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    2024-01-26 科普活動:千里外的風暴起源—太陽(主題一);Thousands of Miles Away, the Origin of the Space Weather - the Sun 李奕德; 鄭秉漢; 陳朝焱
    2024-01-26 大面積、高效率、高穩定性之含鉛、無鉛型鈣鈦礦太陽能電池與模組的材料開發;Materials and Processes for Large-Area, High-Efficiency, High Stability Lead and Lead-Free Perovskite Solar Cell and Module 江建宏
    2024-01-26 建立創新雙脈衝不穩定GaN功率元件測試分析和原因探究與新型功率元件開發;Establish an Innovative Dpt for Gan Power Device Instability and Development of New Power Devices 辛裕明
    2024-01-26 結構波與微波光電科技之未來通訊應⽤-用於光子-毫米波無線通信系統的高速、寬頻、並可產生毫米波角動量模態的光電發射器之開發(子計畫二);The Development of High-Power and Wide-Bandwidth Photonic Transmitter for Millimeter-Wave over Fiber Wireless Communications Based on Orbital Angular Momentum Modes 許晉瑋; 陳念偉; 陳智弘
    2024-01-26 穩懋半導體-中央大學化合物半導體產學研發中心( I );WIN-NCU Compound Semiconductors Research Center( I ) 綦振瀛; 蘇清源; 傅家相; 賴昆佑; 歐陽良; 昱王培; 勳邱煥; 凱許晉; 瑋辛裕
    2024-01-26 穩懋半導體-中央大學化合物半導體產學研發中心( II );Win-Ncu Compound Semiconductors Research Center( II ) 綦振瀛; 王培勳; 歐陽良; 昱許晉; 瑋賴昆; 佑邱煥; 凱辛裕; 明傅家; 相蘇清
    2024-01-26 建置應用量子電腦進行污染溯源之技術 倪春發; 李唯祺
    2024-01-26 微尺度孔隙介質非結構網格生成與優化技術;Unstructured Mesh Generation and Optimization Technology for Micro-Scale Porous Media 李奕賢
    2024-01-26 新型態VOCs雙通道觸媒技術監測系統開發;Development of a New Dual-Channel Catalytic Technology Monitoring System for Vocs 王介亨; 王家麟
    2024-01-26 臺菲VOTE計畫:馬尼拉隱沒帶的海洋及鄰近陸上地球物理調查( III );Marine and Onshore Geophysical Investigations of the Manila Subduction Zone( III ) 許樹坤
    2024-01-26 以全波形震波模擬技術探討與辨識斷層帶陷波特性;Investigation on Trapped Wave in Fault Zone Using Full-Waveform Simulation 謝銘哲
    2024-01-26 極端災害下之韌性城鄉與防災調適-極端災害下之韌性城鄉與防災調適-新竹縣( I );Project of Township Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction Adaptation of Extreme Weather Disasters - Hsinchu County( I ) 朱峻平; 田永銘; 王瑞斌
    2024-01-26 MSSR2.0:閱讀個人教練與關懷;Mssr2.0: Reading Personal Coach with Care 陳德懷
    2024-01-26 在「數學島」上進行同儕擬題與互教;Collaborative Mathematical Problem-Posing and Teaching in The“Math Island” 陳德懷
    2024-01-26 真人演員之數位劇服化妝道具與具身辨識學習評量的數位劇場與學習模式;The Learning Model and Digital Theater with Real Human Actors, Digital Props, and Learning Assessment of Embodied Recognition 陳國棟
    2024-01-26 無縫趣創學習:邁向解決未來學習巨大挑戰問題-無縫趣創學習:邁向解決未來學習巨大挑戰問題( I );Seamless Interest-Driven Creator Learning: towards Resolving Grand Challenge Problems of Future Learning( I ) 陳德懷; 施如齡; 廖長彥; 吳穎沺; 張立杰
    2024-01-26 電腦科學模擬中的注意力指引機制與合作模式對於之合作學習的效應分析:多重證據的交互驗證;The Effect of Attention Indicator and Collaboration Model on Collaborative Learning with Science Simulations: the Triangulation of Multiple Evidences 劉晨鐘
    2024-01-26 興趣驅動之智慧型動物同伴系統;Implementing an Interest-Driven Intelligent Animal Companion System 陳德懷
    2024-01-26 應用獎懲機制設計數位遊戲式英語學習環境: 系統建置、學習成效評量與行為模式分析;Applying Reward and Punishment Mechanisms to Design a Digital Game-Based English Learning Environment: System Implementation, Learning Performance Assessment and Behavior Pattern Analysis 楊接期
