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    2024-07-26 應用層級分析法探討新產品開發關鍵成功因素之研究–以S公司為例 陳依蓮; CHEN, YI-LIEN
    2024-07-25 應用 DBSCAN 演算法以提升生產線 UPH 驗證準確率 徐立宇; HSU, LI YU
    2024-07-24 ODM電子公司之供應鏈垂直整合研究-以D公司為例;Supply Chain Vertical Integration of ODM electronics companies — A Case Study of Company D 王泰元; Wang, Tai-Yuan
    2024-07-23 快閃記憶體採購策略改善- 以S公司為研究對象;Improvement of Flash Memory Procurement Strategy – A Case Study of Company S 張靜渝; Chang, Ching-Yu
    2024-07-23 運用六標準差手法於產品稽核流程之改善-以面板業 G 公司為例;Applying Six Sigma Methodology for Improvement in Product Audit Process: A Case Study of Company G in the Panel Industry 黃琬婷; Huang, Wan-Ting
    2024-07-23 製藥業連續製程可行性之外部環境評估;Assessing the Impacts of External Environments on the Feasibility of Continuous Manufacturing in the Pharmaceutical Industry 阮健銘; Ruan, Jian-Ming
    2024-07-23 應用AHP層級分析法於原料藥製造公司 生產決策探討-以C公司為研究對象;Applying Analytic Hierarchy Process in Production Decision-Making for an API Manufacturing Company: A Case Study of Company C 葉育如; Yeh, Yu-Ju
    2024-07-22 以優先級排程模式建立排程自動化模組提高準交率-以I公司為例 呂世暐; Lu, Shih-Wei
    2024-07-22 半導體設備商因應歐盟碳邊境調整機制之供應商遴選模式;Modifying Supplier Selection Modes for Semiconductor Equipment Firms to Cope with EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) 簡敏捷; Chien, Min-Chieh
    2024-07-22 快遞轉運中心以風光互補發電提升電動車隊用電之綠能佔比;Using Onsite Generation of Hybrid Renewable Energy to Increase the Usage of Green Energy for Logistics Hubs’ EV Fleets. 唐福亨; Tang, Fu-Heng
    2024-07-22 智慧工廠舉措以實現淨零 -以紡織加工業 F 公司為例;The Measures of Smart Factory Practices on Net Zero Emissions: Case Study of Company F in the Textile Industry 謝瑜恬; Hsieh, Yu-Tien
    2024-07-22 零件保養頻率與更換週期之探討 林逢達; Lin, Feng-Ta
    2024-07-17 健全之零件採購作業對品項管理的價值 - 以汽車業為例 徐忠義; HSU, CHUNG-YI
    2024-07-11 伺服器利用組件進行節能之評估 – 以Z公司為例 吳宇媜; Wu, Yu-Zhen
    2024-07-10 電子與機構料件的深度學習缺料預測模型及與MRP系統關係研究-以A公司為例;Research on deep learning material shortage prediction models for electronic and mechanical components and their relationship with MRP system - An example using Company A. 陳詡衣; CHEN-XU-YI
    2024-07-10 應用排程自動化於更精準預測訂單交期-以T公司為例 陳姵伶; Chen, Pei-Ling
    2024-07-09 基於決策樹模型分析EDA軟體數據及IC package設計Out Spec原因並加速設計週期-以R公司為例;Analyzing EDA Software Data and Identifying Out-of-Spec Causes in IC Package Design Using Decision Tree Models to Accelerate the Design Cycle: A Case Study of Company R 高毓彤; Kao, Yu-Tung
    2024-07-09 貨品前置交期縮短探討;Discuss the shortening lead time of goods 呂瑋珊; Lu, Wei-Shan
    2024-07-03 自動化組裝線效益分析及試產改善之研究—以I公司PCBA組裝線改造為例 謝百彥; Hsieh, Pai-Yen
    2024-07-03 應用深度學習法辨識電路主機板插線問題-以X公司為例 陳駿凱; Chen, Chun-Kai
    2024-07-01 應用零件模組化提升少量多樣客製化生產韌性之研究-以W公司為例 宋宛儒; SUNG, WAN-RU
    2024-06-28 學習曲線在產品模組製造的應用;The Application of Learning Curve on Product Modular Manufacturing 彭淑蒂; Peng, Shu-Di
    2024-06-04 應用精實生產與限制理論於生產效率改善 -以S公司之變壓器製造為研究對象;Application of Lean Production and Theory of Constraints in Improving Production Efficiency - A Case Study of Transformer Manufacturing at Company S 卓潤德; Cho, Jun-Te
    2024-06-03 汽車組裝線之生產效率改善-以G公司為研究對象;Improvement of Production Efficiency in Automobile Assembly Lines - A Case Study of Company G 歐德淯; Ou, Te-Yu
