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    2024-08-23 探討海馬迴在統計學習歷程的可能作用:個體差異與功能性磁振造影研究;Exploring the Role of the Hippocampus in Statistical Learning: Individual Differences and fMRI Investigation 陳品瑋; Chen, Pin-Wei
    2024-07-29 基頻輪廓和音樂經驗對嘈雜環境中語句辨識影響之行為和腦電波實驗;Effects of Degraded-Fundamental Frequency Contour and Musician Experience on Speech Perception in Noisy Environment: Behavioral and Electroencephalography Experiments 郭昱均; Guo, Yu-Jyun
    2024-07-23 Investigation of the Perception of Facial Attractiveness and Race: Insights from Behavioral and Neurophysiological Findings in the Visual Masking and Continuous Flash Suppression Paradigms 羅珮瑄; Luo, Pei-Xuan
    2023-08-17 用回歸方法分析文字與動詞文法辨認的腦電資料;Regression-based analysis of EEG activity elicited by orthographic and verb grammar recognition 伍禹丞; Wu, Yu-Chen
    2023-08-16 大腦在語言理解過程中如何進行同步振動和產生聲音;How brain entrain and produce sound during language comprehension 張東浩; Cheong, Tong-Hou
    2023-07-20 運用VGG網絡對靜息態功能性磁振造影成分圖進行區分;Classification of RS-fMRI component maps using Visual Geometry Group network 劉孟儒; Liu, Meng-Ru
    2023-07-18 空間預期性對注意力採樣節律之神經機制探討;Spatial prediction modulates the rhythm of attentional sampling 黃羿寧; Huang, Yih-Ning
    2023-07-14 探討大腦振盪在前額葉經顱磁刺激治療 難治型憂鬱症的關鍵角色;The investigation of the critical role of brain oscillations in prefrontal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for treatment-resistant depression 蔡怡君; Tsai, Yi-Chun
    2023-06-12 空間性及時間性資訊變化對序列學習影響之探討;Exploring the Impact of Temporal and Spatial Variation on Motor Sequence Learning 吳秉珊; Wu, Bing-Shan
    2023-05-12 以毛筆筆刷、手掌觸摸、和指尖輕點的觸覺刺激探討情動觸摸所引 發的theta 頻段腦波強度變化;The Changes in EEG Theta Oscillation Induced by Affective Touch: Comparing Brush Stroke, Hand Stroke, and Massage-like Tapping 王永安; Wang, Yung-An
    2023-04-24 絕對音感能力對嘈雜環境中旋律和語句辨識影響之行為和腦造影研究;Effects of Absolute Pitch Ability on Melody and Speech Perception in Noisy Environments: Behavioral and Neuroimaging Studies 曾虹臻; Tseng, Hung-Chen
    2023-01-16 Increased Cognitive Load with Spatial Cueing Task Augments the P300 Amplitude Differences in EEG-based CIT Experiments 王添璟; Wang, Tien-Ching
    2022-08-30 The theta-beta modulation effects induced by the anodal oscillatory tDCS in visual working memory 謝淑麗; Hsieh, Shu-Li
    2022-08-16 Exploring behavioral and neural rhythms of visual working memory with an adaptive time-frequency analysis 王行葦; Wang, Hangwei
    2022-07-21 Beta oscillation with transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) over pre-SMA decreased Inhibitory Control ability 李慧妤; Lee, Hui-yu
    2022-04-27 語境多樣性與語意多樣性對中文字詞辨識影響之事件相關電位研究;The Effects of Contextual Diversity and Semantic Diversity in Chinese Word Recognition: an ERP study 張婷予; Chang, Ting-Yu
    2022-03-24 以行為和事件相關腦電位探討手足關係對自我評估及自我參照影響;The Effect of Siblings on Self-evaluation and Self-reference: Behavioral and ERP Studies 王予君; Wang, Yu-Chun
    2021-10-25 外語效應在決策的應用機制;The Strategic Application of Foreign Language effect on Decision Making 楊承洋; Yang, Cheng-Yang
    2021-10-22 The other-race effect in attractiveness judgment and memory of faces 麗麗; Khan, Muniba
    2021-09-29 年齡在視覺工作記憶的效應之腦波研究;The age-related effect on binding in visual working memory: An EEG study 詹葆?; Chan, Pao-Hsuan
    2021-09-23 多感覺管道序列學習中跨管道與管道內訊息整合之行為及事件相關電位研究 賴玟忻; Lai, Wen-Xin
    2021-08-05 使用動態非線性腦波分析方法及握力測量探討動作控制的神經機制;Motor inhibitory control as a function of grip force and its electrophysiological dynamics were revealed with nonlinear and nonstationary of brain activity 阮文鐘; Trung, Nguyen Van
    2021-07-22 Exploration of Alpha Entrainment Effect on Flanker Task Performance 陳彥勳; Chen, Yen-Hsun
    2021-05-24 以簡單施力作業及重複效應檢驗動作意象與執行之對應關係;The Examination of the Functional Correspondence between Motor Imagery and Execution with Simple Force Production Task and Repetition Paradigm 田昕平; Tien, Hsin-Ping
    2021-01-29 以行為及事件相關電位實驗探討情緒情境轉換與事件分割;Behavioral and ERP Studies of Emotional Context Change and Event Segmentation. 莊千慧; Chuang, Chien-Hui

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