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    2024-08-20 鹿林山大氣汞濃度年際變化分析與可能影響因子探討 蕭伯庭; Hsiao, Po-Ting
    2024-08-12 與槽化相關的GNSS-RO折射率資料品質控管策略及其對強降雨預報影響:2020/05/22大雨個案研究 龍孟偉; Long, Meng-Wei
    2024-08-09 宜蘭地形迴流與冬季降雨機制–無人機觀測與分析 劉豪聯; Lao, Hou-Lun
    2024-08-05 鹿林山春季雲事件之高時間解析雲微物理觀測與分析研究;In-Situ Observations of Cloud Microphysics at Mt. Lulin during Biomass Burning Transport Events in Spring 林伯勳; Lin, Po-Hsun
    2024-07-31 改善國道交通排放量時序分配以提升空品模擬結果;Optimizing the Temporal Distribution of Highway Traffic Emissions to Improve Air Quality Simulations 黃伯聖; Huang, Bo-Sheng
    2024-07-24 哈吉貝颱風(2019)的外眼牆生成機制 郭良裔; Kuo, Liang-Yi
    2024-07-24 軒嵐諾颱風(2022)路徑演變之動力探討 陳品閎; Chen, Pin-Hong
    2024-07-23 A Numerical Investigation of Track and Intensity Evolution of Typhoon Doksuri (2023) 武妙紅; Hong, Vu Dieu
    2024-07-23 Effects of Surface Layer Physics Schemes on the Simulated Intensity and Structure of Typhoon Rai (2021) 黃玄; Huyen, Hoang Thi
    2024-07-23 多部氣膠光達解析臺灣大氣邊界層特性與空氣污染差異之研究;Characteristics of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer and Associated Air Pollution in Taiwan Based on a Multiple Aerosol Lidars Study 王悅晨; Wang, Yueh-Chen
    2024-07-19 漸進式全球暖化下聖嬰的特徵與海氣回饋機制的變化;Changes in El Niño characteristics and air-sea feedback mechanisms under progressive global warming 沈敏樺; Shen, Min-Hua
    2024-07-17 1950至2020全球海溫分布模式及其氣候影響:東部型與中部型ENSO的比較分析;Global Sea Surface Temperature Patterns and the impact of the Climate: A Comparative Analysis of Eastern and Central Pacific ENSO from 1950 to 2020 黃宇冬; Huang, Kevin
    2024-07-17 Prediction of Tropical Cyclogenesis with GNSS RO Data Assimilation through the WRF Hybrid 3DEnVar 范春昀; Quan, Pham Xuan
    2024-07-16 使用四維變分資料同化系統研究 2021 年宜蘭實驗 (YESR)期間的強降水事件;A study of a heavy rainfall event during YESR2021 using a 4DVar data assimilation system 吳孟杰; Wu, Meng-Jie
    2024-07-10 發展GCE暖雨雙矩量微物理參數化方案:理想及真實個案測試 劉鈺均; Liou, Yu-Jyun
    2024-05-24 西北臺灣與東沙島冬季低層噴流特徵研究 陳聖允; Chen, Sheng-Yun
    2024-01-30 2020年宜蘭劇烈降雨實驗期間降雨分布特徵與豪大雨形成機制的探討 洪琳; Hung, Lin
    2024-01-19 The extreme weather climate in northern Vietnam during northern summer;The extreme weather climate in northern Vietnam during northern summer 丁德朵; Tu, Dinh Duc
    2024-01-17 臺灣懸浮微粒之生命週期與年際變化;The Lifecycle and the Interannual Variation of Particulate Matter in Taiwan 傅彥達; Fu, Yen-Ta
    2023-11-09 利用衛星資料探討西北太平洋地區颱風生成之雲微物理特性及降水特徵 朱凱莉; Zhu, Kai-Li
    2023-10-06 求解雷達資料反演熱動力場未知常數之新方法的發展及驗證;The verification of a new method for solving the unknown constants in the retrieved thermodynamic field using multiple radar data 陳思婷; Chen, Szu-Ting
    2023-08-21 全天空影像雲量估算與極短期輻射量預測能力之評估研究;The evaluation research on cloud cover estimation and very short-term radiation forecast capability of all-sky images 吳秉謙; Wu, Bing-Qian
    2023-08-16 嘉義農業帶降水化學特徵分析 邱佳陽; Chiu, Chia-Yang
    2023-08-10 同化雙偏極化雷達差異反射率之方法與影響評估:2021 年宜蘭降雨觀測實驗 IOP2 個案分析;Impact of Assimilating Differential Reflectivity with Different Approaches: 2021YESR #IOP2 Wintertime Rainfall Case Study 張沁全; Chang, Chin-Chuan
    2023-08-07 利用三維回波移動場改善即時降雨預報並建構系集即時預報系統:臺灣梅雨鋒面及秋季降水個案分析 許育蕎; Hsu, Yu-Chiao
    2023-07-28 無人機觀測臺南地區海陸風三維結構 與伴隨之PM2.5演化 洪家呈; Hung, Chia-Cheng
    2023-07-27 Track Evolution of Typhoon Chanthu (2021) near Taiwan as Investigated Using a High-Resolution Global Model 紀雅馨; Chi, Ya-Shin
