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    2024-08-23 以信令資料判讀捷運旅客搭乘區段變化與站間運量 劉緯紳; shen, liu wei
    2024-08-23 具裂縫的緩衝材料自癒行為模擬;Simulation of Self-Healing Behavior in Cracked Buffer Material 古明正; Gu, Ming-Zheng
    2024-08-23 紅土礫石層剪力波速剖面與明挖隧道受振行為模擬;Shear wave velocity profile of lateritic gravel and seismic behavior simulation of open cut tunnel 鮑暐文; Pao, Wei-Wen
    2024-08-23 道路工程應用循環再利用材料 管理系統建置之研究-以桃園市為例 林義朋; Lin, Yi-Peng
    2024-08-23 實驗室內評估冷拌再生瀝青混凝土循環再利用之可行性;The Feasibility Study of Multi-Recycled Cold Mix Asphalt Concrete in the Laboratory 吳治軒; WU, ZHI-XUAN
    2024-08-22 修正潮汐分布之光學衛星反演潮間帶地形: 以外傘頂洲為例;Optical Satellite-Based Intertidal Topography with Tidal Distribution Correction: A Case of the Waisanding Tidal Flat 吳玟芯; Wu, Wen-Sin
    2024-08-21 TAPAS演算法於依時性整合模型之應用 翁溫駿; WENG, WEN-JUN
    2024-08-21 公共自行車系統之旅次分佈預測-以台中市沙鹿區為例;Prediction of Bike Sharing System Trip Distribution - A Case Study of Shalu District, Taichung City 陳逸宏; Chen, Yi-Hung
    2024-08-21 含物理約束之長短型記憶神經網絡模型於結構物動力反應預測之開發與應用 簡少禹; Chien, Shao-Yu
    2024-08-21 活動散場之捷運異常進站量起迄分佈預測 洪啓洋; Hung, Chi-Yang
    2024-08-21 逆斷層錯動下隧道變位之物理模型模擬;Physical Model Simulation of Tunnel Deformation under Reverse Fault Displacement 王昱升; Wang, Yu-Sheng
    2024-08-20 Seismic Performance of Y-Braced Frames with Steel Oval Plate Dampers 陳易禮; Fernandus, Billy
    2024-08-20 火炎山土石流監測及地貌特性分析;Debris Flow monitoring and geomorphological analysis 何秉諺; Ho, Bing-Yan
    2024-08-20 配置雙橢圓鋼板消能器之鋼結構於近斷層載重作用下耐震性能研究 吳啟祥; WU, CHI-HSIANG
    2024-08-20 鋼筋混凝土剪力牆機率式地震風險評估架構之開發與應用 邱郁佐; chiu, yu-tso
    2024-08-19 基於注意力機制的雙向長短型記憶神經網絡模型於地震預測之開發與應用 方言為; Fang, Yen-Wei
    2024-08-19 混凝土二氧化碳固碳技術之研究;Study on CO2 Carbon Sequestration Technology in Concrete 邱伯修; Ciou, Bo-Siou
    2024-08-19 橋面板瀝青鋪面材料力學行為研究 林冠達;
    2024-08-15 不同礦渣乳化瀝青冷再生混合料力學性質及環境評估試驗研究;Experimental Study on Cold Recycled Mixtures of Emulsified Asphalt Incorporating Various Slag: Mechanical Properties and Environmental Assessment 白翰迪; Prasetyo, Handy
    2024-08-15 深度強化學習於適應性號誌控制之研究;Research on Deep Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Traffic Signal Control 王亦凡; Wang, I-Fan
    2024-08-14 軟弱黏土深開挖破壞之數值模擬-以基泰大直為例 黃梓益; HUANG, ZI-YI
    2024-07-31 Abaqus軟體於3D列印混凝土分析之開發與應用 黃亭耀; Ting-Yao, Huang
    2024-07-31 TDR非飽和土水力特性測量離心滲透儀之研發;TDR Centrifuge Permeameter Development for Hydraulic Characteristics Measurement of Unsaturated Soils 王努力; Raharjo, Andhy Setyo
    2024-07-31 The Centrifuge Modeling on the Tunnel Uplift in Liquefiable Soil under Different Base Input Motions 杜志談; Tam, Do Chi
    2024-07-31 The Effect of Testing Conditions on Automatic Compaction Results 阮輝煌; Hoang, Nguyen Huy
    2024-07-31 含多項式摩擦單擺支承曲橋之振動台實驗 林冠丞; Lin, Guan-Cheng
