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    2021-07-06 依附型態與心理所有權如何影響人際情感消費旅程;How attachment styles and psychological ownership affect interpersonal emotional consumption journeys 張雨潔; Chang, Yu-Chieh
    2021-07-05 在軟體反向工程中以本體論為基礎建立一套設計品質評核之方法-以複雜度為例;Design and Implementation of Ontology-based Evaluation System for Design Quality in Software Reverse Engineering: Focusing on Complexity 張德芳; Chang, De-Fang
    2021-07-05 商業智慧管理能力在提高決策績效中的作用;Role of Business Intelligence Management Capability in Enhancing Decision-Making Performance 王佳倫; Wang, Jia-Lun
    2021-07-05 探討團隊吸收與衝突協調能力之敏捷式開發於資訊畢業專題;A Study of Team Absorptive Capacity and Conflict Resolution in Agile-Based Software Capstone Projects 陳世諭; Chen, Shi-Yu
    2021-07-05 運用社群媒體貼文預測使用者之購物傾向;Use of Social Media Posts to Predict User Shopping Orientation 鄭筠叡; Zheng, Yun-Rui
    2021-07-01 資訊科技能力與組織信任對組織的警覺留神和企業流程能力的影響;Influence of IT Capability and Organizational Trust on Organizational Mindfulness and Business Processes Capability 莊于霆; Chuang, Yu-Ting
    2021-06-29 在深度網路架構中探討時間衰變函數對應用注意力機制的推薦系統之影響;Analyze the influence of the time decay function in the recommendation system through the attention mechanism in the deep network architecture 葉以新; Yeh, I-Hsin
    2021-06-29 基於深度學習的協同過濾 推薦系統之改進;An Improvement of Deep Learning Based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System 呂雅琴; Lu, Ya-Chin
    2021-06-29 基於網絡嵌入的集成學習以改善鏈結預測準確度;An ensemble model for link prediction based on graph embedding 蕭宸欣; Hsiao, Chen-Hsin
    2021-06-29 構件聚焦多頭共同注意力網路在基於面向的情感分析;Aspect-based sentiment analysis with component focusing multi-head coattention networks 廖源昱; Liao, Yuan-Yu
    2021-06-28 企業資訊韌性與供應鏈韌性對營運韌性之影響;Influence of Information Resilience and Supply Chain Resilience on Operational Resilience in Business Organizations 方聖瑋; Fang, Sheng-Wei
    2021-06-22 由學習轉移理論探索消費者對線上至線下 商業模式之體驗轉移過程;Using learning transfer theory to explore cross- channel experience transformation in online-to- offline (O2O) commerce 劉美慧; Liu, Mei-Hui
    2021-06-21 社群商務之快速信任與快速關係建立: 信號理論觀點;Building swift trust and swift guanxi in social commerce: A signaling theory perspective 曾茜筠; Tseng, Chine-Yun
    2021-06-21 對話式服務代理人:探索聊天機器人之服務品質與服務體驗;Conversational service agent: Exploring chatbot service quality and service experience 林家琦; Lin, Chia-Chi
    2021-06-17 探討軟體流程調適時角色廣度自我效能與團隊公民行為對於調適績效之影響;The Effects of Role Breadth Self-efficacy of Software Project Teams on Process Tailoring Performance: The Mediating Role of Team Citizenship Behavior 陳薪喬; Chen, Hsin-Chiao
    2021-06-16 運用區塊鏈技術於學術論文協同審稿服務;Applying Blockchain to the Collaborative Paper Review Service in Academic Research 段儒; Duann, Ru
    2021-06-15 The Impact of Different Product Recommendations and Collectivism on Customers‘ Behavior Intention in Live Streaming 吳蕥綺; Wu, Ya-Chi
    2021-06-15 The Impact of Touchpoint Design on Customer Behavior Across Segments in Customer Journey 蘇宸揚; Su, Cheng-Yang
    2021-06-15 循序性不一致資訊與時間間距交互作用對信任影響之研究;A Study of the Interaction Effect of Sequential Information Inconsistency and Time Interval on Trustworthiness 曾瀚平; Tsen, Han-Ping
    2021-06-07 探討YouTube插播廣告對消費者廣告價值及後續行為之影響 袁晨旭; Yuan, Chen-xu
    2021-02-19 樣本選取方法於多分類資料集之影響:多對多、一對多與一對一;Instance Selection Methods in Multi-Class Classification Datasets: All versus All, One versus All, and One versus One 廖珮祺; Liao, Pei-Qi
    2021-01-27 資料離散化與 填補遺漏值之順序與研究;Effects of Combining Data Discretization and Missing Value Imputation on Classification Problems 崔書晴; Tsui, Shu-Ching
    2021-01-05 台商在環境衝擊下的供應鍊配置調整探討 黃鐸銘; Huang, Tuo-Ming