    2023-07-27 利用模糊邏輯法預報臺灣地區午後對流肇始事件;A Fuzzy Logic Algorithm for Convection Initiation Forecast in Taiwan 李泓寬; Li, Hung-Kuan
    2023-07-26 利用全球模式 TGFS 及 GSI 4DEnVar 探討同化福衛七號 RO 觀測對於颱風預報的影響;Using global model TGFS with GSI hybrid 4DEnVar to investigate the impact of FORMOSAT-7 RO data on Typhoon forecast 洪塘訓; Hong, Tan-Xun
    2023-07-26 使用深度神經網路預測弱綜觀環境下午後強對流及肇始–以WRF系集資料進行系統建置;Using Deep Neural Networks to predict afternoon thunderstorm and initiation under weak synoptic forcing - model development using WRF ensembles 黃展皇; Huang, Chan-Huang
    2023-07-26 評估北台灣S波段雙偏極化雷達定量降水估計垂直修正之效益 劉倩瑜; Liu, Chien-Yu
    2023-07-25 使用X與K波段雷達衰減差反演液態水含量與雷達估計粒徑:模擬實驗與個案研究 林華恩; Lin, Hua-En
    2023-07-21 颱風強度與路徑變化的模擬研究:渦旋初始化與地形作用之影響 林柏辰; Lin, Po-Chen
    2023-07-18 The Dynamic of EP and CP El Ni�o under the Influence of Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation 劉祉筠; Liu, Tzu-Yun
    2023-07-17 多尺度氣候振盪影響ENSO 組合模態與台灣海峽風場的關聯性變化;Link of the ENSO Combination Mode with the Taiwan Strait Wind Field under the Influence of Multi-Scale Climate Oscillations 黃宥菘; Huang, Yu-Sung
    2023-07-04 On the Energetics of Convectively Coupled Kelvin Waves 洪翊彬; Horng, Yi-Bin
    2023-06-08 PBL 發展和山谷風環流對泰北生質燃燒霾害日夜變化的影響;Effects of PBL Development and Mountain-Valley Circulation on Diurnal Variation of Biomass Burning Haze in Northern Thailand 阿彌陀; Bhujel, Amit
    2023-04-26 Madden-Julian Oscillation的大氣雲–輻射效應在全球暖化下的變化;Atmospheric Cloud-Radiative Effect Changes in the Madden-Julian Oscillation under Global Warming 林巧均; Lin, Qiao-Jun
    2023-02-03 利用深度學習之長短期記憶模型預報台灣地面PM2.5濃度;Deep Learning–based LSTM Algorithm in Forecasting Surface PM2.5 concentration in Taiwan 陳瑜; Duy, Tran Huynh
    2023-02-02 西北太平洋海氣熱力環境年代際變化與颱風強度之關係 張倢; Chang, Chieh
    2023-01-13 從衛星觀測看西北太平洋熱帶氣旋快速增強的前兆;On the Precursors to Rapid Intensification of the Tropical Cyclones in the Western North Pacific from Satellite Observations 普傑森; Punay, Jason Pajimola
    2023-01-09 熱帶氣旋的環境參數及其相關地震活動;Environmental parameters on the occurrences of tropical cyclones and the associated seismicity 潘瑞維; Pandey, Ravi Shankar
    2023-01-03 使用基於CMAQ-PMF的綜合指數探討對流層臭氧化學對都市的影響及臭氧減少策略;Urban impacts on tropospheric ozone chemistry and ozone abatement strategy using a CMAQ-PMF-based composite index 鄭顯威; Weui, Jackson Chang Hian
    2022-09-22 台灣周邊中尺度對流系統及綜觀環境特徵統計分析 楊承泰; Yang, Cheng-Tai
    2022-09-21 利用快速更新多重尺度雷達資料同化分析北台灣對流發展;Analyzing the convection development over northern Taiwan using a multi-scale radar data assimilation system with rapid update cycles 劉景岳; Liu, Lawrence Jing-Yueh
    2022-09-15 使用 Himawari-8 AHI 觀測資料結合深度神經網絡估計大氣總可降水量;Estimation of Total Precipitable Water using Deep Neural Network Technique from Himawari-8 AHI Observation 劉佳怡; Liu, Chia-Yi
    2022-09-01 氣象環境對臺灣2018-2021冬春季節PM2.5濃度的影響;Impact of meteorological environment on PM2.5 in Taiwan during the winter-spring season 2018-2021 簡筱臻; Chien, Hsiao-Chen
    2022-08-30 Applying the ensemble singular vector to study the forecast sensitivity of the heavy rainfall event on 2nd June 2017 賴鵬翔; Lai, Peng-Xiang
    2022-08-24 充放電振盪機制在非典型聖嬰演化過程中所扮演的角色;Recharge Oscillator Mechanisms in Two Types of El Niño Modoki 張萍宜; Pimg-Yi, Chang
    2022-08-20 臺灣西南部海洋邊界層垂直結構特性分析;Characteristics of the Vertical Structure of the Marine Boundary Layer at Southwest Taiwan 宋柏璋; Sung, Bo-Jhang

    显示项目1-50 / 535. (共11页)
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