Evaluatees' perception of organization's interactional justice affect the acceptance of self-development in 360 degree feedback evaluation- organizational cynicism be the mediator 陳心婷; Hsin-ting Chen
    2009-06-10 以疆界理論探討職場家庭生活平衡-以W公司為例; Work/Family Boundaries and Work/Family Life Balance: A Case Study of W Company 許喬智; Ciao-Jhih Syu
    2009-06-10 員工對派遣工作的認知與其職業生涯發展的研究; A Study of dispatched workers Job Awareness and Their Career Development. 高珮萱; Pei-hsuan Gao
    2009-06-08 The Relationships between High Performance Human Resource Practices and Organizational Climate 莊堯巽; Yao-Hsun Chuang
    2009-06-08 利益分享制度對零售店生產力的影響; The effect of gainsharing on productivity in retail stores. 許容菁; Jung-ching Hsu
    2009-06-08 中階管理者之意會與推行變革之關聯; Middle Managers' Sensemaking Process in Organizational Change 劉宜真; I-Chen Liu
    2009-06-02 高績效工作系統與組織績效之關聯性探討; The Relationship between High Performance Work System and Firm Performance 黃欣瑜; Hsing-yu Huang
    2009-06-02 以行動簡訊廣告提升簡訊低使用戶發送量之研究-以某電信業中年用戶族群為例; Research on increasing SMS low user’s usage by mobile advertising-base on one telecommunication corporation middle age users 陳姿穎; Tzu Ying
    2009-06-02 轉換型領導、工作價值觀與工作投入對台資企業陸籍員工組織公民行為影響之研究; The impact of Transformational leadership, Work values and Job involvement on Taiwan enterprises employees' Organizational citizenship behavior. 鄭雅妃; Ya-Fei Cheng
    2009-06-02 國家職能標準制度建構之探討 汪方涵; Fang-Han Wang
    2009-05-27 錯誤管理文化對組織績效的影響─以組織學習為中介變項; The Relationship between Error Management Culture and Organizational Performance: The Mediating Effect of Organizational Learning 蔡宇喬; Yu-Chiao Tsai
    2009-05-25 程序擔責與參考架構訓練對績效考核正確度之影響-動機與能力整合觀點之實驗設計; Improving the Accuracy of Performance rating: The effects of Process Accountability and Frame of Reference Training 陳慧娟; Hui-Chuan Chen
    2009-05-13 影響個人知識分享行為之探討:跨層次分析驗證模式; A Study of Individuals’ Knowledge Sharing Behavior–A Cross Level Analysis 蕭婉鎔; Wan-Jung Hsiao
    2009-01-07 入員工分紅股及心理擁有感; Employee stock ownership incentive and employee psychological ownership: The moderating role of individual needs 林文惠; Ann Lin
    2009-01-06 人力資源事業夥伴角色類型之探討; The Role of HR Business Partner 蔡侑蓉; Yu-jung Tsai

    显示项目401-450 / 695. (共14页)
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