    2020-08-24 新聞導言之智能生成;Intelligent generation of news lead 鍾文翔; Zhong, Wen-Xiang
    2020-08-20 Neural Network Architecture Optimization Based on Virtual Reward Reinforcement Learning 江玟萱; Chiang, Wen-Hsuan
    2020-08-18 深度學習應用於YouTube影片情緒分類 劉冠慶; Liou, Kuan-Ching
    2020-07-29 Efficient Net結合自動編碼器壓縮模型之Android惡意程式偵測研究;Efficient Net combined with autoencoder compression model for Android malware detection 廖舶凱; Liao, Po-Kai
    2020-07-29 在破產預測與信用評估領域對資料正規化與離散化的比較分析;Comparative Analysis of Data Normalization and Discretization for Bankruptcy Prediction and Credit Scoring 羅聖明; Lo, Sheng-Ming
    2020-07-29 自駕車全景動態偵測防撞系統;Collision Avoidance System of Automatic Vehicle Panorama Dynamic Detection 高明郁; Kao, Ming-Yu
    2020-07-29 情感觀點分析之評論應用;Review Application of Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis 邱政; Chiu, Cheng
    2020-07-29 應用生成對抗網路於資料擴增之Android惡意程式分析研究;Using Generative Adversarial Networks for Data Augmentation in Android Malware Detection 楊竣憲; Yang, Chun-Hsien
    2020-07-29 應用深度學習於遺漏值填補在財務危機領域的影響分析;The Effect Analysis of Missing Value Imputation on Financial Crisis Prediction via Deep Learning classification 曹皓閔; Tsao, Hao-Min
    2020-07-28 一種簡易型視窗環境資安稽核系統之設計與實現;A Simple Information Security Audit System Design and Implementation Under Window Environment 韓奇叡; Han, Chi-Jui
    2020-07-28 以注意力機制輔助文本分類中的資料增益 黃晉豪; Huang, Jin-Hao
    2020-07-28 企業間之留神覺知與科技能力對供應鏈績效之影響;The Influence of Inter-Firm Mindfulness and IT Competency on Supply Chain Performance 莊蕙如; Chuang, Hui-Ju
    2020-07-28 整合區塊特徵萃取與多頭注意力機制之Android惡意程式偵測系統 何岸錡; He, An-Chi
    2020-07-22 以期望確認理論探討社群行動遊戲持續使用意圖;Exploring the Continuance Intention of Social Mobile Game with the Expectation Confirmation Theory 張皓鈞; Chang, Hao-Chun
    2020-07-21 單一類別分類方法於不平衡資料集-搭配遺漏值填補和樣本選取方法;One-class classification on imbalanced datasets with missing value imputation and instance selection 曾俊凱; Tseng, Chun-Kai
    2020-07-20 台灣企業永續發展之比較評估—電子製造及銀行產業之內容分析;A Comparative Study of the Sustainable Development for Taiwanese Enterprises – A Content Analysis of the Electronic Manufacturing and Banking Industries 蔡沅廷; Tsai, Yuan-Ting
    2020-07-20 多向注意力機制於翻譯任務改進之研究 林佳蒼; Lin, Chia-Tsang
    2020-07-20 基於語意之資料增益方法於文本分類任務;SDA: Semantic-based Data Augmentation on Text Classification Tasks 李昕儒; Lee, Hsin-Ju
    2020-07-20 探討使用多面向方法在文字不平衡資料集之分類問題影響;The Effectiveness of Multifaceted Approach to Class Imbalance Text Classification 陳芃諭; Chen, Peng-Yu
    2020-07-20 結合擷取式與萃取式兩段式模型以增進摘要效能之研究 王美淋; Wang, Mei-Lin
    2020-07-17 單分類方法於類別不平衡資料集之研究-結合特徵選取與集成式學習;One Class Classification on Imbalanced Datasets Using Feature Selection and Ensemble Learning 臧怡婷; Tsang, Yi-Ting
    2020-07-17 當我們同在一起:從消費者—其他消費者互動觀點探究感染氣候與規範信念之影響;The more we get together: Exploring the roles of contagious climate and normative belief in SNS-based brand communities 周錦恩; Chao, Kam-Ian
    2020-07-17 電腦遊戲評量之擇優推薦系統;A selected recommender system based on computer game evaluation 連國佑; Lian, Guo-You
    2020-07-16 Enhanced Model Agnostic Meta Learning with Meta Gradient Memory 劉旻融; Liu, Ming-Rong
    2020-07-16 人工合成文本之資料增益於不平衡文字分類問題;Data Augmentation for Imbalanced Classification with Synthetic Text 黃軍儒; Huang, Chun-Ru
    2020-07-16 以漸進式基因演算法實現神經網路架構搜尋最佳化;A Progressive Genetic-based Optimization for Network Architecture Search 曾欽緹; Tseng, ChinTi
    2020-07-15 生成式對抗網路架構搜尋;GANAS: Generative Adversarial Network Architecture Search 吳佳臻; WU, CHIA-CHEN

    Showing items 251-300 of 1429. (29 Page(s) Totally)
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