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    2024-09-20 利用核酸定序技術研究麩醯胺酸匱乏對大腸癌細胞外泌體RNA組成的影響;Exploring the Impact of Glutamine Deprivation on RNA Cargo Profiles of Colorectal Cancer Cell Exosomes by Nucleotide Sequencing 劉柏渝; Liu, Bo-Yu
    2024-08-22 探討TIMP-3在EGFR抑制劑治療神經母細胞瘤中的調節機制;Exploring the regulation mechanism of TIMP-3 in the EGFR inhibitor treatment of neuroblastoma 陳婷軒; Chen, Ting-Xuan
    2024-08-22 探討硒代胱氨酸於神經母細胞瘤之治療潛力;The Therapeutic Potential of Selenocystine in Neuroblastoma 曾桾溦; Tseng, Chun-Wei
    2024-08-20 探討壓力對於雌性小鼠觀察恐懼學習的影響;Investigate the effects of stress on female mice’s observational fear learning 李承豪; Lee, Cheng-Hao
    2024-08-20 牽牛花果蠅與高山果蠅的表皮碳氫化合物組成;Cuticular Hydrocarbon Composition of Drosophila elegans and Drosophila gunungcola 吳翊綱; Wu, Yi-Gang
    2024-08-19 探討bFGF與癌症惡病質信號對MRFs的調控機制;The transcriptional regulation of MRFs by bFGF and cancer cachexia signals 黃凱帆; Huang, Kai-Fan
    2024-08-15 探討壓力對觀察恐懼學習的影響: 雄性小鼠杏仁核腦區分子機制探討;Investigate the Impact of Stress and Observational Fear Learning: Mechanisms in the Amygdala of male mice 廖昱雅; Liao, Yu-Ya
    2024-07-30 Development of Seasonal Influenza Virus-like Particle (VLP) Vaccines Using Insect Cell-based Baculovirus Expressing System;用昆蟲細胞衍生類病毒顆粒生產平台開發季節性流感疫苗 艾提曼; BADRUZZAMAN, A T M
    2024-07-30 建立 Tetrahymena utriculariae 作為研究藻類-纖毛蟲共生的模型系統;Establishment of Tetrahymena utriculariae as a model system for studying alga-ciliate symbiosis 阮鳳桃; Thao, Nguyen Phuong
    2024-07-26 定義新型前列腺癌致癌及轉移驅動因素;Define Novel Prostate Cancer Oncogenic and Metastasis Driver 荷娜; Hayati, Nurul
    2024-07-26 硫酸還原菌與脫鹵球菌共培養系統中生物性硫化亞鐵的生成與應用;Synergistic Formation and Application of Biogenic Iron Sulfide in a Co-culture System of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria and Dehalococcoides mccartyi 郭柏陞; Kuo, Po-Sheng
    2024-07-26 透過粒線體基因體探討盤古蟾蜍與中華蟾蜍在蟾蜍科之內的親緣關係;Exploring the genetic relationship between Bufo bankorensis and Bufo gargarizans within the family Bufonidae through the mitochondrial genome 黃渝雯; Huang, Yu-Wen
    2024-07-23 MEHP及癌症惡病質症對骨骼肌萎縮的加乘性影響;The synergistic effect of MEHP and cancer cachexia on skeletal muscle atrophy 廖怡萱; Liao, Yi-Shiuan
    2024-07-22 探討以RNA修飾為基礎的基因治療對於肌萎縮側索硬化症的應用;Exploring the Application of RNA Modification-Based Gene Therapy for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 龍庭翔; Lung, Ting-Hsiang
    2024-07-19 內質網靶向藥物L-硒胱胺酸破壞蛋白質平衡並誘導大腸直腸癌細胞發生免疫原性細胞死亡;ER-targeting agent L-selenocystine sabotages proteostasis and induces immunogenic cell death in colorectal carcinoma 王傑民; Wang, Chieh-Min