    2024-01-26 111年度擴充航攝影像校正暨資料立方處理計畫;Radiative Calibration of DMC Camera Multi-Spectral Image and Data Cube Platform Construction 林唐煌
    2024-01-26 以多衛星觀測資料與統計學習解算格陵蘭冰蓋與北極地區冰河的冰流動力學( I );Decomposing Ice Flow Dynamics of the Greenland Ice Sheet and Arctic Glaciers Using Multiple Satellite Observations and Statistical Learning( I ) 鄭懷傑
    2024-01-19 修改可解釋人工智慧方法辨識多光譜土地覆蓋分類網路模型之具類別判別性光譜特徵;Identifying Class-Discriminative Spectral Features in a Multispectral Land Cover Classification Network with Modified Explainable Artificial Intelligence Methods 林溦蓁; Lin, Wei-Chen
    2023-11-30 利用機器學習方法進行東沙環礁水深反演之比較與分析;Comparison of Machine Learning Methods on Satellite-Derived Bathymetry at Dongsha Atoll 謝孟財; Hsieh, Mon-Chai
    2023-10-25 Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research;Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research 阮光越; Viet, Nguyen Quang
    2023-08-21 分析新型冠狀肺炎疫情對肺結核空間分布之影響 —以印尼日惹市為例;Analyzing the Impact of COVID-19 on the Spatial Pattern of Tuberculosis in Yogyakarta City, Indonesia 萬詩文; Mahardiani, Insan Wastuwidya
    2023-08-17 分析 2016 年梅姬颱風期間臺灣北部沿海地區期 間葉綠素 a 與總懸浮固體之相關性;Analyzing the correlation between Chlorophyll-a and Total Suspended Solids during typhoon events (2016) in coastal areas of northern Taiwan 江櫚源; Palma, Rafael Rivera
    2023-08-17 基於多頻譜光學參數在海鹽氣膠識別及其對海洋輻射強迫和大氣可降水量的影響;Sea Salt Aerosol Identification Based on Multispectral Optical Properties and Its Impact on Radiative Forcing and Precipitable Water Vapor Over Ocean 帝莫科; Atmoko, Dwi
    2023-08-17 運用機器學習回歸方法改善臺灣地區從Landsat-8與Himawari-8融合影像中的高時空地表溫度;A Machine Learning Regression Approach for Improving High-Spatiotemporal LST from Landsat and Himawari Fused Imagery in Taiwan 雅瓜納; Januar, Tri Wandi
    2023-08-08 衛星遙測印度尼西亞邦加島 Namang 村Pelawan 紅菇 (Heimioporus sp.)的產量;Remote Sensing of Pelawan Red Mushroom Yield (Heimioporus sp.) in Namang Village, Bangka Island, Indonesia 安亞迪; Ankafia, Adi
    2023-07-31 使用半自動變異偵測方法偵測地表覆蓋變化;Using A Semi-Automatic Change Detection Algorithm to Detect Land Cover Changes 李品萱; LI, PIN-HSUAN
    2023-07-28 衛星高時空影像融合於花東活動斷層帶地震前地熱異常之偵測;Fused high spatiotemporal images in geothermal anomaly detection of fault zone before earthquake events in eastern Taiwan 覃俊傑; Chin, Chun-Chieh
    2023-07-27 整合Sentinel-1 和 Sentinel-2 衛星影像進行水稻田土壤濕度監測—以桃園灌區為例;Integrating Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite images for soil moisture monitoring in paddy field—A case study of the Taoyuan irrigation district 徐庭偉; Hsu, Ting-Wei
    2023-07-17 應用長短期記憶模式與多時期雷達影像於崩塌判釋;The Application of Lstm and Sar Time Series on Landslide Detection 姜壽浩
    2023-07-17 利用機器學習方法以掩星觀測資料建構電離層資料同化預測模式;Using Machine Learning Method to Develop a Radio Occultation Data Based Ionospheric Data Assimilation Forecast Model 林其彥
