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    2024-08-23 利用航空影像關聯和DSM時間序列測量 台灣西南部車瓜林斷層和旗山斷層之間的地表變形;Measuring ground deformation across the Chegualin and Chishan faults, Southwestern Taiwan, using aerial image correlation and DSM time series 陳愷風; Chen, Kai-Feng
    2024-08-22 以三維地質模型探討台灣西部麓山帶濁水溪南北的地下構造特性;Three-Dimensional Visualization and Structural Analysis of the Area around the Zhuoshui River in the Western Foothill of Taiwan 黃琮錡; Huang, Tsung-Chi
    2024-07-30 利用熱示蹤劑試驗與水-熱數值模式評估海岸帶含水層分層流動特性─ 以桃園海岸帶場址為例;Utilization of in-situ thermal tracer tests and hydro-thermal model to characterize the stratified aquifer systems- a case study in the Taoyuan coastal area 許安誼; Hsu, An-Yi
    2024-07-29 結合異質性地質模型與水-熱數值模式探討台灣宜蘭礁溪溫泉水資源管理;Investigation of sustainable resource management of Taiwan Jiaoxi hot spring by integrating the hydrothermal numerical simulation in a heterogeneous hydrogeological model 陳映涵; Chen, Ying-Han
    2024-07-26 裂隙岩體中跨尺度與複雜單元之地下水流與傳輸模擬;Groundwater Flow and Transport Modeling with Multi-scale and Complicated Units in Fractured Rocks 余允辰; Yu, Yun-Chen
    2024-07-22 Applying the variably saturated flow model to simulate groundwater flow in Pingtung Plain by using THMC software 范氏涵; NHAN, PHAM THI THANH
    2024-07-15 考慮異質性膨潤土內氣體遷移之多相流與力學耦合數值模擬;Numerical Simulation of Coupled Multiphase Fluid Flow and Mechanics for Gas Migration in Bentonite Considering Heterogeneous Distributions 林禹昇; Lin, Yu-Sheng
    2024-07-10 從資料到模型:了解異質性水文地質模型在地球水文學研究中的重要性;From Data to Models: Understanding the Importance of Heterogeneous Hydrogeological Models in Geohydrology Studies 陳德輝; Tran, Duc-Huy
    2024-01-31 異質性水文地質模型於地下水數值模擬之應用——以臺北盆地為例;The Groundwater Numerical Modeling on a 3D Heterogeneous Hydrogeological Model in Taipei Basin, Taiwan 簡佑安; Chien, Yu-An
    2024-01-19 Spatiotemporal Variations of the Skeletal Specific Storage in Choushui River Aquifer System, Taiwan 阮玉清武; Vu, Nguyen Ngoc Thanh
    2024-01-18 台灣南部隱沒帶地震地動預估式之研究;Ground-motion prediction equation for subduction-zone earthquakes in southern Taiwan 劉姸希; Liu, Yen-Hsi
    2024-01-18 發展耦合HMC數值模式以探討地質模型複雜度對海水入侵與地層下陷的影響:以台灣屏東平原為例;Developing a Coupled HMC Model to Investigate the Influences of Geological Model Complexity in Simulating Seawater Intrusion and Land Subsidence: A Case Study in Pingtung Plain, Taiwan Truong, Huu-Duc; Truong, Huu-Duc
    2024-01-11 馬爾可夫隨機場中使用的空間相關因子確定上的尺度效應;Scale effect on the determination of spatial correlation factor used in Markov random field 韓樂懷; HAN, LE HOAI
    2023-12-27 台灣含水層儲蓄回抽場址優選 李柏夆; Li, Bo-Feng
    2023-08-17 結合GEMPY與FLOPY開源模式模擬沿海地區中海淡水相互作用;Integration of GemPy and FloPy packages for modeling seawater and freshwater interactions in coastal aquifers 王新博; Wang, Hsin-Po
