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    2014-07-24 客家文化園區之協力網絡研究-以苗栗縣三園區為例 謝佩格; Hsieh,Pei-ko
    2014-06-18 客家特色產業政策網絡之研究;The Research of the Hakka Specialty Industry Policy Network Relation 劉芯縈; Liu,Hsin-ying
    2013-12-25 客家企業家社會價值實踐之析探 -以田家炳基金會為例; 客家企業家社會價值實踐之析探 -以田家炳基金會為例 曾韻潔; Tseng,Yun-chieh
    2013-07-30 地方文史工作者與客家學術機構之對話-以新竹縣為例; The interaction between local culture-history research worker and Hakka academic institution: A case study of Hsin Chu County 吳淑婷; WU,SHU-TING
    2013-07-29 臺北市客家歌謠班推動客家文化成效之研究-以台灣客家山歌團為例 古綺靚; Ku,Chi-ching
    2013-07-22 從族群代表性觀點析探台北市客家里長推動客家事務之研究; The Investigation Study on Hakka Neighborhood Chief of Taipei City in Facilitation of Hakka Affairs with the Viewpoint of Ethnic Representation 陳瑋鴻; Chen,Wei-Hung
    2013-07-22 紫金礦業與上杭縣之發展 唐平榮; Tang,Pin-Jung
    2013-07-08 區域發展對土地利用變遷之影響-以桃園縣客家地區為例; Regional development impact of land use change-A case study in Taoyuan County Hakka 王鴻宇; Wang,Hung-Yu
    2013-07-04 公私協力參與客家文化生活環境營造之研究 -以桃園縣龍潭鄉水田老屋客庄研究調查計畫為例; The governance of Public-Private Partnership with the environmental engineering plan of Hakka Culture Life: A case study of Hakka style old House and paddy field in Huangtang Village, Longtan Township 吳珮菱; Wu,Pei-Ling
    2013-06-04 我國地方客家事務行政機關文官角色認知與行為之研究:代表性文官理論的觀點; Bureaucratic Role Perception and Behavior of Local Hakka Affairs Agency: A Representative Bureaucratic Perspective 潘蓉慧; Pan,Jung-Hui
    2013-01-29 民眾對客家創作音樂認知之研究-文化迴圈的觀點;The study on the Hakka Popular Music Cognition from the People–Culture Circle Viewpoints 鄧家銘; Teng,Chia-ming
    2013-01-29 政府機關對電子化政府的資訊素養認知與應用:以臺北市及新北市客家行政機關為例;The Awareness and Applications of Information Literacy Towards an E-government at Government Agencies:Exemplified by the Hakka Administrative Agencies in Taipei City and New Taipei City 陳銘泰; Chen,Ming-tai
    2013-01-29 桃園縣平鎮市三官信仰與聚落發展之研究 鄭忠烜; Jheng,Jhong-Syuan
    2012-10-29 從新制度經濟學觀點析探客家產業政策:以客家特色文化加值產業發展計畫為例 李逸婷; Li,Yi-ting
    2012-10-20 年輕世代客家飲食意象調查研究-以中壢地區大學院校學生為例 吳宛樺; Wu,Wan-hua
    2012-10-19 客家桐花祭與日本櫻花祭之比較研究─以文化治理的觀點;The Comparative Study of Hakka Tung Blossom Festival and Japanese Cherry Blossom Festival by Cultural Governance Perspective 朱淳妤; Chu,Chun-yu
    2012-08-29 區域發展對客家聚落之影響─以新竹縣芎林鄉為例;The affects of the Regional development to the Hakka settlement:the case study at the Cyonglin Township,Hsinchu County 邱盈滋; Chiu,Ying-Zih
    2012-07-30 客家節慶活動旅遊效益之研究-以新埔義民節為例;The Study on the Tourism Benefit Generated from Hakka Festival Activities– Taking Xinpu Heroes Festival as an example 張倩斐; Chang,Chien-Fei
    2012-07-26 聯合社區建構效應之社會網絡分析-以桃園縣龍潭社區為例;United community construct the effect of Social Network Analysis - A Case Study of Taoyuan County Longtan community 黃靖芳; Huang,Jing-fang
    2012-07-25 客家族群都會隱形化與公民參與—以臺北市為例;Urban silence and Civic engagement of Hakka Ethnic : A Study of Taipei City 賴彥澄; Lai,Yen-Cheng
    2011-07-29 客籍企業家興業精神之研究; A Study of Entrepreneurship of Hakka Entrepreneurs 黃曉君; Siao-jyun Huang
    2011-07-29 龍潭鄉客家生態旅遊之策略分析; A Strategic Analysis of Hakka-Ecotourism in Longtan 陳治瑋; Chih-wei Chen
    2011-07-27 以跨文化的觀點看商業電視台製播族群語言教學節目—以TVBS「來怡客」為例; Reviewing Ethnical Language Lecturing Programs Produced by Commercial TV Stations from the Cross Culture View Point —Taking TVBS“Lai Yi Ker”as an Example 李孟娟; Meng-chuan Lee
    2011-07-26 客家產業政策成效評估之研究; The Study of Hakka Industry Policy Performance Evaluation 游靖宇; Ching-yu Yu
    2011-07-26 新北市客家社團公民社會化之研究:CIVICUS公民社會指標的初探; The Study on Civil Socialization of New Taipei City Hakka Social Groups:Initial Exploration of Civil Society Index CIVICUS 陳樺潔; Hua-chieh Chen
    2011-07-26 客家地區醫療院所企業社會責任--以天晟醫院推動社區健康營造為例; CSR of hospital in Hakka area--the community health creation plan implemented by Ten-Chen hospital 徐千惠; Chien-hui Hsu
    2011-07-25 客家特色產業的文化價值-以公館紅棗產業為例; The cultural value of Hakka Specialty Industry: A case on Gongguan Ziziphus-Jujuba Industry 徐佳鉉; Chia-Hsuan Hsu
    2011-07-21 2002-2010年臺灣主要報紙對客家桐花報導之研究; A Study of Hakka Tung Blossom Reports in Major Newspapers from 2002 to 2010 in Taiwan 連卜慧; Pu-hui Lien
    2011-07-21 發展客庄聚落文化與生態觀光策略之研擬 以屏東縣萬巒鄉五溝水社區為例 ; The Formulation of the Strategies for Developing Hakka Community Culture and Eco-Tourism: Taking Wugoshuei Community of Wanluan Township, Ping Tong County, as an Example 江覲文; CHIANG CHIN WEN
    2011-07-08 從語言接觸之觀點探討客家聚落的族群互動關係─以新屋鄉笨港村為例; A study of the ethnic interaction of Hakka Village from the Viewpoint of language contact: a case of Ben-Gon Village in Sin-Wu Township 連梓鈞; Tzu-chun Lien
    2011-01-26 新竹金山面聚落產業變遷之研究; A research on industry transition of Hsin-chu chin-shan-mien 游明潔; Ming-chieh Yueview.