    2024-05-21 以AHP法和QFD法探討製藥廠對於物料供應商評估指標的研究-以製藥廠E廠為例;A Study on Evaluation Indices of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers for Material Suppliers Using AHP and QFD Methods: A Case Study of Pharmaceutical Plant E 蕭盛鴻; Hsiao, Sheng-Hung
    2024-05-21 以AHP層級分析法探討影響管理系統流程規劃評估之關鍵因素 黃庭瑄; Huang, Ting-Hsuan
    2024-05-21 利用資料分析結合六標準差進行生產損耗改善 潘昀楷; Pan, Yun-Kai
    2024-05-21 設備製造業之物料預測及購買物料之風險評估探討-以T公司為例 蔡湘凌; Tsai, Shiang Ling
    2024-03-29 應用資料探勘提升伺服器CPU熱流驗證效能;Applying data mining to enhance efficiency for the thermal validation of server CPU 葉博仁; Yeh, Po-Jen
    2023-07-21 金屬製造產業導入工業4.0之規劃與試行 -以Y公司為例 徐一峰; Hsu, Yi-Feng
    2023-07-21 運用系統模擬減少半導體封裝製程時間及訂單延遲;Applying System Simulation to Reduce Semiconductor Packaging Process Time and Order Delays 黃凱群; Huang, Kai-Chun
    2023-06-19 評選半導體設備產業供應商之研究;On the Supplier Evaluation and Selection of Semiconductor Equipment Industry Supplier 劉彥葶; Yen-Ting, Liu
    2023-06-19 層級分析法對供應商評選的研究 –以網通產業D公司為例 黃振傑; Huang, Cheng-Chieh
    2023-06-19 應用 QC STORY 結合 TRIZ 理論改善自動化測試良率 –以網通產業D公司為例 蔡政遠; Tsai, Cheng-Yuan
    2023-06-16 企業制定及實踐ESG 永續發展策略之研究-以台積電為例;On the Formulation and Implementation of ESG Sustainable Development Strategy - TSMC as a Case Study. 范文玉; Fan, Wen-Yu
    2023-06-15 以實獲值管理提升國防專案收入認列品質及可靠性 蘇琳雅; Su, Lin-Ya
    2023-06-12 IC載板廠ABF烤箱Stocker生產模式探討-以U公司為研究對象;IC Substrate manufacturer ABF oven stocker production mode -A case study of company U 張宇震; Chang, Yu-Chen
    2023-06-12 包裝材料供應商評選之研究 -以半導體封測產業為例;Evaluation and Selection of Packaging Material Suppliers - Semiconductor Assembly and Testing Industry as An Example 李志洋; Li, Jhih-Yang
    2023-06-09 區域性組裝廠優化入料增加庫存管理效益-以I公司為例 呂惠雯; Lu, Hui-Wen
    2023-06-08 筆記型電腦代工產業運輸選擇之最佳化模型 -以X 公司為例;Transport Mode Selection Optimization for Notebook PC Production Industry-Using X company as an example 陳雪芬; Chen, Hsueh-Fen
    2023-06-08 運用CTB進行長短料庫存管理-以消費性電子產品為例 張詩婕; Chang, Shih-Chieh
    2023-06-06 固態電池製造廠之最佳生產排程-以P公司為例 梁信偉; Liang, Hsin-Wei
    2023-06-06 醫療器材業設計驗證與確效流程管理;Design Verification and Validation Process Management in Medical Device Industry 陳岳璣; Chen, Yuehchi York
    2023-06-05 IC載板公司之供應商管理與評估研究 – 以A公司為研究個案;Supplier Management and Evaluation for IC Substrate Companies - A Case Study of Company A 陳信曄; Chen, Shin-Yeh
    2023-06-05 應用集群分析縮短記憶體模組換線時間-以A公司為研究對象;Application of Cluster Analysis to Reduce Memory Module Changeover Time - A Case Study of Company A 何少康; Ho, Shao-Kang
    2023-06-02 存貨模式於擬定訂購策略之探討-以半導體封測業之基板為例;Research of inventory model in purchasing strategy-A case study of substrate in semiconductor packaging industry 吳思瑩; Wu, Sih-Ying
    2023-06-02 運用限制理論於記憶體模組公司之訂單交付流程優化-以A公司為例;Optimizing the order delivery process of a memory module company using constraint theory - A case study of Company A 劉惠薰; Liu, Hui-Hsun
    2023-05-30 運用六標準差DMAIC於ERP訂單作業流程的改善 – 以E公司為研究個案;Use Six-Sigma methodologies to improve ERP order operation process efficiency – A case study of the E company 李宜穎; LEE, YI-YIN
    2023-05-24 OBM廠切入領導品牌之機會與可行性評估-以S公司為例;Feasibility assessment of OBM to enter leading brand - A case study of S Company 姚雅月; Yao, YaYue
    2023-05-24 運用LSTM與RNN模型預測多點位溫度–以藥品自動化恆溫倉(AS/RS)為例;Temperature forecasting with key spots by LSTM and RNN - A case study of Pharmaceutical air-conditional AS/RS 蔡念純; Tsai, Nien-Chun

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