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    顯示項目251-300 / 566. (共12頁)
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    2014-07-03 員工工作家庭措施感知與工作滿意之關聯-以知覺組織支持為中介變數;The impact of perceptions of work-family practices on job satisfaction - Perception of organizational support as a mediator 蕭宇翔; Hsiao,Yu-hsiang
    2014-07-02 工作家庭衝突對創新行為之影響-以工作滿意為中介變項;The impact of work-family conflict on employee innovative behavior - job satisfaction as a mediator 周姵君; Chou,Pei-june
    2014-07-02 工作彈性氣候對員工工作滿意之影響-以工作要求、工作資源感知為中介;The impact of job flexibility climate on job satisfaction - The perceptions of job demand and job resources as mediators. 彭吉願; Peng,Chi-Yuan
    2014-07-02 主動性人格、友善環境對工作家庭增益的影響;The Impact of Proactive Personality, Enabling Environment to the Work-Family 吳雅雯; Wu,Ya-Wen
    2014-07-01 工作家庭措施與工作家庭氣候對家庭工作衝突之影響--以組織支持感知為中介;The Impact of Work-Family Practices and Work-Family Climate on Family-Work Conflict: Perceived Organizational Support as a Mediator. 林町達; Lin,Ting-Ta
    2014-06-25 高等教育機構行政人員績效管理制度之探討-以某國立大學為例;Performance Management of Administration Staff in Higher Education- A Case Study of One National University 謝玫芳; Hsieh,Mei-Fang
    2014-06-23 分紅制度導入及績效管理制度之診斷分析-以某製藥公司為例 施春慈; Shih,Chun-tzu
    2014-06-23 績效考核流程之建立與導入—以A公司為例;A Study on the Building and Implementation of Performance Appraisal System — A Case Study of Company A 何佳芸; Ho,Chia-yun
    2014-01-27 職業適性對工作績效影響之探討-以W公司業務單位人員為例 陳柔奕; Chen,Jou-Yi
    2014-01-23 台灣企業社會責任之實踐對員工工作滿意度之影響-以工作要求為調節變數 周代偉; CHOU-TAI-WEI
    2013-09-30 研發人員工作價值觀對創業生涯導向之影響; The Study of Work Values and Career Orientation on Entrepreneurship of High-tech R&D personnels in Taiwan 黃蕙媛; Hwang,Hui-yuan
    2013-07-26 工作績效、個人與主管配適與主管晉升力評分的關聯性; The correlation of supervisor promotability ratings between job performance and person and supervisor fit 顏名蔚; Yen,Ming-wei
    2013-07-25 領導-部屬交換關係與主管晉升力評分的關聯性:以主管知覺組織支持和領導-領導交換關係為調節變項; The relationship between leader-member exchange and promotability: The moderating effects of supervisors’ perceived organizational support and leader-leader exchange 翁光瑩; Weng,Kuang-Ying
    2013-07-24 部屬認知之管理教練技能與部屬當責認知之關聯性探討 陳淑娟; Chen,Shu-Chuan
    2013-07-23 部屬認知之主管管理教練技能與部屬工作承載之關聯性探討; The relationship between subordinates perceived managerial coaching skills and subordinates’ career self-management- career resilience as a mediator. 龐琪; CHI,PANG
    2013-07-22 台灣企業多元化管理初探; The Preliminary Study of Taiwan Corporate Diversity Management 馬美麗; Ma,MeiI-Li
    2013-07-22 身障人員與一般員工之工作滿意度與離職意願分析 陳勝榮; Chen,Sheng-Jung
    2013-07-22 要派公司人力資源措施支持程度與派遣人員離職傾向之關係探討 廖哲偉; Liao,Che-wei
    2013-07-22 高階薪酬結構對企業社會責任實踐的影響; The Impact of Executive Compensation on Corporate Social Responsibility Implementation 達文祺; Da,Wen Chi
    2013-07-22 部屬認知之主管管理教練技能與部屬工作承載、當責之關聯性探討; The study of the relationship among Managerial Coaching Skills, Employees Workload and Accountability 陳立華; Chen,Li-Hwa
    2013-07-22 經理團隊多元化與企業績效之關聯性以最終控制權為調節變項 李雯雯; Lee,Wen-Wen
    2013-07-22 董事會監督、高階激勵薪、多角化策略; The Influence of Outside Directors, Incentive Salary for High-Rank Managers, and The Diversification Strategy, on Organizational Employment Stability. 鄭維芸; Cheng,Wei-Yun
    2013-07-19 人格特質與藥廠業務人員工作績效之相關性研究; A study of the relationship between personality traits and job performance of sales representatives in Pharmaceutical industry 張淑君; Chang,Shu-Chun
    2013-07-19 董事會成員多元化對企業績效之影響-以人力資本為調節變項 江慧玲; Chiang,Hui Ling
    2013-07-19 適應性績效對晉升力評分之影響- 以LMX及關係年資為調節變項; The study of the relationship between adaptive performance and promotability ratings: The moderating effects of LMX and relationship tenure 沈俊吟; Shen,Chun-Yin