    2011-01-18 被遺忘的外省客家移民─ 戰後河婆客的集體記憶與認同之分析 ; The Forgotten Hakka Immigrants from Mainland China--An Anlysis of Collective Memory and Identity of Post-War Hoppo Hakka 藍清水; CHING-SHUI LAN
    2010-11-21 客家社團與溝通媒介之研究—以台灣客家教師協會為例; Hakka association and communication medium operation: A Case Study of the Taiwan Hakka Teacher Association 李中敬; Chung-Ching Lee
    2010-07-30 台北縣客家文化園區經營績效評估之研究--以平衡計分卡觀點NONE 姜尚禮; SHANG-LI CHIANG
    2010-07-27 媒體框架與客家意象之研究—以電影「一八九五」為例 ; A research on media frame and Hakka image — using the case study of movie “Blue Brave— The Legend of Formosa in 1895” as an example 古佳惠; Chia-Hui Ku
    2010-07-25 臺北縣客家社團部門互動與網絡分析之研究 ; A Study network analysis between Hakka association and other departments interactive in Taipei County 李珺樺; Chun-hua Lee
    2010-07-23 桃園縣社區營造組織績效衡量之研究:平衡計分卡的觀點 ; Taoyuan County Community Development Organization Performance Measurement Study by Balanced Scorecard 彭開琼; Kai-Chiung Peng
    2010-07-23 鄉村社區永續發展—以新竹北埔聚落為例 ; Sustainable Development of Rural Community: case of Beipu Settlement in Hsinchu County 蕭宇佳; Yu-Chia Hsiao
    2010-07-20 地方特色產業競爭力之研究-以新埔柿餅為例 ; A research of competitiveness for industries with local characteristics— the case of Hsinpu’s dried persimmon industry 鄧閔文; Min-Wen Deng
    2010-07-02 客家社團成員參與行為意向之研究─以解構式計畫行為理論觀點 ; A Study on the Hakka Community Member’s Behavior Intention for Participation ─ from the Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior’s Perspective 劉建宏; Chien-Hung Liou
    2010-06-24 客語能力認證政策對話之研究—利害關係人觀點 ; A Study on the Policy Dialogue of Hakka Language Proficiency Certification: A stakeholder perspective 黃倖慧; SING-HUEI HUANG
    2009-06-24 政府政策行銷策略成效之研究-以客家桐花祭活動為例; A study of the government’s strategic results of policy marketing, using the Hakka Tung Blossom Festival as an example 邱秀宇; Hsiu-Yu Chiu
    2009-06-24 民眾觀賞客家電視台節目觀感之實證研究; Viewers Watch Hakka Television Programs On The Perception Of Empirical Research 徐巧昀; Chiao-Yun Hsu
    2009-05-26 1987-2008年台灣客家議題發展之研究:以客家雜誌為例; The Development of Taiwan Hakka Issues from 1987 to 2008: A Study on Hakka Magazine 李雅婷; Ya-ting Lee
    2009-01-12 客家與非客家特色學校跨部門合作之研究; A Study on the Cross Sector Collaboration of Hakka and Non-Hakka Featured Schools. 李依錇; Yi-pai Lee
    2009-01-09 香港樂施會與中國非政府組織資源依賴關係之研究─兼論正當性觀點; The Study of Relationship Between Resource Dependence and Legitimacy viewpoint of Oxfam Hong Kong and China NGOs 陳彥蓉; Yen-jung Chen
    2008-10-29 客家地區志工人力資源發展之研究-以老人服務為例; A Study on the Volunteers Human Resource Development of Hakka Area- For the Service of Elders 莊馥慈; Fu-Tzu Chuang
    2008-10-14 客家創意米食產業經營策略之研究-以平衡計分卡觀點; The Management Strategy Research in the Hakka Creative Rice Industries by means of Balanced Scorecard 林均屏; Chun-Ping Lin
    2008-07-04 新加坡當鋪業與客家; Pawnshop And Hakka In Singapore 林瑜蔚; Yu-wei LIn
    2008-06-27 社區政策對地域發展之影響:以新竹縣橫山鄉為例; The Influence of Community Policy on Local Development: A Case Study of Country in Heng-shan. 張瑟玉; Se-Yu Chang

    显示项目51-100 / 116. (共3页)
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