    2024-07-31 逆斷層錯動下剪裂帶與隧道之互制行為;Interaction behavior between tunnel’s movement and shear zone development during reverse fault slipping 江天璽; Chiang, Tien-Hsi
    2024-07-31 衛星和無人機技術進行河川疏濬多時相遙測監管分析;River Dredging Oversight through Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Analysis Using Satellite and UAV Technologies 林莉珊; Lin, Li-Shan
    2024-07-30 以FLAC2D模擬台灣西南部液化土層上淺基礎建築物受震液化行為 邱晨祐; Qiu, Chen-You
    2024-07-30 利用BOTDR分佈式光纖應變傳感技術進行地層下陷監測研發;Utilizing BOTDR-Based Distributed Optical Fiber Strain Sensing for Land Subsidence Monitoring 麥茲達; Zada, Umar
    2024-07-30 利用積層製造技術及物質點法探討IPU材料特性 夏昕薇; Xia, Xin-Wei
    2024-07-30 使用添加劑之溫拌瀝青混凝土現地成效評估;Field Performance Evaluation of Warm-Mix Asphalt Mixture Containing Additive 蔡璨隆; Tsai, Tsan-Long
    2024-07-30 倒擺懸臂梁形式多元壓電調諧質量阻尼器於結構減振與能量擷取之分析與實驗驗證 吳峻毅; Wu, Chun-Yi
    2024-07-30 浮冰在流場中運動與融化之實驗與數值模擬;Laboratory Experiment and Numerical Simulation of Floating Ice in Moving Waters 余承頷; Yu, Cheng-Han
    2024-07-30 基於微型機器學習的智能避障系統在外牆檢測自主移動機器人中的應用 曹軒慈; Tsao, Syuan-Tsi
    2024-07-30 基於磁吸附與全向輪技術的鋼結構攀爬機器人開發與驗證;Development and Validation of a Steel Structure Climbing Robot Based on Magnetic Adhesion and Omnidirectional Wheel Technology 鄧昀禎; Teng, Yun-Zhen
    2024-07-30 混合式通風對低碳建築節能效益之影響;Cooling Efficiency of Hybrid Ventilation for Low-Carbon Buildings 陳昱婷; Chen, Yu-Ting
    2024-07-30 異向性岩石工程行為之實踐:以方位評分調整為例 江柏諺; Jiang, Bo-Yan
    2024-07-30 硫鋁酸鈣水泥複合膠結材料之工程性質及抗硫酸鹽能力研究;Research on the engineering properties and sulfate resistance of calcium sulfoaluminate cement composite cementing materials 陳資璇; Chen, Tzu-Hsuan
    2024-07-30 實驗室內評估發泡用水含量於溫拌發泡瀝青混凝土性能之影響;The Performance of Foamed Warm Mix Asphalt with Various Foaming Water Content 邱俊穎; CHUN-YING, CHIU
    2024-07-30 橫向流對射流影響之實驗及數值模擬;Laboratory Experiments and Numerical Simulation of Droplet Jets under Cross Wind 陳奕丞; Chen, Yi-Cheng
    2024-07-30 應用多項式摩擦單擺支承於鋼筋混凝土建築之非線性動力歷時分析 劉辰星; LIU, CHEN-XING
    2024-07-30 應用勁度可變式滑動隔震支承於三維曲橋之動力歷時分析 馬詩哲; Ma, Shi-Zhe
    2024-07-29 分析氣候變遷對中部楠榜縣種植季節的影響:優化灌溉種植模式;Analyze the Impact of Climate Change on Planting Seasons in Central Lampung Regency : Optimizing Irrigation Cropping Pattern 賴德喜; Ramadani, Desi
    2024-07-29 天鉤主動隔震系統應用強化學習DDPG與直接輸出回饋之最佳化設計與分析 洪憲証; Hong, Xian-Zheng
    2024-07-29 以小波分析技術建立創新乾旱時空分佈指標與氣候變遷乾旱風險分析;non 白馨文; Pai, Hsin-Wen
    2024-07-29 多孔材料幾何形狀與力學性質關係之探討;Investigation of the Relationship Between the Geometric Shape and Mechanical Properties of Porous Materials 劉曉陽; Liu, Hsiao-Yang
    2024-07-29 利用物質點法探討金屬板靶於子彈衝擊下之行為;Investigations of the Behaviors of Metal Plate Targets Under Bullet Impact Using the Material Point Method 林鈺澍; Lin, Yu-Chu
    2024-07-29 含裂縫帶之用過核子燃料深地層水平向處置法之近場熱-水-力耦合數值模擬 顏祥倫; Yan, Xiang-Lun
    2024-07-29 相位控制多元主動調諧質量阻尼器於結構減震性能評估之數值模擬分析 何姍宸; Ho, Shan-Chen

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