    2023-08-17 結合多尺度水力試驗方法評估沿海含水層地下水流動特徵;Characterization of flow in coastal aquifers based on multi-scale hydraulic testing methods. 陳宜璟; Chen, Yi-Jing
    2023-08-16 利用地質剖面探討初鄉活動斷層構造特性;Determination of Structural Characteristics of the Chusiang Active Fault Using Geological Cross-Sections 張中威; Chang, Chung-Wei
    2023-08-15 以高解析度熱示蹤劑試驗解析沿海含水層分層地下水流場與熱傳輸特性;High-Resolution heat tracer test to analysis groundwater flow field and heat transfer characteristic in the coastal aquifer 許家毓; Hsu, Chia-Yu
    2023-08-15 台灣西南部二仁溪緯度一帶活躍變形的西部麓山帶的構造分析;Structural analysis in the actively deforming Western Foothills at the latitude of Erhjen River, Southwestern Taiwan 哈阿里; Aleem, Hassan
    2023-08-15 台灣東北部鼻頭及龍洞地區的正斷層;Normal faults in Bitou and Longdong areas, NE Taiwan 賴品文; Lai, Pin-Wen
    2023-07-24 以愛氏震度分區建立地震誘發山崩潛感羅吉斯回歸 模型以及地震後山崩潛感近及時分析 沈楷庭; Shen, Kai-Ting
    2023-07-24 考慮地質模型與參數不確定性 對Vs30分布圖之影響—以台北盆地測試區為例 林頤謙; Lin, Yi-Cian
    2023-07-24 徑向發散流場移流-延散方程之全解析解 陳緯愷; Chen, Wei-Kai
    2023-07-24 節理岩體滲透係數先天異向性及 應力引致異向性對岩坡穩定性之影響 劉佳怡; Liu, Chia-Yi
    2023-07-20 VS30 Mapping Based on Effective Stress and Void Ratio: Using new Transformation Functions and Adding Data From Boreholes Less Than 30 Meters 林阮氏梅; LINH, NGUYEN THI MAI
    2023-07-20 考慮膠體加速放射性核種衰變鏈多成員核種遷移的數值模式發展;Development of Numerical Model for Colloid-Facilitated Transport of Multiple Members of a Radionuclide Decay Chain 黃昶輔; Huang, Chang-Fu
    2023-07-18 考慮具複雜降解反應途徑與時變函數污染源之三維多污染物傳輸解析解模式;Analytical models of three-dimensional multiple contaminant transport with complex reaction pathways subject to time-dependent source boundary conditions 廖中翊; Liao, Zhong-Yi
    2023-07-12 平滑節理水力與力學內寬的量測-岩石節理之水力力學耦合行為;Measuring the mechanical and hydraulic apertures of smooth, rock joints using porosimeter/permeameter—Viewpoints from hydromechanical couple behaviors 阮玄辛; Nguyen, Xuan Xinh
    2023-06-28 應用 THMC 軟件模擬含水層-滲透性反應性牆系統中的孔隙度降低;Apply THMC software to simulate the porosity reduction in a permeable reactive barrier-aquifer system 阮氏雪欣; Han, Nguyen Thi Tuyet
    2023-05-03 台灣西南部曾文溪一帶跨越西部麓山帶山麓前緣的活動構造及全新世變形速率;Active structures and Holocene deformation rates across the piedmont of the Western Foothills, Tsengwen River, southwestern Taiwan 陳長志; Chen, Chang-Chih
    2023-02-02 Investigation on the Influences of Various Complexity of Hydrogeological Models on Pore Water Pressure Buildup Triggered by Seismic Wave Propagation 馬金寧; Marginingsih, Agustina Shinta
    2023-02-02 台灣西南部滾水坪的構造活動性和泥火山機制;Tectonic activity and mud volcanism at Gunshuiping, Southwestern Taiwan 阮國桃; Nguyen, Ngoc-Thao
    2023-02-01 臺灣西南部車瓜林斷層之斷層岩石及變形機制;Fault rocks and deformation mechanism of the Chegualin active fault in SW Taiwan 莊承家; Jhuang, Cheng-Jia