    2013-07-16 部屬認知之主管管理教練技能與部屬後設認知之關聯性探討 廖健宏; Liao,Ching-Hung
    2013-07-10 台灣LED產業實行企業社會責任之探討-以E公司為例; The research of executing &quot;Corporate Social Responsibilit&quot; in Taiwan-A Case Study on Company E 莊笠笛; Chuang,Li-di
    2013-07-10 就讀動機、個人特質、工作滿意度與實習生留任意願關係研究-以產學攜手專班為例 翁昭漢; Weng,Chao-Han
    2013-07-08 企業人力資源E化系統的規劃與導入-以A公司為例; Planning and Implementation of Human Resource Information System 林玉慈; Lin,Yu-tau
    2013-07-08 員工對企業社會責任知覺、組織認同與組織公民行為之關聯性 -以台電公司區營業處為例 張桂瑛; CHANG,KUEI-YING
    2013-06-28 影響員工留任意願之因素探討:以某國際觀光飯店為例 陳奕棋; Chen,Yi-chi
    2013-05-01 102年人力資源管理研究所在職專班-管理個案分析-入學考試題 人力資源管理研究所在職專班
    2013-01-17 管理教練技能對員工職涯自我管理之影響-以生涯自我效能為中介變項 陳婉蓉; Chen,Wan-Jung
    2013-01-16 管理教練技能對員工工作焦慮之關聯性—以對主管信任為中介變項;The relationship between managerial coaching skill and employee’s job anxiety – the mediating effect of trust in managers 黃莉芙; Huang,Li-fu
    2012-12-28 任務性、脈絡性及適應性績效對晉升力之影響; 俞志緯; Yu,Chih-wei
    2012-07-26 徒弟對導師的信任對正式化師徒功能的影響─以權力距離為干擾變項;Impact of Protege's Trust to Formal Mentoring Functions : Power Distance as a Moderator 胡淑惠; Hu,Shu-Hui
    2012-07-26 管理教練技能對員工工作焦慮之影響—以員工外在制握信念為中介變項;The relationship between managerial coaching skill and employee’s job anxiety – the mediating effect of employee’s external control 劉憶先; Liu,Yatsen
    2012-07-25 目標導向與尋求回饋行為關連性之研究-以個人/集體主義為調節變項;The study of the relationship between goal orientation and feedback-seeking behavior: The moderating effects of individualism/collectivism. 郭立欣; Kuo,Li-hsin
    2012-07-24 管理教練技能對員工工作投入之影響─以員工心理賦能為中介變項;The study of the relationship between managerial coaching skill and employee job involvement─the mediating effect of employee psychological empowerment. 洪瑋齡; Hung,Wei-Ling
    2012-07-22 人力資源管理措施對工作態度之影響探討-以台灣高鐵為例;The impact of human resource management measures on work attitude – Case study of THSRC 林靜怡; Lin,Ching-Yi
    2012-07-20 建構分公司經理人之管理職能模型及潛能人才評量標準-以某證券公司為例;Establish the Competence Model and Potential Talent Evaluation Standard of the Branch Manager- Take a Securities Company as a case 蘇惠莉; Su,Hui-Li
    2012-07-20 董事團隊多元特性與組織績效關聯之研究─董事團隊成效中介效果檢驗;Board Diverse and Firm Performance Associated ─ the Effectiveness of the Board as mediator 彭成美; Peng,Chen-Mei
    2012-07-19 績效考核作業工作流程再造與e化預期效益分析之研究-K實業公司為例;Benefit Analysis on Business Process Reengineering applies in Performance Appraisal-K Industrial Company as an example 蔡優澤; Tsai,Yu-tso
    2012-07-18 社會人際行為模式測驗與工作績效間關連性之探討;Study of the relationship between interpersonal behaviour pattern test and work performance 蔡成昌; Tsai,Cheng-chang
    2012-07-17 矩陣式組織績效管理資訊系統建置預期效益評估之研究-以N公司為例;The Research of the Expected Efficiency of the Establishment of Matrix Organization Performance Management System- Take N Company as a Case 楊義珍; Yang,Yi-Chen
    2012-07-16 工作價值觀、組織承諾對人資人員離職傾向影響之探討;Discussion of effective impact by work values and organizational commitment towards turnover tendency from human resource staff. 黃民鵬; Huang,Min-peng
    2012-07-16 以工作滿意為中介變項探討工作投入與其主管領導適配度之關聯性;Using Job Satisfaction as the Mediation Variable to Explore the Relationship between Employees’ Job Involvement and the Style of the Manager’s Leadership 陳淑芬; Chen,Shu-fen
    2012-07-16 企業導入電子化招募管理系統之滿意度及效益分析;The Satisfaction and Efficiency Analysis of Implementing the E-Recruiting Management System to Enterprise 薛靖勳; Hsueh,Ching-Hsuan
    2012-07-13 五大人格特質量表之效度驗證-以某遊戲公司為例;The Validation of Big-five Personality Inventory 彭盈潔; Peng,Ying-chieh

    顯示項目251-300 / 566. (共12頁)
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