    2023-07-17 福衛七號與電磁衛星觀測電離層電漿結構與電離層暫態事件;Ionospheric Plasma Structure and Ionospheric Transit Phenomena Observed by Formosat-7 and China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite 張富淵; 趙吉光
    2023-07-17 光致變色金屬錯合物與智慧型染料敏化太陽能電池之應用( II );Photochromic Metal Complexes for Smart Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells( II ) 陳家原
    2023-07-17 高效率、大面積、高穩定性之鈣鈦礦太陽能電池模組的製程與材料開發;Processes and Materials for High-Efficiency, Large-Area , High Stability Perovskite Solar Cell and Module 江建宏
    2023-07-17 新世代光驅 動電池研究量測實驗室服務運作計畫;The R&D Service for the Light Driven Photovoltaic Devices 吳春桂; 陳家原
    2023-07-17 用於下世代資料通信 400/800 Gbps SR-8 光收發模組的開發( III );The Development of Next Generation 400/800-Gbps Sr-8 Optical Transceiver Module( III ) 許晉瑋; 陳念偉
    2023-07-17 多功能瞬時干涉顯微技術之研發: 定量相位分析方法與在活體生物和生物感測上之應用( III );Development of a Multifunctional Snapshot Interferometric Microscope Platforms: Quantitative Phase Analytical Method and Its Application in Living Cell and Biosensor( III ) 李孟錡
    2023-07-17 多光譜miniLED陣列光源應用於車頭燈之研究( II );Study of Vehicle Headlamp Based on Multiple-Spectrum Led Matrix( II ) 孫慶成; 楊宗勳
    2023-07-17 低維度材料之關鍵技術整合於建構前瞻半導體元件之研究-低維度材料之關鍵技術整合於建構前瞻半導體元件之研究( I );The Research on Low-Dimensional Materials on Advanced and High Performance Electronics Integration( I ) 蘇清源; 陳昇暉; 藍彥文
    2023-07-17 高壓氮化鎵元件研發及其在電動車的應用( II );Modeling and Reliability of High-Voltage 1700v Gan Devices( II ) 辛裕明; 綦振瀛; 郭浩中; 邱顯欽; 劉宇晨; 邱煌仁
    2023-07-17 結合混合實境近眼顯示與人工智能場域之研究( I );Study of Mixed-Reality Near-Eye Display Incorporated with Artificial-Intelligent 3d Space Field Technology( I ) 孫慶成; 孫文信; 蘇威佳; 余業緯; 鄭恪亭; 林烜輝; 楊宗勳; 黃志煒; 李宗憲; 陳建隆
    2023-07-17 結構波之產生及操控技術與前瞻通訊應用-用於下世代無線網路的光無線與光子-毫米波收發模組之開發(子計畫二);The Development of Optical Wireless and Photonic Millimeter-Wave Transreceiver Modules in Next Generation Wireless Communication Systems 許晉瑋; 張祐嘉; 陳念偉
    2023-07-17 體積全像光學元件內的三維折射率分布之分析、量測與優化技術;Analyzation, Measurement, and Optimization of the 3d Distribution of Refractive Index inside Volume Holographic Optical Elements 余業緯
    2023-07-17 研究中低緯度電離層不穩定性與電動力學和縱向電漿結構;Study of Low and Mid Latitude Ionospheric Instabilities, Electrodynamics and Longitudinal Plasma Structuring 許樂利
    2023-07-17 福衛七號大氣掩星資料反演加值與應用-福衛七號大氣掩星資料反演加值與應用( I );Adding Value and Application of the Formosat-7 Ro Atmospheric Data( I ) 陳舒雅
    2023-07-17 以X光成像技術建立三維地質結構與應用於地下水輸送特性之分析-應用深度學習建構微尺度孔隙通道非結構網格;Application of Deep Learning to Construct Micro-Scale Pore-Channel Unstructured Meshes 李奕賢
    2023-07-17 台灣及鄰近地區地體動力學研究(V)-子計畫:台灣西南近海末次冰盛期以來之淺部地質構造研究( II );A Study on Shallow Geological Structures in the Southwestern Offshore Taiwan since the Last Glacial Maximum ( II ) 蔡慶輝

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