    2023-01-17 The impact of climate conditions and pumping strategies on the groundwater system in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam 阮金鴻; Hung, Nguyen Kim
    2023-01-17 以水-力耦合模式探討不同複雜度地質模型對地層下陷模擬之影響—以雲林地區為例;The influence of geological models with different complexity on land subsidence simulation based on a coupled hydro-mechanical model – a case study in Yunlin County 楊詠涵; Yang, Yung-Han
    2023-01-13 A Three-Step Time-Series Method for Assessing the Barometric Efficiency in the Donggang River Watershed, Taiwan 阮雅静; Nguyen, Thi-Rin-Gan
    2023-01-13 Assessment of future climate change impacts on streamflow and groundwater by hydrological modeling in the Choushui River Alluvial Fan, Taiwan 吳氏馬林; LINH, NGO THI MY
    2022-09-28 中滑移速度下高嶺石的製動效果(速度強化);Braking effect (velocity- strengthening) of Kaolinite under intermediate slip velocities 陳愛美; Khoa, Tran Huynh
    2022-09-16 雲林縣中部不同含水層地下水抽取沉降數值模擬;Numerical simulation of subsidence induced by groundwater pumping at different aquifers in the central Yunlin county 阮美仙; Tien, Nguyen Thi My
    2022-08-29 整合河床出入滲試驗與數值模擬探討東港溪流域地下水與 河川交換量季節特徵;Combining river recharge and discharge experiments and numerical simulation to discuss the seasonal interactions between groundwater and river water in Donggang river watershed 莊信宏; Jhuang, Sin-Hong
    2022-08-22 利用曾文溪沿岸階地及碳14定年法分析臺灣西南部崙後斷層及口宵里斷層之活動特性;Analyzing the Holocene activity of the Lunhou fault and Kouhsiaoli fault in southwestern Taiwan based on the Tsengwen River terraces 石智偉; Shih, Jhih-Wei
    2022-08-16 多污染物遷移與健康風險評估計算軟體開發;Development of a computer software for migration of multiple contaminants and health risk assessment 陳琤雯; Chen, Cheng-Wen
    2022-08-10 考慮限制速率吸附的多NAPL污染源含氯溶劑污染物與其降解生成產物遷移新解析模式發展 陳逸賢; Chen, Yi-Hsien
    2022-08-03 利用耦合馬可夫鏈率定沉積物之水平側向延伸參數 -以臺北盆地兩處研究區為例 潘啟平; Pan, Chi-Ping
    2022-07-21 不同滑移速度下高嶺土摩擦係數-剪位移曲線探討:從鐵氟龍汙染與微觀構造切入 黃柏崴; Huang, Po-Wei
    2022-07-20 應用遙測影像與數值模式分析越南湄公河出海口區域海岸線變遷特性;Application of Remote Sensing Technique and Numerical Model to Characterize Shoreline Variations in the Coastal area of Mekong River Estuaries, Vietnam 武宏山; Son, Vo Hong
    2022-02-18 走向單一路徑地動預估式;Toward Single-Path Ground Motion Prediction Equation 高嘉謙; Gao, Jia-Cian
    2022-01-25 污染物與其降解生成產物多物種傳輸半解析解;A two-dimensional semi-analytical model for multispecies transport of the contaminant and its degradation-related products subject to rate-limited sorption 阮秋媛; Uyen, Nguyen Thi Thu
    2022-01-25 褶皺逆衝帶砂岩中的變形條帶:台灣中部集集攔河堰下游晚上新世至早更新世卓蘭層砂岩;Fold-thrust belt-related deformation bands in porous sandstone: A study on the late Pliocene to early Pleistocene Cholan sandstone downstream of Chichi weir, Central Western Taiwan 阮氏蘭芝; Chi, Nguyen Thi Lan

    顯示項目1-50 / 378. (共8頁)
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