    2024-07-15 台灣多氯乙烯污染生物整治的突破:本土脫鹵球菌的分離、應用與環境監控創新技術研究;Breakthrough in the Bioremediation of Chloroethenes Pollution in Taiwan: Isolation, Application and Innovative Environmental Monitoring Techniques of Indigenous Dehalococcoides mccartyi 呂哲瑋; Lu, Che-Wei
    2024-06-27 自然殺手細胞過繼免疫療法延長低度遠端轉移乳癌小鼠的生存期及增強肺部樹突狀細胞和 T 細胞的活化;Adoptive natural killer cell therapy prolongs overall survival in mice with low-burden metastases breast cancer and enhances dendritic cell and T cell activation in metastatic lungs 廖浩廷; Liao, Hao-Ting
    2024-06-24 篩選阿拉伯芥參與 HIT4 媒介耐熱能力之遺 傳因子;Screening of genetic determinants involved in HIT4-dependent heat tolerance in Arabidopsis 胡承恩; Hu, Cheng-En
    2024-06-21 Adaptive recognition of a prokaryote-like tRNAPro by a eukaryote-like prolyl-tRNA synthetase 拉蒂法; Latifah, Emi
    2024-06-18 Production of functional plant farnesylated proteins in Escherichia coli 左瑞塔; Zohra, Rida
    2024-06-13 異位表達 Zelda 對 S2 細胞染色質景觀重塑的影響;The effect of ectopically expressing Zelda on remodeling chromatin landscape in S2 cells 許芯恩; Hsu, Hsin-En
    2024-05-08 113年生命科學研究所生化與分生組-分析化學(1005)-入學考試題 生命科學研究所生化與分生組
    2024-05-08 113年生命科學研究所生化與分生組-生物化學(1006)-入學考試題 生命科學研究所生化與分生組
    2024-05-08 113年生命科學研究所生化與分生組-有機化學(1002)-入學考試題 生命科學研究所生化與分生組
    2024-05-08 113年生命科學研究所生化與分生組-物理化學(1004)-入學考試題 生命科學研究所生化與分生組
    2024-05-08 113年生命科學研究所生化與分生組-無機化學(1003)-入學考試題 生命科學研究所生化與分生組
    2024-05-08 113年生命科學研究所環境生物組-分析化學(1005)-入學考試題 生命科學研究所環境生物組
    2024-05-08 113年生命科學研究所環境生物組-生物化學(1006)-入學考試題 生命科學研究所環境生物組
    2024-05-08 113年生命科學研究所環境生物組-有機化學(1002)-入學考試題 生命科學研究所環境生物組
    2024-05-08 113年生命科學研究所環境生物組-物理化學(1004)-入學考試題 生命科學研究所環境生物組
    2024-05-08 113年生命科學研究所環境生物組-無機化學(1003)-入學考試題 生命科學研究所環境生物組
    2024-05-02 透過免疫共沉澱和質譜分析鑑定 Zelda 輔助因子;Identification of Zelda co-factors by co-immunoprecipitation and mass-spectrometry analysis 黃鈺婷; Huang, Yu-Ting
    2024-03-01 通过 CRISPR/Cas9 内含子靶向插入策略在水稻悬浮培养物中生产重组蛋白;Production of recombinant proteins in rice suspension cultures via a CRISPR/Cas9 intron-targeted insertion strategy 阮氏美; MAI, NGUYEN THI
    2024-01-31 綠茶表沒食子兒茶素沒食子酸酯調節A549肺癌和HepG2肝癌細胞中ACE2和TMPRSS2蛋白的表達;EGCG regulates the expression of ACE2 and TMPRSS2 proteins in A549 lung and HepG2 liver cancer cells 張立樺; Chang, Li-Hua
    2024-01-29 探討化合物Y抑制神經母細胞瘤轉移之效果;Investigation on the metastasis inhibiting effects of compound Y in neuroblastom 蔡俊發; TSAI, CHUN-FA
    2024-01-26 探討 Mef2c 和 Mrf4 的機制於肌肉新生及癌症惡病質;The investigation of Mef2c and Mrf4 mechanism in Myogenesis and Cancer Cachexia 張伯鴻; Zhang, Po-Hong
    2024-01-12 結合TLR9與STING促進劑協同激活免疫反應並增強頭頸癌的抗腫瘤作用;Combination of TLR9 and STING Agonists Cooperatively Activates Immune Responses and Enhances Antitumor Effect on Head and Neck Cancer 伊曼娜; Imana, Zaida Nur
    2024-01-12 雙特異性磷酸酶6在血管平滑肌細胞扮演的角色;The Role of Dual-specificity Phosphatase 6 in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells 禾汀; Hamdin, Candra Dwipayana
    2024-01-08 探索人類核酸內切酶EndoG切除氧化損傷的核酸之方式;Exploring the molecular basis of human Endonuclease G in removal of oxidative damaged DNA 呂文廷; Lu, Wen-Ting
    2023-12-14 雙酚混合物對斑馬魚胚胎心跳減緩的影響:鈣離子幫浦與鈣離子通道的參與;The Involvement of Calcium Pump and Channel on the Additive Effects of Bisphenols Mixture in the Development of Bradycardia in Zebrafish Embryos 沙林; Arrokhman, Salim
    2023-10-16 RNA全長定序技術分析水稻於冷逆境中的剪接變體;Splicing variants analysis in rice upon cold stress by isoform sequencing 凌郁婷; Ling, Yu-Ting
    2023-08-17 探討化合物 Y 抑制神經母細胞瘤增生之效果;Investigating the Proliferation-Inhibiting Effects of Compound Y on Neuroblastoma 賴政秀; Lai, Jheng-Siou
    2023-08-16 研究雙特松對HepG2細胞之DNA修復的影響;The impact on DNA repair in HepG2 cells treated with Dicrotophos 林儀臻; Lin, I-Chen
    2023-07-27 利用果蠅大腸癌模型探討左旋硒代胱胺酸之抗癌效果;Investigate the effect of L-Selenocysteine as an anticancer agent using Drosophila colorectal cancer model 張騰元; Chang, Teng-Yuan
    2023-07-27 製作 anti-Zelda antibody 與分析 Zelda 表現量;anti-Zelda antibody production and Zelda expression analysis 黃柏翰; Huang, Po-Han
    2023-07-25 探討食入及吸入聚苯乙烯塑膠微粒對小鼠行為的影響;Investigating the adverse effects of polystyrene microplastics via different exposure routes on mouse behaviors 譚崇倫; Tan, Chong-Lun
    2023-07-24 耐旱性對比茶樹品種干旱響應基因的差異表達模式;Differential expression patterns of drought-responsive genes in tea cultivars with contrasting drought tolerance 庫可妮; Kurniasari, Coni Anggie
    2023-07-20 PM2.5 暴露對人類結腸腺癌 Caco-2 細胞的不良影響 -氧化壓力、發炎、細胞增殖及自噬損傷;Adverse effects of PM2.5 exposure in human colonic adenocarcinoma Caco-2 cells-oxidative stress, inflammation, cell proliferation, and autophagy flux impairment 林晏如; Lin, Yen-Ju
    2023-07-20 以宏觀基因體分析新穎 Candidatus Dehalobacterium strain DLY 降解二氯甲烷機制;The mechanisms of novel Candidatus Dehalobacterium strain DLY for degrading dichloromethane with metagenomic analysis 丁律妤; Ding, Lu-Yu
    2023-07-20 結合台灣本土脫鹵球菌與茭白筍殼生物炭進行三氯乙烯生物降解;Combination of water bamboo husk biochar and Dehalococcoides mccartyi for trichloroethene biodegradation 蔡晴雯; Tsai, Ching-Wen

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